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Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by gypsyboy, May 22, 2012.

  1. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    It may just be a play on words but the steroids do not make people stronger. People get stronger by doing work. If I eat a 5 gallon bucket of D-Bol, sustenate, EQ, WinnyV, etc..etc.. I will be the same guy I have always been, maybe more irritable and more sharp with the tongue due to that irritability, but I will not get stronger simply by taking steroids.

    If I lift weights regularly and fuel my body correctly I will get stronger and will in time get bigger muscles. Which ever sport or activity I choose will improve through lifting.

    If I do that same above regular conditioning and then add steroids I will get bigger and stronger than I would have in the beginning. I will be able to lift today, recovery time will next to nothing, and then lift again tomorrow. The steroids will allow a person to recover at a much faster rate, thus being able to lift again sooner, thus get stronger.

    Steroids did not make Barry Bonds hit a bunch of homeruns. He could do that long before, even when he was a skinny little kid playing in Pittsburgh. A guy can only swing a bat so many times and maintain form and mechanics before he gets tired. Being tired leads to poor mechanics, tired coupled with poor mechanics usually leads to injury. Steroids/HGH allowed him to hit thousands of more balls than the next guy. They allowed him to recover to lift and increase his bat speed. His power numbers went thru the roof. But steroids can't get a ball over the fence nor will they make anyone stronger. BUt, they will allow recovery to increase work and the increased work is where the gains lie. S
  2. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Lifting weights does not garuntee you will get stronger ! Getting stronger is knowledge .I saw lots of men spin thier wheels in the weight room and never get stronger unless somebody takes some time with them and shows them how.
  3. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    Very true. I apologize for assuming a person is lifting correctly to start with. Agreed, same with the dogs, I have seen people put tons of work into a dog and still have a flat winded dog in the end. Same with people in the weight room. Like anything, it has to be done right to work.

    Same with the steroids. I have seen people use them and get no real strength gains or size gains and I have seen dogs look horrible. Using them correctly, lifting correctly and eating correctly is far more important than just lifting.
  4. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Good post ! And this is very true .
  5. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Lifting weights will certainly get you stronger. Regardless how ignorant you are on proper form/techniques eventually the process of manipulating heavy shit will get you strong. It's just that people have different genetic makeup and eventually they will reach a plataue to where their body just can't get much stronger biologically and if they continue achieving gains they will be small.

    Steroids don't make you/your dog any stronger or better they simply give you the opportunity to improve. If you have a shit keep and use steroids your charge is still going to be in shit shape. If you use steroids but don't increase the intensity of the keep then you're not really taking advantage of the drugs.

    As far as aggression goes this is a false truth that gets repeated more often than actually looked into. Most people who seem to show aggression after using steroids were already douchey or not exactly mentally stable. The use of steroids boosts confidence because te person thinks they have a leg up on the next guy. Not to mention most meat heads in a gym have no real athletic outlet and tend to look for opportunities to prove themselves. So from the outside it looks like these steroids made so and so super aggressive when in reality he/she was always a cunt.
  6. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Lifting weights won't if you over work yourself naus ..Has nothing really to do with technique.Overworked equals no gain.
  7. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Well yeah sure if you overwork yourself you're gonna be fucked up and waters wet, the sky is blue and if you shoot yourself in the hand you're gonna have a hole in your hand. That's obvious.
  8. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I'm guilty of having not read every post, but I haven't seen it mentioned that different roids produce different things, and even different doses of the SAME steroid can produce varied results, and provide different benefits for different purposes. Slim makes great correctness when he says that quick recovery and the ability to get back to work is the biggest reason for building strength, as it is, in fact in the rest, but there is one other component I haven't seen discussed.

    Work tears cells down. If it doesn't you're not working quite hard enough for that particular stage of progressive work you are in. Whole cells tear apart and become 2 half cells. Rest is where those cells rebuild into two new whole cells for better capacity for aeration and flow of body efficiency.

    There is one syndrome with which there is danger of multiple tear down instead of reahab of those cells. Hurrying back to work with NOT ENOUGH REST for total rehab. Let's say you've rested to the point you have 80% rehab. You still have 20% not fully recovered. Still a bit torn, split, frayed and not enough fortification of the new cell walls. In this syndrome, you will be doubly tearing down that 20%.

    The use of a rehab steroid should be monitored so as to make sure your rest is AMPLE for rework and increase of stresses and overall output. So, while, as Bama referenced, yes, you may be getting stronger, yet you may also be getting stronger while causing yourself (dog) a wee bit of unnecessary and useless cellular waste.

    The left hand needs to know what the right hand is doing. Rest should be monitored in a conservative manner to ensure the minimization of wasted, extra tear down. It pays to know, monitor, read the current status of things well, as the need for rest can vary as the phases and increases of work may progress.

    I don't think anyone is wrong here. I just think there is more to monitor than I have seen mentioned.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2014
  9. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Good post TDK!

    My reason for saying I wouldn't use them is simply because of my lack of knowledge on how to properly use them. I do know there's a benefit if you know how to do so, but I don't so I'd leave them alone.
  10. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    This is the best approach. Using them incorrectly can cause worlds of problems and do tons of damage. Once upon a long time ago, in a fictional world, there was a two time winner (all natural) who was a spectacular animal. His owner stepped into that proverbial fast lane where the competition is perceived to be better and the money gets up there rather quickly. He thought the move up would require the 'extras' the steroids would supply. The other competitor weathered his first and second storm and he had nothing left.

