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steriods makes champions

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Bxpits, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I didnt even look to at the link because I thought it was some kind of joke. Nice deadlift! I used to do partial deadlifts at 555 pounds, I was at 180 with %5 body fat althought I used the ghetto ass electric fat reader not the calipers. I used to do full deadlifts with lower weight (225-315) but many old timers at the gym told me it wasn't wise to do it like that unless I was trying to compete or something so I listened to their advice and did partials to avoid injuries.

    I was nearing high 170's pounds at this time but I wasn't dry, the cold cuts were seaping from my gut.

  2. Shameless

    Shameless Big Dog

    I always find this a pretty interesting subject.

    As an ex of one of the top 15 hw powerlifters in the world, I've seen a lot of steroid use..among other things that we will leave to speculation. As well as having a clinical nutritionist/biochemist for a father, I know the pro's and con's of steroids well. There are of course two sides to every coin and sure there are pro's to it but here's my problem...people are always saying there is no direct link to these side effects. That's simply because no one's done the research over LONG periods of time.

    Now I'll stress this point so hopefully ya'll get my point..I understand you can't fix stupid..some people are just going to F it up and should never touch a needle. BUT..my problem w/them comes with extended use. Most of these guys have or will be on them well into their 60's because they want to be.

    In powerlifting it's all about getting bigger, stronger, faster..which is fine but most of these guys have no clue wtf they are really doing to themselves over extended periods of time (I'm talkin 10-15 yrs at least) or what to do to counter act some of these side effects or monitor them. Not everyone does their research WWII..and I'm glad you do, I think that's the only responsible thing to do.

    If I had things my way Steroids would be legalized and studied, I think they can do a lot of good but the work hasn't been done and the information just isn't there as far as long term use. Some of these guys don't even come off at all, some develop their own cycling regimen, it's still such an open book that really no one can say "these don't cause this" or "these do"..I listed the side effects I did because those are the ones I've seen. Not just what I'm 'assuming' or 'reading'.

    As far as some being produced for use on animals, I don't think the work has been done there either..less so than humans. I'd never use it on my horses or my dogs, there are other ways to get where you're going.

    "Now, if someone is gonna use them on their animal, that's their deal. I don't want to hear them crying if they screw them up. Just know it's not gonna turn a cur into a game dog, and if used wrong, they can actually hinder a dog's performance more than help it.

    The statement above, I totally agree with.

    I just don't agree with saying 'there is no direct link' to certain side effects because there most certainly is. IE: The kidney problems being linked to diuretics..well that sounds great on paper and all but you wouldn't be taking diuretics UNLESS you had a kidney problem..and you wouldn't have a kidney problem UNLESS you were on steroids for an extended period of time.

    I guess it all comes down to, if you do them correctly you may have less side effects but it hasn't been proven either way in long term.

    So on the original topic I'll just agree with the bolded statement above.
  3. WWII

    WWII Banned

    True. There is use and then there is abuse. IMO, they should legalize them so people that do choose to do them can be monitored by a Dr. This would dramatically cut down on the black market where people are buying something brewed up by an unlicensed market AND allow ongoing legal research to see the pros/cons. But then again, there is a risk in almost everything we do. Even Advil has some serious side effects, which in perspective, I think is worse than what steroids bring to the table. Gotta headache? Take this pill and hope you don't get:
    When I was talking about diuretics, I was thinking along the lines of the bodybuilders in the 80s & early 90s that were abusing the heck out of them. They didn't necessarily have kidney problems so much as wanted to get dry for the show. Take a diuretic, get dry, ripped, and good looking for the show.
  4. Shameless

    Shameless Big Dog

    "When I was talking about diuretics, I was thinking along the lines of the bodybuilders in the 80s & early 90s that were abusing the heck out of them. They didn't necessarily have kidney problems so much as wanted to get dry for the show. Take a diuretic, get dry, ripped, and good looking for the show."

    A lot of powerlifters end up using them to make weight, to try and reduce the adema/water retention problems they've developed so that's what I thought you were talking about.
    Steroids of course are going to have different effects on every person and that's why I'm wary about them.

