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Should there be an age limit on owning pit bulls?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by miakoda, May 23, 2005.


Should there be an age limit on pit bull ownership?

  1. 14 yrs old

    1 vote(s)
  2. 16 yrs old

    6 vote(s)
  3. 18 yrs old

    20 vote(s)
  4. 21 yrs old

    30 vote(s)
  5. There should not be an age limit on pit bull ownership

    22 vote(s)
  1. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    now i don't support a law because of ,,, IT"S MY PROPERTY NOT SOME POLITICIANS,,,EXCELLENT POINT ROCK,,, but do think someone needs alittle age on them
  2. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    OK! To clear this up, I'm not talking about just taking care of a dog. "Ownership" means not only taking care of the animal, but also being solely responsible including financially. I hear sooo many people say "Well, I got my first dog at 14 & he was all mine & I fed him & watered him & played with him everyday & we were inseparable", but if that dog was hit by a car & had a $3,500 vet bill, how many 14 yr olds would be able to pay it out of their own pocket? None. I'm in no way saying that a person's age directly affects responsibility because God knows I see plenty of adults abuse & neglect dogs. But the fact is, that one cannot be solely responsible for owning a pet at age 10, 12, 14, & not likely at 16 either. As for this breed, it's a huge committment. The reason why I don't say 18 either is because at that age kids are leaving high school & home to go off to college or get full time jobs & are usually very unstable. I can tell you that moving from apartment to apartment to apartment doesn't bode well with pit bull ownership. Hence why sooo many are dropped off at the pound. No matter what anyone says, rocksteady is right. At younger ages even though you cared for the dog, your parents were repsonsible for ownership. Heck, you can't even drive at 14 so just how would you take the dog to the vet for annual exams or emergeny visits? You can't.
  3. ok ok even i know when to give credit when credit's due... good point
  4. Luigi

    Luigi Top Dog

    Good for you. :)

    I agree with her, too . . . as often is the case.

    Interesting topic, Mia.
  5. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    but if that dog was hit by a car & had a $3,500 vet bill, how many 14 yr olds would be able to pay it out of their own pocket? None.

    i could
  6. yeah but that doesn't make you one of many... you're the exception in this case


    Hell, some folks can't take care of # 1 much less a dog! This is how it is around my house. I work for military and wife works at a hospital we have three boys 12, 9, 8 and we have 14 dogs! I coach football during the week and still have time to deal with all my dogs maybe late sometimes but I give them my time! They eat good dogfood and get their shots. Heartworm shots every month and worming as needed. If the dog needs to see the vet I take it! Can my kids take care of a dog? Not without me funding the issue! Want a dog get a job or hold your hand out to mom and dad!

  8. americangamepit

    americangamepit Big Dog

    If your parents allow you to own a dog when your younger then they know that you can't possibly be finically supportive of it. If they allow you to own a dog that young then they know that they are the ones that are going to need to support it. I do agree that you can't support an animal when you don't have a job but that doesn't mean that there has to be a law about the age limit of owning a pit. It just doesn't seem right. Plus im sure that if the kid is responsible enough to own one and it gets hurt then he/she can earn money mowing lawns or something to pay the vet bill.
  9. JC-Pitbulls

    JC-Pitbulls Top Dog

    There are adults that won't or don't take their dogs to the vet. I know people that don't worm, give or get shots for their dogs. All they do is feed them. I don't think age is the problem , it is education. Each of my 3 girls have their own dog, a 10 year old, 5 year old, and an 8 month old. The 10, and 5 year old feed their dogs, water them bathe them, and walk them, as far as anythin that involves money, I handle that because I gave them the dogs, so I feel it is my responsibility as a father. I teach them how to handle and raise these dog's so that when they get older they won't be on this forum asking silly questiones(jk)
    Marinepits and B like this.
  10. B

    B CH Dog

    Very impressive :) Now that is a responsible parent that is teaching that same responsibility to his children. I commend you for that. My parents did the same with me when I was old enough and wanted to have a dog. One day when/if I have my own children I will take the same approach as long as they are interested in the dogs. If they do not like the dogs or don't want the responsibility then that will be their choice. I'm giving you reps for that post. I wish there were more people like yourself.

    Best Regards,

  11. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    And you are a great man, husband, & dad. I'm glad to see such an approach. I wish people like you were the norm. Keep up the good work!
  12. americangamepit

    americangamepit Big Dog

    my point exactly. good parenting is what this world needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  13. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    this is exactly what i am saying,,,, people that argues this fact needs to go by a big pound and see how many of these (APBT) ARE BEING DESTROYed daily,,,these dogs can effectively live 14 or more years easy and are you capable of keeping them that long,, and paying for any accidents along the way,,,and i get tickled when someone thinks theres not alot of expense in owning pit bulls,,, but if cared for properly they'll cost you a arm and a leg,,,the pups on my gallery got parvo ant 5 weeks old and trust me i didn't have one die,,but one tripp like that for someone will break you,,but like i was saying to care for these dogs properly is expensive
  14. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    But you were still the responsible party in the matter..your children didnt go out and buy the dogs..u bought them for them. . Theres nothign wrong with that..as long as the parents understand that they are responsible for anything that could/ will happen with the dog.. too many parents today are too busy to know what their children are up to for whatever reason (not always bad..many parents both single and couples both have to work to put food on the table and pay the heat bills) But for a 12 -14 year old to simply go out and buy a dog of any breed.. ..heck, they cant even rescue a mutt from the pound (must be 18)
    Again, your children didnt really own the dogs.. you did..regardless of who's names where on the registration papers. Now once they turnd of age.. then they would own the dog and be fully responsible.

    And yes.. we need more parents like you who spend time and teach values.

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