    All in the know said if he were brought out like the first two times he would have became a champion. S

  11. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Very interesting Slim, very interesting!
  12. Limey kennels

    Limey kennels CH Dog

    Having been a competitor myself, and having worked out for many many many years I used steroids myself and on dogs... . Going through the post here there is still info left out. There are more categories of Anabolic /steroids. Who work in varies and different ways

    The worst kind, people can use on dogs are HORMONES like winstrol/ sustenol/ testosterone etcetera. The best ones to use are Laurabolin/ Boldane/Primobolan/ Deca durabolin. Forget about pills THEY have put an extra strain on the kidneys and liver.....
    Hormones have been invented for man and animal that has suffered from severe physical trauma or weaknesses. With that we can think about older people who go through severe surgery and need a boost to recover! And or people who had a long sick bed and who are very weakened... HENCE anabolic steroid work faster and better in OLDER people and ANIMALS due to their lack of hormones in their own systems as with age natural production levels are significantly reduced.

    In animals and man Steroids can be used and abused. When given to sporting dogs of any kind. You should leave out the first mentioned hormones. THEY hold on to WATER or fluids if you like! Which will make an animal stronger but that animal will run hot very quick and will carry considerable more weight with him...

    The steroids in the likes of laurabolin and boldane. Are as others an oil based injectable substance. Who will give of its 25 or 50 mg per 1 ml on Average within 4 to 6 weeks? However the harder/ longer the dog works the shorter the substance will last. At the same time high strong dogs will go through it faster than mellow dogs. Our findings where 9 to 12 days! Instead of the 4 to 6 weeks advice by vets and manufacturer. Simply because a hard working scenario has been left out in the oquesion

    As it is people should use it as a RECOVERY aid! And not as a muscle enhancer. As too much muscle asks for more energy x more heat x more lactic acid. So forget about that part been there done it tried it walked away from it.
    When using it as a recovery drug you need to know or observe how long a dog on Average needs to recover from his work outs...
    In my day we were always aware at what time a dog came out of his kennel the day after workout and wrote down the time when he did and emptied out on the chain ore inside the kennel.
    As work progressed the dogs took more time to recover and at some stage of the keep they came pretty close to the time when he was up again for a work out! The closer you come to that part of going out and recovery. The closer you are overtraining/working your dogs!

    An APBT is a dog with such a strong soul and mind that he WILL push himself over the limitation his body can take without showing it at first. By the time you notice something is wrong >>>> it’s too late<<<<... so the signs to look for to aid your dog with steroids is when a dog is not coming out to play and shake his ass of and letting you know he is ready at least 2 hours prior to work out. Mind you that is same time schedule work every day! AND when kept far away from other dogs people and animals that can trigger him to wake up and see what is going on... having said all this at that time I was young and fit and was constantly working dogs along myself.. I didn’t take the time to read ore take the side effects to seriously. With the end result that I developed Diabetes type 2 at a young age of 37!! since then I gained more weight and suffered from premature ageing organs DUE to the use of anabolic steroids!!...

    We have noticed in the past that bitches that are worked on steroids will premature dried up and becoming infertile and ore get split heats at a young age! iven divelop uterus infection when comming in heat.. And males CAN suffer from premature diluted and dysfunctional semen. All in al its a great tool to use but it should be used in the right way..
  13. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I have a little bitch I named Laura Bolin. LMAO. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  14. XLR8

    XLR8 Big Dog

    I came here to add my two cents, but it's all been covered I feel. Excellent post Limey and mad respect for sharing, you're spot on. I also used steroids on myself in the past specifically Deca durabolin.
  15. NatureBoy

    NatureBoy Big Dog

    Anyone that's says juice will not make your hound stronger, faster and have better cardio either is ignorant or just lacks the knowledge on benifits of each compound. I've not read every post but from what I've read seems like people are getting the wrong idea on how aas work.
    First off dosage is key!! Understanding which compounds are needed to reach your goals is a major factor.. I've read that juice will make your dog blow hot and IMO your keep is probably the problem. People seem to forget about proper recovery and over work their animal. Another problem I often see is one getting ugl gear which is under or over dosed and sometimes not even the compound stated on the vial. PIP is something often over looked.. Understanding e2 and how to counter act elevated levels is also something often not addressed. I could go on forever but I'm sure you all probably heard it before.. Just my 2 cents
  16. NatureBoy

    NatureBoy Big Dog

    Anyways my point is once you understand the science of aas you will definitely have a edge on the competition..
    Lance Armstrong had wind for days, Barry bonds and mark McGuire broke several home run records, mike Tyson was a absolute savage and left his mark in the boxing world.. I could go on and on.. But point being aas will make you a superior athlete if you know how to use it.
  17. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I'm not sure who is debating by saying they don't work. There's no doubt they do. I know my point of view is that they work, HOWEVER, they don't work ALONE, and that it still takes the proper effort and management of work and rest for them to be meaningful. They wouldn't be banned in so many sports if they didn't work. LOL

    That's why they're called PED........Performance ENHANCING Drugs.
  18. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    T I took a dose while ago , lots of 12 ounce curls after work lol.
  19. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    LMAO Bam, I think we can get you to 16's with just a little more work. HAHAHA
  20. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Lol yep..after I get tired I'll just start shotgunning ,won't have to bend my arm as much then lol.

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