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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. diva

    diva CH Dog

    How do you know that? Have you ever bought a dog from him?
  2. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I don't know about that, i've heard that TG is pretty picky in terms of who he gives his dogs to
  3. Michele

    Michele Guest

    28 litters a year? Look how much money this guy makes off the dogs. He is not breeding to better the breed. He's breeding for money. The only difference from him and lets say, a BYB is he has more money so it looks all foo foo....

    And no, I never bought a dog from him. I don't own a ABPT and when I decide to get one, it will be from a shelter.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  4. Attila

    Attila Guest

    BoiBoi that is a good question. I suppose I don't see the size of the yard as the issue but the reason and dogs that are in it. You can have one dog that is worth breeding or not and you can have 50 that are not as well. I wonder what the stats are for some large yards. How many good produced to how many ehh not so good or average. I wonder if the smaller yard by laws of averages do better or not. I know a small yard, if doing it right has little room for error in that respect. One has to make damn sure their breedings count. not the how many but the why
  5. pittfallin

    pittfallin Top Dog

    i cant believe that someone didnt pick up on this....reading that almost pissed me off.

    please dont breed your dog, your not only hasnt done anything to be bred...ANYTHING...no show no weight pull, nothing
    its just another big blue razors edge dog making it had for people that try to impeove the opionions of blue dogs...
  6. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    Damn in the time it took me to get all my dogs out on thier chains this thread jumped from 1 page to 5 !! Now I gotta read all five pages so I don't repeat something someone else said!
  7. pittfallin

    pittfallin Top Dog

    im sorry to act like a jackass but i feel like hell this morning. ...
  8. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I see what u mean and it makes perfect sense. Now what about this, what about people who have bought themselves some proven stock and start breeding and selling pups, is that wrong or is it ok because of the quality of the dogs.
  9. pittfallin

    pittfallin Top Dog

    good question, ive wondered these thinkgs before but didnt know how to ask
  10. Attila

    Attila Guest

    You don't know what he breeds for unless you have sat on his yard.

    I wouldn't get anything from a shelter. That is just cleaning up after some shit breeder. I am not going to help them at all no matter how indirect it is.
  11. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Once again it is the why they are breeding. Are you producing to expand your own yard or better it and better some others. Or are you just pumping out pups to make a profit.
  12. Michele

    Michele Guest

    You are right. I should not make assumptions unless I do sit on his yard.

    As far as shelter dogs, we have to agree to disagree on that. I understand where you are coming from, but so many of them get PTS....it breaks my heart.
  13. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Ok well what if they are doing a little bit of both, keeping some and selling some
  14. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I can understand if you are producing to expand your own yard. Pumping out pups for money is a big no-no in my book.

    I do know a dog woman and her dogs are awesome. That would be my only other option, besides a shelter if I was going to get a ABPT.
  15. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    There are too damn many "pit bulls" as it is. I do not care about the quality so much of the dogs you are peddlin' off, but you damn sure better hand them off to the right people or keep them on your own yard.

    To me a peddler does not have to sell soley for money, and they can have the best of intentions and the best examples of the bulldog breed. However they are close-minded or ignorant about the plight of the breed and are happy to hand dogs off to any Tom, Dick, or Jon. This includes friends & family.

    BoiBoi, I agree with you. This double standard is disheartening. However, I cannot comment on TG's breeding practices as I am not familiar with them. 28 litters a year IS excessive, no matter who you are.
  16. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I thought I touched on this one but I will say again

    if they are doing it to improve on their and other yards. I don't see any reason they can't sell a good dog, prospect or even a pup for that matter. So long as they are not out just to make more dogs. If I have not made a breeding that I believe that will produce fine dogs then what have I gained? I don't make any money doing this but I am not a big shot either. don't want to be. I don't like company that much. but there are those people that just change the course of time with their dogs. The Earl Tudor's of the world of dogs. Davis, Boudreaux, and so on. Then there are the lesser ones that made a name too. Then down to the somebody's that had the hear into it and just to keep a good yard running. I don't see any thing wrong with selling a "good" dog. A well established prospect or a pup that has high hopes. But to just let two dogs screw and toss pups to sell them for the hell of it thinking your going to make something doing so isn't worth a shit. I don't think any more of Those like Earl Tudor than I do some of our fine members. I do think less of some one breeding dogs that will never amount to shit, the parents were not worth a shit, grand parents not worth a shit. It is like wtf dudes what is the point. There are those that are big that I wouldn't give a dime for their dogs. and there are some small ones that I would trade my left nut for. It isn't the size of the yard it is what is in it that matters. I have had pleanty of dogs that I have never bred and only a few that I have. More not than do. For one thing I don't feel that there are many people worthy of this breed. Many of those that do should not. You probably would pick out the same ones as I that shouldn't even own a stuffed toy. Or breed any thing including themselves.
  17. chris66

    chris66 Pup

    What people here are saying is that the blood of the true American pitbull is getting diluted and there are too many who breed without the knowledge and ekspertise needed to breed great dogs that further the blood line...

    I am going to breed only when i have true and tested dogs and with the help of pros that insure that i have only the finest and bravest litters.

    Just look at the dogs they are passing of as pitbulls these days fat little hippos not capable of sport in anyway. pitbulls are the greatest dogs alive becuse they have been breed right and a skilled few have loved the true blood.

    many pits today are nothing but show of dogs for wannabe gangsters and for people that want to look tuff.
    Ithink that none of the people here are trying to diss you maxim or anybody else who are amatures but for the love of god think before you breed or we all will end up with little hippos and just a faint memory of the trully greatest dog ever to walk this earth.....
  18. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Well they are not going to give you a dog. Shit even a shelter charges you someting and those dogs are paperless and worthless for show. It is fine if you are only out for some pet. But to me the shelters are full of culls. That is my oppinion like it or not. I don't agree to picking one breed to cull. I think they all should be or none should be. No exceptions
  19. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    I am not convinced that he is not bettering the breed,,from what I have seen he puts out some nice dogs and he has very nice stock,,,I believe that TG knows what he is doing,,been in it a long time,,,alot of shelters are not adopting out APBTs and then you really do not know what you are getting,,as far as agressiveness,,unless you are able to get a hold of a puppy,,28 litters a year is alot,,I do agree with that,,,is that factual?
  20. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Well thats that. People will be people and will have the free will to do damn near anything they wish, which kinda sux because it just add's to the problem but what can u do, i guess just research and study the hell out of a breeder before u commit to a pup, good stuff

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