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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    *patiently waits for response to pm so as not to hurt anyone else's feelings on a public forum...*
  2. Michele

    Michele Guest

    HA!!..well you already got my response to your PM....unless you need help with retrieving your PMs?....
  3. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    *kergin checks pm box*

    i'm no rocket scientist, but there appears to be no new messages since i sent mine in reponse to your posts.....

    oh well.
  4. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    I think you two should get a room already, lmao!!
  5. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    i do get her motor goin', don't I? ;)
  6. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    lmao!!! Keep it up man, it's pretty entertaining....
  7. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    nah, i need to keep it civil, it's the proper thing to do. i took it to the pms, now i'm still waiting for a reply (although apparently i don't know how to read new things in my inbox). so, that's where it'll stay, along with any other qualms with members i might have :)
  8. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    bwahahahahahaha!!! Good one. Thanks for the laugh Michele!! [​IMG]

    (No disrespect kergin, I just thought the comment was funny!)
  9. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    none taken :) i'm pretty calloused when it comes to my feelings

    *edit* awesome pic in your sig, btw, ABK. and i hope your pup is still on its way to a full recovery
  10. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Thanks!!!!! ;)
  11. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    agreed, it does belong in pm's. But the back and forth in the forum is amusing to me. I'm an a-hole like that. trust me, I've gotten my fair share of combative pm's, lol.
  12. SisMorphine

    SisMorphine Big Dog

    They may both be working dogs but the stock being used (mostly) are not ones who have a working drive, they are dogs who are "sweet" and "cute" and then the people are claiming that these dogs are "registered purebreeds" because the parents have papers (usually with CKC), and that they are hypoallergenic because of the fur (of which you get completely different fur-types still, especially in F1 litters, PLUS allergies come from dander which ALL breeds of dog have). It's just all BS. Plus, IMO, it takes more than two breeds to develop a new breed of dog. And the name is just cutesy enough to may people squeal and demand a fluffy little puppy that has a "poo" or a "doodle" in it's name. Sorry, I see no more use for Labradoodles than I do Cockapoos or Schnoodles. I have 2 clients who paid $2k+ for their Labradoodles which, frankly, are nothing more than an annoying large mop.
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Then you are a byb & peddler. Why?

    First, your dogs have done nothing to prove they are the best of the best of the APBT out there. Being pretty & nice doesn't cut it.

    Second, you are breeding to provide other people with pets that they will later on breed themselves for nothing more than pets. If you want people to have a nice "pet bull", send them to www.pbrc.net or www.petfinder.com. I guarantee you there are prettier & nicer dogs out there than yours than will be killed soon because no one wanted/wants them.

    I despise breeding dogs for pets only. Pet quality dogs WILL be produced in a litter of bred to work APBT & I would personally own those. However, many of us have to cull them because their are too many people out there breding their pretty & nice pit bull to supply their friends & family with pretty & nice breeding material of their own.

    And THAT is one of the definitions of a back yard breeder & peddler.
    1 person likes this.
  14. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    I feel like shit & I will respond better at a later time.

    However, I will ask that everyone leave out the homosexual, child molesting, kill children, etc. comments in their posts. Keep it on track of what a Back yard breeder is & isn't & what a puppy peddler is & isn't.

  15. redripper

    redripper Big Dog

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you here. Did you even read my post? I didn't breed my dog to produce pets, I bred to produce quality bulldogs. I contracted some of them to buddies in order to wait till they get mature enough to see if they are worth breeding. If one is, I plan to breed it back to the brother of my dog whom I have already talked to the owner and seen the animal. He is a very good working example of the breed. If not, I'll probably just get something else off the yard of the guy who has my dogs brother. The guy only produces fastlane type dogs.
    I intend to keep my dog as a pet. However, I appreciate the purpose of the dogs, and it is important to me to make sure any dog I own can and will work. Also, any dog I let go of has been fixed or I have a contract, period. And, lets remember, I only bred once, so the numbers are small.
    No offense, But this is exactly the small minded stuff I was talking about. Someone who I assume didn't read the post already assumes that I am a byb and peddler just because I chose to breed my own stock. Yet, I bred for a purpose, if I breed again it will be with a more educated purpose. I didn't make any money, nor did I intent to. Hell, I didn't even cover costs. But because I let some dogs go as pets, now I'm a peddler.
  16. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Darlin, you'll know when my motor is going
  17. Michele

    Michele Guest

    well, we do agree on one thing..you are certainly not a rocket scientist
  18. Suki

