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Running vs Walking...

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by ericschevy, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    Yupper, Well more of a jog when I take them both cause Zues is too fat to run yet. When I get him down to Ideal weight then I will run them both.
    I have taken Rocky by him self and let me tell ya, If I tell him "Lets go" he will take ME for a run..LOL He is quite the puller, all the way across town and back with no problem. About 3 miles....
  2. PorsA

    PorsA Big Dog

    You have to have BIG brakes too on that bike or you would be racing like a rocket with 2 bulldogs as a engine!
    The Watcher likes this.
  3. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Nice setup you got on your bike, if me and Achilles didnt physically jog the trails i would try your idea, if you are jogging your dogs on regular pavement road, you should invest on some liquid padding , as their paws can and will go raw.

    Not to be a wise @, but how can you say when you jog rocky alone he pulls you lol, he is on the back of your bike, my guess it would get messy lol.
  4. I wish i was brave enough to try that with my boy Zane.I have a feeling hed see something and go after it...and then id follow, all the way to the ground.
  5. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    LMAO, Nope, standard brakes..LOL I have taught them commands so they will stop when I tell them...
  6. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    LOL, Rocky pulls straight ahead, he is weary of the pedals so he stays away from the bike...Actully, Believe it or not It's quite stable and there is enough length to the chain to put him right behind the front tire..LOL So he is actully right in front of me......
  7. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Calories wise....I prefer a walk. You will burn the same number of calories both walking and running. Running will just get you there quicker;)

    And I don't really see sprinting as a cardio workout. It's more anarobic than aerobic.
  8. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    LOL, The first time I used it yeah it was a little scary but I have taught them to be cool and calm, doing what I want them to do...
    Strange thing is pulling came so naturaly for Rocky, Go figure..LOL
    The only problem I have encountered yet has been passing other dogs.
    Believe it or not when you have enough momentem going you can over power them when they do lunge at other dogs....Safer than It looks is what I guess I'm trying to say..LOL
  9. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    Thats what I was thinking..LOL
  10. maximusflys

    maximusflys Big Dog

    That is not actually true. If you ran a mile and you walked a mile you would burn more calories running. When you heart rate is increased you burn more calories.
  11. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    LOL, I was just thinking maybe you would just get there quicker.
    Yeah it seems it would burn more calories, wich is better though?
    I have heard so many people say that the best workout is walking.
    It seems that running would be cause you have more of a cardio workout to go along with burning more calories and more of a musclular workout.
    Although it seems that running would be harder on joints and feet..I dunno?
  12. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Walking and jogging work wonders for me. I don't like running with my dogs, they tend to get in the way and trip me up.

    As far as the pace, I like to keep a nice full stride:


    Depending on where we are walking to, I will either have them walk in chest-deep (on them) water or drag weights behind them.
  13. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    Damn, He's RIPPED....;)
  14. maximusflys

    maximusflys Big Dog

    The best cardio workout is swimming. But another great workout for dogs is shallow water swimming where they have to hop along in the water. Great for building endurance, and for building rear muscle.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2007
  15. WWII

    WWII Banned

    That's not what I was saying. I was saying that you could burn just as many calories walking, but it would take a little bit longer. I prefer walking simply b/c I was built to sprint and anything over 200m I die. Well, I could jog but it kills my body with the form I have. Try jogging with a sprinters form and you'll see what I mean.
  16. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    That was going to be my next question..LOL
    I will be taking them for 1.5 mile walk/run to the local gravel pit to go swimming.
    Gotta wait till spring cause it's cold here in Michigan...
    Well, Not so all out at first..I'm going to work them up to that so it's not so "High Impact"
  17. wheezie

    wheezie Big Dog

    i usually walk my dog a mile in the morning and a mile after work. we jog then slow down to a walk then sprint then jog then walk and repeat the cypher. i dont like to go over a mile because he is in OB training and after a mile his mind starts to wander lol
  18. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    Sup Wheezie, I didn't know you were a member...
  19. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Both are needed. Normally, we walk about 20 minutes, no weights, just to empty out and get loose. From then on, its alternating between a brisk trot, and a full-out sprint, and back down. However, every other day, is a walking day, with weights (drag weights) We will jog that day as well, but for 1/2 the distance. If you've got snow, and one who isn't afraid of it, hopping through 3' drifts with resistance (weights) is a hell of a workout. Swimming is another great form of resistance work-outs, that are easy on a dog (physically speaking, of joints, tendons, pads, etc)-weather permitting.

    It all depends on the dog, and your goals/requirements. If you need a toned down dog, with enough strength to push for however long as is needed, focusing on getting the dog to dig with weight, is imperative. If that is your focus, get the dog dragging weight up a hill, sprinting to the top, and rest. Its impossible for us to keep up with a dog, up the hillside, even if they are dragging weights, so one person on top, one at the bottom, works great. With a dog like this, we still trot, with limited periods of free-sprinting, but it is still employed to a lesser degree.

    If you've got one who is defensive, lacking ability/mouth, and you think it may take an extended period of time for the hog to be caught, you must tailor it to that. With a dog like that, our main focus is long periods of road-work. We may do 15 minutes of heavy sprinting, with the weightpull tracers on,and some heavy loads, but the majority of it is getting out and hitting the pavement. Getting the heart to an elevated rate, peaking, and bringing it back down, time and time again.

    Both have their advantages/disadvantages, and a complete lack of one or the other, will surely hurt you. It is important, to walk the dog pre-workout, and post-workout, until it is cooled down or emptied out totally-even if your doing mostly endurance work.

    4-5 miles a day, on a 4-6 month old pup is over-kill, and not needed in my opinion. A mile or two, and plenty of supervised "romp time" in the backyard, with toys, and if possible, other stimulation, is all that is needed, before the body is done growing.
  20. wheezie

    wheezie Big Dog

    is there any real diference if you walk 2 miles all at once or break it down into one mile now one mile laterr on in the day?

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