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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. laurah54

    laurah54 Pup

    I agree with this. The Large Kennel you guys were talking about someone said they produce game bred dogs and sell most their dogs to people out of the country where dog fighting is legal. what exactly is a Game dog?
  2. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    A dog that would whoop your ass on the Xbox.
  3. game_test

    game_test Top Dog

    i think it matters who you are, and what credentials you have to do what you are doing. i wouldnt try to go race cars i dont have any idea about it. wouldnt try selling used ones either, dont know how, wouldnt be very good at it due to lack of experience. same principal goes with everything.
  4. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    The APBT was not created to take down bulls. The old time bulldogs were used for bullbaiting and when that was made illegal they started crossing the bulldogs with terrier breeds to create the APBT for Dog Fighting.
  5. laurah54

    laurah54 Pup

    What do you think bullbaiting is? Its when a dog fastens itself around the bulls snout and the bull lays down... sorry if i wan't clear before
  6. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Um have u ever been around an angry bull, they don't just lay down and many dogs were killed by bulls back then, shoot probably far more than by dogfighting
  7. laurah54

    laurah54 Pup

    I am not talking about doing this for sport, i am talking about the farmers who owned bulls and their dogs. This was what they were bred for, not for people's entertainment.

    DED_GAME Pup

    You talking about a small part of their history that goes way back, they have since then been bred for dog fighting.

    And your earlier post about, "what is a game dog?" well you should do some research, their is alot of these dogs history that you need to learn. good luck, this is the site to learn it.
  9. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    Well, thats debatable... we have another thread going on about that.

    Anyway, responsible breeding is purely a matter of opinion. We all have our standards and they differ among culture, knowledge and experience. So, the definition of peddling will obviously differ as well.

    To me, people who post breedings on here, the arrival of pups, or even have websites aren't peddlers. A puppy peddler will give out contact information every chance they get and post breedings looking for interested buyers instead of just "showing off."

    As far as outside of the internet and this board, without personally communicating with a breeder, its hard to judge. TG has produced a lot of dogs, good ones and great ones, BUT his lines are everywhere. He is pumping out pups like mad and may be making a lot of money off of his dogs, but at least all that money seems to go right back into them. I can respect that. However, I don't have a whole lot of respect for people who let their blood get into the hands of so many people so easily. So would I call him a peddler? Not exactly. Would I call him a responsible breeder? Again, not quite.
  10. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Laura, you are thinking of the old bulldogs, originally called butcher's dogs. They had no terrier in them. Thier jobs were helping the butcher with his bulls. A job they perfected when they were used in an arena to take down a bull, the sport of the time.
    During this time, farmers also used terriers for catching rats. They held contests for those too. An English White Terrier (now extinct) held the record for number of rats killed in a certain time frame.
    Around about this same time, bull baiting was outlawed because it was considered cruel. This is when dog fighting became popular. Someone decided to breed the butcher's dogs and the terriers together. This made a dog with the bulldog's strength and the terriers speed and tenacity, a better competitor in the pit. This was in England over 100 years ago. The APBT today, is a decendant of those crosses made in England.
  11. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    The thing I dont like about history is this, the facts change depending upon which historian you speak to. I for one, studying biblical history, exp. around the time of Christ, have found three different historians that have three different perspectives, three different accounts, and three different conclusions.

    Thing is, to know history, you must not only know facts. If you were on one side of a building, and I on another, we'd be seing the same building, but our views would describe what would seem to be different buildings, all the time being the same one. So we must look at facts through the glasses of the world view of the era and place we are speaking of. In reality, to say that farmers used these dogs originally to lay a bull down is quite hard to believe, considering that many places people were not land owners, but basically poor sharecroppers. The history which I have heard and makes sense to me is the fact that the Lord's of the land were allowed to have mastiffs, but no peasant was. So they hid the fact of having a strong dog under the pretense of it being a terrier. they were smaller than the mastiffs, and were able to go undetected.
    As to the bull baiting, this was clearly a sport. google it on the internet and you will see what it means.

    It sounds to me, honestly, that you are a humaniac, who has bought into the belief that these dogs, if left to themselves would lie down together and be wonderfull. Thing is, Mary Poppins died, and you must get over it. I suggest you take the cotton out of your ears, put it in your mouth and learn something, or pick up your weapon and make a stand!

    Either you are a humaniac, or a cop trying to bait folks into saying something that you can twist into doing what you really want to do, which is to kill our dogs.

    If I am wrong, I am sorry, but I am just stating what I see.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  12. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    LOL damn i don't think i have enough rep points to give u for this post lol good job
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  13. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    She does sound very fishy, glad you called her out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  14. Michele

    Michele Guest

    you can call someone out, but you don't have to be mean about it....
  15. SAM_I_AM

    SAM_I_AM Big Dog

    are you guilty too, I only ask because I didnt find that anyone was being 'mean' as you put it!:D
  16. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I think this is kind of harsh, don't you?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  17. Michele

    Michele Guest

    It's better to teach the breeds history to someone who might not know...then call them a tree hugger......

    I got called that when i first came here.....but i'm now addicted to the board and have learned alot from it.
  18. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    I certainly do... I think this person is just a newbie that has a LOT to learn. Just about everyone was at that point at some time. Thats no reason to call someone any of what was posted above.
  19. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    Not really, she should maybe get her history staight before jumping and pointing her fingers at people.
  20. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Sorry to offend you, and CHia, but where I am from, that is not harsh. And I just dont think it is harsh around here either, I may be wrong. Had this taken place several years ago, I might would have been harsh. I am an old construction hand, and many of them couldnt take me back in the day.

    See, Government takes away avenues of release and makes them illegal, and people blow up! Even you, telling the walmart folks to go f themselves!! Come on! I said no cuss words, I did not threaten, but spoke what I see, and even said I was sorry if I was wrong! And that is harsh?

    Pasetel lek poi los reagan!

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