    Suki Guest

    and all the tampon related stuff, as well.
    Thank you!
  19. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    There are plenty of law enforcement agents and such monitoring this site as well as most other gamedog-related boards. Every time you post here, you may as well be posting on a HSUS board, or ASPCA board, or PETA board, or what have you. In fact, you may as well write your post on a piece of paper and mail it, certified, directly to Laura Maloney herself. If you happen to be partaking in illegal activities, then you better not tell anyone about it on a message board. Try to keep in mind that you don't have to be standing in a bloody dog pit before they take your animals away, throw you in jail, and destroy your home in their search for "evidence." It doesn't really even matter whether you're convicted or not; evidence for a conviction, and evidence for an arrest aren't quite the same thing. By the time charges are dropped against you for lack of evidence to convict, your dogs have already been put down, you've likely lost your job, and most -if not all- of your money has probably gone to attorneys, bail bondsmen, etc.


    "The search warrant said they could remove dogs, puppies, any documentation regarding dogs currently or previously owned by us, objects that would suggest training dogs for fighting including mills, parting or breaking sticks, swimming apparatus, springpole/flirtpole type devices, choking collars, drag weights, and any such type of medical supplies or equipment intended for veterinary animal use. They took our cellphone because it had some pictures of our dogs on it. That doesnt seem right to me. It doesnt seem to me like they should have been able to take all our pictures.This whole thing started when our landlord's son starting filling his head full of lies about pitbulls. Our landlorn starting putting crazy restrictions on our dogs and we complyed but it was never enough. He kept wanting to change our lease agreement to suit his mood. We wound up moving all of our dogs to other locations except for 3. That still wasnt good enough for him. so he reported us as having fighting dogs after we stopped bowing down to his demands. Cops survelled us for like a month before they barged into our house. I was afraid that they were going to shoot our dogs so I put my arms around my baby *edit* and they were yelling at me to release the dog and get on the floor. I was crying and begging them please dont hurt our dogs and *edit* was jumping aroung barking at them and the put a pole with a loop on the end around her neck and she was trying hard to get away. *edit* was crying too saying please dont hurt them they are good dogs. They wont bite. *edit* was scared and tryed to run and hide and that made *edit* cry even more to see his big boy so scared like that. *edit* is never afraid of anything except maybe water. They put the pole thing on *edit* neck but he didnt want to go. They were pulling him hard and real mean like and *edit* said Can't I take him out for you? Please he's just scared. He doesn't understand whats going on. They wouldnt let *edit* move. They yanked *edit* really hard all the way across the house until he was outside. *edit* was crying saying Dont hurt him Please dont hurt my boy. Hes not aggressive He wont bite. Then he was crying really hard saying Motherfuckers over and over again. They took some medicine we had for the dogs that *edit* had given to us. They said they witnessed our dogs fighting in the yard while they were servelling us. I said they were just playing. The cop said They looked like they were fighting to me and they have scars to prove it. I said Their pitbulls. They play really hard and they run hard through the woods and stuff like that. Theyre always scratching themselves up and stuff. The cop said they didnt get these scars from running in the woods. They asked why we had breaking sticks. I said because if they get a hold of another dog they wont let go unless you use the stick. It is just for safety reasons. There was an incident last year where the ex police chief's dalmation came on our yard and it got attacked. *edit* broke the dog off really fast and the dalmation was barely hurt. They still brought that up and I said the dalmation shouldnt have been in our yard. You would think an ex cop would know better than to let his dog just run where ever it wants.I said Go arrest HIM. *edit* thinks it was done on purpose. Then they tried to say that we sold dogs to gangsters and I said that's bull shit. I asked what makes him think something stupid like that? He didnt say anything. They said the guy in Montana got busted for fighting a dog we sold but I said we cant help what some one does with dogs after they buy them. I asked the attorneys why we cant do something about this because we had the contract that said ours dogs cant be used for illegal reasons. They said we werent being charges with selling, only breeding and maintaining. Our attorneys advise us to not sue because they had cause to search our premises and gathered more evidence as they searched. Our dogs have scars. There are fighting dogs in our dogs pedigrees. The cops say they witnessed our dogs fighting in the yard. Other people were arrested for fighting with a dog we sold to them. They said were lucky (we didn't get convicted)."

    The charges were dropped against this couple, but not before they'd spent time in the county jail, and lost their jobs, their home, and had to sell all their possessions to pay for legal fees.
    CrazyK9, Marty, ChiaPit and 1 other person like this.
  20. Michele

    Michele Guest

    good post Rockstar

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