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Stupid Things People Say And Do

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by AussieAPBT, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. DutchGame

    DutchGame Big Dog

    Or he just thought 'lets have some fun with the guy who doesn't know shit about bulldogs', not knowing that you actually did:p
  2. chucho

    chucho Big Dog

    To make A long story short. I got my dog his up to date shots and some guy asked if my dog was A pure "old school red blood red nose". I looked at him like A deer in headlights.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Had a guy at work tell me he hates inbred dogs and he knows his "pit" isnt inbred because her ears are uneven (one stands and the other lays down) and you can look at her and tell her sire and dam arnt related because she looks like two different pits. And his "pit" has no papers and he has no knowledge of her bloodline. I said Ahhhh and walked off.
  4. I had friends over for dinner last night and 1 of them said 'you have 2 be careful with these dogs mate, something happens in their head and they turn on anyone even their owner.' I told him 2 fuck off and u dont know shit all while my bitch was on her back getting a belly scratch from his wife and licking her to death.
  5. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I had some guy tell me that Razor's Edge dogs are called that because they have a ridge like a Ridgeback. :confused: Then he showed me when his dog got excited and it's hair went up on it's back and said ''See!". :rolleyes:

    He also told me that Scarling is almost a red nose. :confused: First off, she's a red dog with a black mask and A BLACK NOSE. I have no clue how a dog can be ''almost'' anything.

    I've got alot of 'em... lol

    I was walking my Patterdale, and I had a guy tell me ''those'' dogs are aggressive and I better be careful. I asked him what he meant by ''those'' dogs. Of course he never even heard of the breed but somehow knew that ''those dogs'' are aggressive? Moron. :rolleyes: I guess Pat's are the new boogieman! lol
  6. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    At the dollar store yesterday a truck pulled up and had a little girl in it that asked is that a pit and the mother said yea and she got real scared and said the school said they will kill us.After that i didn't care what they were talking about.They sat there about 3-4 min then got out and the mother brings the child over and starts petting boss telling her child that they don't all bite and kill...thought that was cool.
  7. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    what the hell? The schools told the kid that they bite and kill? Thank you public schools for the top notch education :rolleyes:!
  8. kera5

    kera5 Big Dog

    Big up's! to the mom for educateing her child.:)
  9. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    totally agree !
  10. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    Had somebody tell me that pitbulls only do good with pitbulls and they hate and fight with boxer dogs
  11. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    oh dear ! lol
  12. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    yeah wasnt sure what to say at that point :rolleyes:

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