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Smiling dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by catchdog, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. bradyFL

    bradyFL Big Dog

  2. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    hello...thats a smilin dog..man that dog looks like this guy I work with
  3. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    I am still crackin th f*#* up at that pic too dam funny
  4. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    ok that pic wins the most commical dog shot of the year in my book, aint no one got a funnier pic than that I bet...pleeeaase post if you do
  5. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    there was one of F.B.'s old dogs that looked like it was smiling but i cant for the life of me remember which one
  6. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    omg, Brady, that pic is hilarious!
  7. Deuce

    Deuce Big Dog

    I have a jeep redboy male that has smiled since the day I got him. I first mistaked it for a snarl. As others commonly do. I was nearly concerned with opening his crate. "He is just exicited" said the transporter. His tail was wagging & his body shaking around. He has continued to do it his entire life. & passes it to the pups (male & female). He has a littermate named miss smiley & I assume she likes to cheese it up as well. I do not have a pic of him doing it, But it is something that can't can't be mistaken. As he rasises his lip to show all teeth firmly gripped together. It is eaisly mistaken as snarl to someone who doesn't know him.
  8. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

  9. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    dayum im fallin out seeing these,

    NMWAPBT Top Dog

    ive heard it called the eli smile bt i think its more about the individual dog rather then the bloodline
  11. bradyFL

    bradyFL Big Dog

    ive got two tight bred eli dogs that will grin like crazy.
  12. This really is not a bloodline thing so much as a breed thing. Every APBT or "pit bull" I've been around whether a well bred dog a rescued unknown background dog - they have all smiled. It is kind of like how Dalmations are known for their own disturbing type of "smile" within the breed.
  13. Jelet

    Jelet Banned


    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    My girl would bare all her teeth as if she had a BIG smile, that was whenever i would get home from work to let her off the chain and when the other half came home she would grin too,

    I remember one time she pissed inside and she came walking in the lounge (i could tell straight away) she has done something wrong as she walked in just about crawling, ears down, and grining at me, silly girl!
  15. KuyaJames33

    KuyaJames33 Big Dog

  16. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Take him a pic of the dog and suggest he take a DNA test, Lol
  17. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    lmfao I am gonna ask," how could you"??
  18. Robber

    Robber Big Dog

    I think you guys are not understanding what the OP is talking about - he means when the front lip curls up and shows teeth, not just an open mouth. One of my dogs does it and yes I have seen several Eli bred dogs do it, but I have seen a few others that do it - one being a Jeep/Frisco cross - so technically some Eli back there), the other was red/rn of unknown bredding.

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