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steriods makes champions

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Bxpits, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Thats a great idea I just wouldn't know how much of each ingredient to give to the dog.
  2. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    Back in their day did they ever test for it, Steroids in the dog world?

    I know it is not as easy to tell as if a rub was used, but word of mouth i guess would spread fast tho i guess eh! If you were using in your dog program.
  3. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    where would you find a list of the ingredients?
  4. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Good question. Unlike Vertex and K9 Superfuel Rf-1 doesn't give the info.
  5. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    I think a good workout and and a proper nutrition would be the best, besides the quick recovery time that's a good advantage to have i guess.... but natural seem to be a good way to do things. you don't have to worry about other problems that might arise.

    we have a GNC or Popeye's stores here in Canada its like a body builders store, and health folk alike lol , but they have a wild selection on vitamins and supplements!
  6. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    Vertex and K9 Superfuel, I'll have to research that abit further.

    Is creatine considered a steroid?
  7. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Lol we have GNC too but never heard of Popeye's

    No creatine is NOT a steroid.

    http://k9performance.com/ Vertex

    http://www.an-nat.com/animalnaturals_superfuel.html k9superfuel
  8. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Under the "Product Info" link, it lists the ingredients for each supplement he sells.

    I would just give a 1/2 serving for each supplement based on the bottle it came out of. Nothing in his supplements are toxic and any excess will just be excreted during urination. No harm, no foul. Chances are you'll be saving a lot of money for the same results.

    Did they test for steroids? I would say definitely not. Tests done on humans to catch AAS use is upwards of $700+.

    I would like to know which steroids could be used as a rub, though. None I know of would affect a dog in such a negative way in such a short period of time.
  9. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    A lot of guys, are way get steroids, but you never know if it will give your dog gang-green if its mixed with some thing bad, if you got ripped off you'd hope it was vegtable oil they give you. Cause you never know unless they are a truely honest person you get them from. the steroids that it!!
  10. WWII

    WWII Banned

    We have a Popeye's, too. But it's a far cry from a health store. lol...

  11. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    LMAO deffinatly health food. Look at all that protein.
  12. WWII

    WWII Banned

    I'll make it easy for you.

    Here are the products and their ingredients:

    <!-- #BeginEditable "edit2" -->RF-1 is our nutrient-rich supplement for all dogs over 5 months of age and particularly for athletic and hardworking dogs preparing for an event. RF-1 combines powerful amino acids, colostrum, creatine monohydrate, MCT's, Omega 3 fatty acids, glucose polymers, vitamins, chelated minerals, electrolytes, glucosamine and other anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting factors in a tasty blend that we believe is the best of it's kind on the market. Try it on your dog and you will see dramatic results in a few short weeks!

    NURTURE is our colostrum-rich formula for puppies and gestating and nursing bitches. This formula is based upon a careful chemical analysis of canine mother's milk. Nurture provides the correct amino acid profile, fat and alpha-linoleic acid levels, whey and casein levels, vitamins and minerals, growth and immune factors, and lactose levels. The effect of feeding this formula to both bitches and puppies is dramatic. Young puppies do not have the enzymes to efficiently break down meat based proteins. The milk based whey proteins in Nurture make raising puppies a real delight! Orphaned pups thrive on this formula alone!

    SPERM-UP is our proprietary blend of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestrius concentrate, vitamins, chelated minerals and tasty meat powders and fats. Tribulus is a research proven spermatogenetic agent and the beneficial effects of this product are well documented amongst dog breeders. Now your stud dog can produce good litters well beyond the time that most dogs must be retired. Contact us for testimonials!

    JOINT EASE blends generous amounts of Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfates, vitamins, and minerals in a tasty meat powder to yield powerful anti-inflammatory benefits for dogs with joint-related aches and pains. Try it and you will see noticeable benefits for your dog!
  13. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

  14. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    I have heard of dogs with bad joints they can get ground sea mussels and sea weed powder, i think that's what it was anyway i'll call my buddy see if thats right!
  15. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Damn canadians. They take our cartoon hero and make it a supplement company hehe.


    Buck which one are you? Haha sorry man I'm bored.
  16. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    the one with the cowboy hat lol
  17. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    funny shit. thx for the laughs guys. :)
  18. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Hell to the yes!!!! I could not have said it better!!!!!
  19. HighRiskKennels

    HighRiskKennels Big Dog

    LOL!Damn canadians.:D
  20. simms

    simms CH Dog

    A rub is entirely different than that of steriod use. To me that is cheating with the intent to dabilitate or kill its opponent! Huge difference...

    An Frenchie, this is not diretly directed at you...I'm just sayn.

    Bottom line. If you have never Conditioned a dog on that level with or with out the use of roids. One would have a hard time keeping up with the conversation let alone digesting all the information. You gotta be there to know..

    Otherwise, that's how misinformation is spread alongside myths.

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