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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    So from your experience, being called a tree hugger was a positive experience for you, and was the catalist that drove you into educating yourself? Great!
  2. Michele

    Michele Guest

    well, excuse her for not knowing about the breed. Maybe that's why she came here?....geez.....
  3. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    If that is why she came here, why start by acting like she know's what she is talking about and trying to correct others that are on the right path?
  4. Michele

    Michele Guest

    no, being called a tree hugger was not a positive experience for me, but I chose to ignore that particular immature remark and try to learn something, which I have, thanks to alot of people here.
  5. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I understand where you are coming from. Be better than her and just teach her....
  6. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    LMAO!!! These humaniacs mean well, but are woefully ignorant. Let my dogs out to lie together. You'd be burying dead dogs or at least patching them up ...

    BTW, when did Mary Poppins die??!! Dang pig you just ruined my day!!
  7. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Michele, Many times in life, I have seen that painful situations have caused me to reach further. The worst situation in my life was the very best thing that has happened to me. That is how I see what happened to you. You came here w/ an agenda, you were confronted, and then you had to question your beliefs/motives, and decided to be educated. If a person is never confronted on their BS, they'll go on being self decieved, and you cant tell them anything. You wear kids gloves, I take the gloves off. I take very few things seriously, and my dogs are one of them. I cant stand to see misinformation destroy the very best dogs that have ever been on this planet.
  8. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    I think to be able to teach someone is a gift. I don't think anyone learns from negativity. I think we could all practice patience, understanding, and try harder to learn from each other. Everybody here doesn't have to agree on the point but the way you voice your differences should be adult, and considerate.
    bahamutt99 likes this.
  9. Michele

    Michele Guest

    ok, fair enough. I see your point. And I have done what you did in this thread many many times, just ask Crazy, she'll tell ya. I can sling it with the best of them. I think with Laurah, you scared her off ...LOL.....but, that's her choice if she wants to come back and learn or not....

    I'm looking at it from the BSL point of view. The more people that learn, the better it is for fighting BSL. To me, no matter how idiotic a person sounds, when it comes to this breed, i never get mean or nasty because in the back of my head, i'm thinking this: keep this person here so they can learn and then there will be one less ignorant person to bash the breed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  10. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I think you are thinking of the old time bulldog. They were used for this as well as bullbaiting. The APBT was bred from these dogs with terriers to create them. They were created solely for dog fighting. Some people may have used them as pets or whatever but the breed itself was created FOR dog fights. The old time farm bulldogs and the APBT are NOT the same dog. The old time bulldogs are more like the modern American Bulldog.
  11. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    Ah, this is the in your face truth about the problem this breed is facing. If there was not such a demand for them, the supply industry would fall apart.

    The well known kennels that have been into these dogs for years, such as T.G. have put their time in to perfect their stock to the point where the bloodlines have become pretty reliable. This is what makes them so popular. 28 litters a year seems overwhelming to me personally, but if the man has the money and help to maintain his yard to a high standard, and continues to produce consistent dogs, he certainly has paid his dues so to speak to allow him the ability to enjoy the fruits of his labor. This is fine by me as long as he keeps to the high standard and works at placing his pups in a good working home.

    Can anyone here really argue that he has not earned the right to do so?

    Now, if kennels are producing multiple litters every year for the purpose of making money, out of stock that hasn't been perfected by years of labor and experience, and sell all the pups they produce, that IMHO is a peddler.

    It takes many years of keeping and testing your stock before you can even remotely consider yourself a true breeder of consistent, quality animals. After having paid your dues and making a name for your dogs, showing that you have learned what works for your blood, and taking the time to only release your dogs to honest working kennels, then you might have made it and might be able to think about maybe being able to breed to sell pups.

    Yet even then, I would find it hard not to keep most if not all the pups that I produced LOL.
  12. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    I can dig the BSL education thing. You need to remember though, many times a person will come on here that wint what they seem. Cops, PETA, ect. trying to bait folks into giving incriminating evidence, and you know that that evidence doesnt have to be illegal to get a yard of dogs euthed. I sensed that this was the situation, and I confronted it. I understand people saying be nice. I am not sorry for how I spoke to this person. I saw them as a person standing in my driveway with a loaded needle trying to put my dogs to sleep. Now, I feel like I was in control and nice, compared to what I would have liked to say! But I did contain myself.
  13. Michele

    Michele Guest

    ok, i understand what you are saying. I believe we are on the same page, but just express it a bit differently....hey, here in New York, if you said that to someone, that would still be considered polite..LOL.....
  14. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    U shouldn't have to defend what u did, because if u didn't do it i certainly would have called her out on my very next post, u did what was needed to be done and maybe now she will find other forums to bother with her stupidity
  15. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Thnx Boi Boi! I had to question myself for a bit!!LOL

    And Michele, You are right about the New York comment!!
  16. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    At the risk of sticking my neck into a potentially charged issue... I think some breeders get by with iffy practices solely on their reputation or length of time in the breed. (Not directing at TG. Just stating generally.) And especially with large-scale operations, people are afraid to question them, because they don't want to incur the wrath of the hundreds of people who own dogs from that person. LOL! If you dare question the mighty whoever, you're a tree-hugger, or a cur-lover.

    Everybody has a different idea of what a good breeder is. I want to see a breeder multi-tasking with a handful of good dogs -- rather than a yardful -- paying close attention to detail, pondering each breeding from every direction before they decide to do it. I prefer a small breeder over a large one, because I know I'm going to have that one-on-one relationship and whatever advice I need in the years to come. I also know that they are able to keep tabs on what they've produced more readily than a breeder who might be placing 20, 30, 50 dogs a year. That's why I'll wait on a breeder that only breeds once in a while, rather than going with one that might sell me a dog tomorrow.

    Just my opinion.
    BoogiemanBlood likes this.
  17. SAM_I_AM

    SAM_I_AM Big Dog

    hands down TG has one heck of an operation going. To my knowledge FB had an opertaion going on similar to this, selling dogs in other countries and so forth. My question is, what would a very well known dogman, with a well set up breeding and selling operation have to do to make sure he doesn't end up being the next man in FB's shoes?

    sorry to kijack the thread, but since he was brought up...
  18. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Hmm thats a very good question and i was wondering that too, because that possibility is always out there that the same thing can happen to someone else
  19. simms

    simms CH Dog

    He has had his share of issues.
  20. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Good post Baha & how true!

    How many hundreds of pups have ppl like Garner, Boudreaux, the Colbys, Lonzo Pratt, Clemmons & Patrick sold?? And these are only to name a small few.

    Furthermore, I know some of the aforementioned ppl ppl dodn't give a flip about where the dog went so long as you had the money ready.

    But they aren't peddlers & small town joe is? :confused: :confused: :confused:
    1 person likes this.

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