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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Amen to that sister girl:cool:
  2. simms

    simms CH Dog

    dont draw crazy ass parrelles between an animal and a human child! It is my within my rights to cull as it suits me. Dont think for one second that I or any one else should ever have to explain or give you a reason as to why.

    EDIT: What the Hell would you know about what makes a pet and what dont....This breed aint for everybody!

    If that dog aint to standard, it dont get to stay or be my kids pet!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  3. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Yea! what he said!!
  4. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Texas has the death penalty and they enforce it......more so than any other state. I'm not in favor of culling children, however I will put some fire under that ass and jerk a knot in that neck if need be.
  5. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I see ya....
  6. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    I agree about the designer mutt crap but truthfully the "labradoodle" is one of the least idiotic ones as they are both working/retrieving dogs.
  7. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

  8. redripper

    redripper Big Dog

    Wow, this thread has gone all over the place. I really wanted to respond to the initial question. After reading 14 pages, now I can. To me, and this is just my opinion, a peddler is someone who breeds only for money. I have bred my dog, and I sold some of the dogs as pets. Most of the dogs were given away to friends and family. I don't consider myself a peddler, or a BYB(in the negative sense). By telling you why I don't think I'm a peddler I hope it clarrifies what I think a peddler is.
    I've had my dog for a long while now, but i've only bred her once, and that is all that I intend to breed her. When I bred her, I bred for a purpose. In retrospect, I could have chosen a better stud, but it's too late for that now. (She is getting pretty old.) In a few years I plan to breed one of the females I gave to my friends back to my dog's younger brother. For one, to keep the line tight, but also because her brother is a fine, well tested specimen of the breed. If none of the females I farmed out to friends turn out to be breeding material, then they are under contract not to be bred. I will have to hope to get some of the blood I have right now from elsewhere.
    The point is, I'm not a breeder. I breed my dogs for me, not the public. The few dogs I do sell, I sell because I need to recoup some of the money I spent having the pups to begin with, and I don't have the time, land, or money to take care of that many dogs. Yet even in doing so, I won't sell a dog if I feel uncomfortable about how that dog might be treated. I'd rather give a dog to a good home than sell a dog to a bad one. As a matter of fact, I just had a dog returned to me at 7 months old because it started eating up their other dog. This kind of pissed me off because I explained to them before they got the dog that this would more than likely happen. None the less, the way I see it, finding the dog a home now is my responsibility. You shouldn't have a litter unless you are prepared to keep or home all of them yourself. Thus I am not a peddler.
    I guess the reason I felt it neccesary to point this out is that like the question originally stated, this forum is quick to bash folks that breed dogs out of their back yard and sell pups as some type of byb's or puppy peddlers, but let some of the more famous breeders, who ARE actually in it for the money, off with a pass. This can be quite unfair, as not all of us who sell pups or breed without a yard of dogs are unethical breeders or peddlers.
    My point is, If you breed dogs for the sake of making money, you are a puppy peddler. If you do it with no regard or knowledge of how to breed dogs, or what traits are actually desireable in a dog. ie jbreeding your dog to your buddy's dog just because he has a pit bull too, and you think the pups would be pretty. You are a BYB (in the negative sense). Both are somewhat bad, but when you combine the two, you run into major problems.
    IMO most bully breeders are byb's and peddlers. What they breed is driven by money, and since they have no real idea about pit bulls (or don't care about the breed) they end up breeding hundreds of mongrels because buyers like how they look. On the other hand, some of the more famous breeders like Tom Garner, though they are peddlers, do have a profound understanding and respect for what a pitbull should be. As such, they produce quality animals. This production of quality animals makes the fact that they are peddlers less repugnant to a lot of folks. That's why I think they get a pass.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    This debat goes all the way back to J.P. Colby, he was considered a peddler because he sold to the general public, but he also bred great dogs and other dogmen baught from him.
    There are a lot of well know dogmen that have several litters a year. And some that would breed more but simply don't have the room.
  10. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Am I still here? I guess I am now, aren't I. If you have a problem with me, I will be more than happy to discuss it with you in a PM. That goes for anyone else too. And now, if you will excuse me, I'd like to go and read some of the more educational things that have been posted in this thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  11. Michele

    Michele Guest

    And yes, I wear tampons. How would you like to try one if you don't shut it.
  12. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I agree with you on this.
  13. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    ooooh Michelle is getting fiesty!! I LOVE it! ;)
  14. Michele

    Michele Guest

  15. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog


    Seriously though, why it is that anyone who asks questions, or does not fully understand the breed history or maybe has a different perspective on things called a humaniac? A tree hugger? A child molster? A cop? If you are THAT damned paranoid.............why you posting on a public message board??? Why open yourself up to the trouble you percieve is coming your way? I just don't get it.

    edit: take a recent event here for example, several people started hollering COP and wanting their hard drive & posts erased & one wanted to cancel membership. I got news for ya, IF someone on this board were to be a cop, by the time you realize it they have ALL the ammo they will need. Got a problem with it? Watch what you say....simple as that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  16. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I agree with this. But, I look at it this way. True game men/women have nothing to hide. It's the wanna-be's that mess it up for the rest.
  17. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Why? "I Like To Live On The Edge!"LOL J/K

    You are mistaken. There was a time in my life that I lived on the wrong side of the law. I was a fugitive for 14 years of my life, and they would begin to get my scent, and I'd sense it, and make adjustments. So Maybe by the time YOU realize it it would be too late, but that is not true for everyone. When things dont add up, you must question. The KGB is everywhere! Beware! They have your phone bugged, and have a camara outside your window, and are trying to figure out a way to bug your dog!LOL

    For those who have walked on that side, You all know what I am saying. Heck, I was a drug dealer for most of my life, from an early age, and in that lifestyle, if you dont develop that 6th sense, you dont stay free very long! If you call that freedom! In reallity, it was bondage.

    Are you a cop? You tellin everyone who says "be careful" to just get off the site, trying to lull people into a false security, that if there was a cop here it would be too late by the time youknew it? It is common knowledge that tree huggers come here, humaniacs, and homosexuals, and I would be highly suprised if there were not a child molester in the bunch! Cops, well we know there is! Either you are nieve, or you have something going on. What is it?
  18. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    Yeah I'm a cop. :rolleyes: I didn't tell anyone any of the things you said I did, you are once again putting words in my mouth. I simply asked questions, something that you obviuosly cannot handle. Cops do that quite often. Are YOU a cop?

    And FYI, I HAVE walked on that side. Been clean for damn near 20 years.
  19. Michele

    Michele Guest

    LOL..I'm sorry but that was funny....
  20. Michele

    Michele Guest

    handcuff me baby....LMAOOOOOOO.....

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