    Is the risk worth the gain in dogs? I don't think so.
  5. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Nope. That's money better spent on me.:cool:
  6. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    well as much as i love lifting weights and i was aspiring to be a US strongman a few years ago, i stayed clean and developed true strength instead of strength on juice.
    when your on steroids no matter what you think of the subject you get better,faster, and stronger at whatever you do. now lets translate that to the dogs which is why i started this thread. if steroids make all muscles stronger then how can people say that it wont affect the mouth and the dog wont have a stronger bite? steroids brings confidence especially when you see the results which dogs experience too or else the old timers would not have had to roll their dogs with smaller dogs to raise the confidence of the dog being schooled. genetics plays a huge part also in the individual person who takes steroids and even though this might be true for dogs as well, pitbulls were already designed to be the ultimate k9 athlete.
    im going to flat out say it they cheated with chinaman!
    chinaman reputation says it all, he had a monstrous mouth and he was extremely strong compared to other dogs his weight. doesn't that sound like the steroids worked??
    steroids doesn't give you gameness but it enhances it because of the confidence level as well as strength that the dog possessed. its like a baseball player it doesn't give you the skill to hit the ball but it gives you the strength to hit the crap out of it.

    i would like to know what other dogs were on the juice that we know about
  7. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    i won't be too specific, but there are roids out there that people also use as rubs. if someone is using steroids, that's not someone i want to know. this is what i mean when i talk about the lack of integrity these days. :(
  8. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    OH damn not another Roid topic dont know why people make a big deal out it LOL.....Do steroids work? They sure do if used properly.... if they didnt work Professional Athletes,Hospitals and Dr's wouldnt use them at all......Do steroids have side affects you bet they do and so do all other prescription and nonprescription drugs/meds.......Why is it right to use steroids on a sick person but not on a healthy one?........you seen those infomercials on TV that try and sell you a new drug and when they list the side effects that say may cause stroke and heart attack and death yet its ok and acceptable but if you mention steroids side effects its not?......Only thing the makes steroids wrong for a healthy individual is the legal issue.....Other then that DR's use it all the time with little to no complaints......Every person has a right too deceide if they should or should not use steroids but they shouldnt be condemed or frowned upon if they choose one way or the other.
  9. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    this thread is about the use of steroids in dogs. NOT HUMANS. start another thread if you want, but let's stay OT. :confused:
  10. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    LMAO....Are you serious dude???....Dont matter if its for humans,Chimpanzees, dogs,cats, or rats, steroids is still steroids LOL.....and just in case you cant comprehend that when I say DR's that includes all Doctors including Veterinarians......So you telling me to stay OT? shit I have never digressed from it unlike some other people arguing on this topic yet they didnt get repramanded from Mr.frenchie super mod? LMAO....I tell ya theres always one in the bunch LOL

    Not too mention those Idiots giving you (Frenchie) Thank you's to your OT post LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2009
  11. hammatoed

    hammatoed Guest

    every sport known to man the world over has dabbled in steroids.. who really cares? not me
  12. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    Regardless lets get back to the dogs!

    "steroids makes champions" is the topic of discussion!

    And was it fact that Ch Chinaman was on
    steroids for the last or all of his battles? or was his pic just used for a "perfect pic of a trim dog" type thing?:confused:

    Who else made a champion with steroids? in the dog world, "not looking for hear-say either, just the publicly known ones anyway!
  13. Shameless

    Shameless Big Dog

    Gotta love those little OT stabs about OT posts.:rolleyes:
  14. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    ~EDIT~ i took it to the pit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2009
  15. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    See what I mean? Why is it ok if shamless is off topic????? Then repremand me for my post which WAS NOT OT?.........Too much BIASED people on this site that are too blinded by emotional content to see the truth. I was gonna tell ya about chinaman and roids but after that comment from shamless most yall dont deserve to hear it. Before if ya wanted some advice or knowledge from a dogmen you would have to earn it nowdays everyone expects you to give it away for free.
  16. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    Naw man you the one that started this shit fool.
  17. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    here here!

    as far as Chinaman goes- i dont know the answer firsthand. yes, its well known that TG does like to use supplements, but supplements arent necc. steroids. my dogs get supplements, but not steroids.
    fwiw, way back when had a natural bred grandson of Chinaman and he was every bit as good looking sinew and tone wise. so that to me says genetics. i think it was just for the pic.
  18. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    thanks RR

    Yeah he really supports that supplement he has on his site (CNI), anyone ever used it routinely or even once did you see any major benefits in there performance in any sport you put them in?

    I have never tried it on my dogs but, couldn't be any worse for them then commercial dog foods, just wonder if any one swears by the stuff or not?

    That's the site for the supplement he advertised on his site,

    that the stuff you meant RR?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2009
  19. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Don't quote me but I am pretty sure Stillwater is a big fan of it. He may have some info for you if you were interested in it.
  20. WWII

    WWII Banned

    There's nothing in his formulas you can't find on the Wal-Mart vitamin shelves. Some stuff you may need to go to a feed store.

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