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Th3 Futur3 Of Apbt?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Esse818, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    I see where your comming from. You are right their is only one APBT. Other people just call every damn mutt in the world a pitbull. The name pitbull should only represent one breed, but the damn media labels everything a pitbull.
  2. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    When the dog meet its match that is when you would see if the dog was game or not. To have been called game the dog would have to be behind and fight through it. A game dog will not quit a cur will. Like Mickey said it is that simple. When did you get so interested in dogs being game anyway. Aren't you the person who was talking down on Grand CH Izods owner for having gray hairs and accusing her of dog fighting. Excuse the last comment if it was not you.
  3. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    one thing about curs if they are push hard enough they will react, its nature, like a person is getting attacked he/she would make an effort to fight back,
  4. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    They will fight until pushed to far. It is natural to fight back yes, but very few will continue when pushed past the limit. Look at mma fighters. Some will tap-out from a triangle some will go to sleep. I have seen fighters who get caught in armbars immediatly tapout, then you will see a few like Tim Silvia who will get his forearm snapped and try to continue to fight. Their is a difference.

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

    These dogs are naturally dog aggressive and given that two dogs with cur status are pushed to their limits one will surely not back down no matter what. I'm not trying to make it out like this happens everyday and you got damn right I made the freakin comment because I wanted to know where it came from. U tryin to call me out on that doesn't take the light off of this topic we're discussin and it doesn't mean that I was never interested in game dogs. I just simply wanted to know what happened and people started gangin up on me so I bit back with whatever I could. That shouldn't matter to u and if u wanna call me out start another thread or send me a pm
  6. Fedor23

    Fedor23 Big Dog

    Re: Th3 Futur3 Of Apbt?

    Aggresiveness towards other dogs is a trait from parents that is passed on. ALso u can't deny over 300 years of selective breeding.
  7. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Dog aggression is not gameness. A cur will eventually quit. A game dog will not quit against another game dog or a cur. How hard is it to understand what gameness is. A cur will never be a game dog period.
  8. pancho

    pancho Guest

    If given a chance a cur dog will jump the pit, run, or simply lay down. I have seen it happen before. A cur will just stop fighting and look for a place to hide. Sometimes they will run back to the handeler and try to hide. You cannot make a dog fight, many have tried.
    I once bought some Bullyson dogs. Their sire was a very game dog. The dogs were all curs. I had to give them all away. They would even quit in a short roll with a dog 10 lbs. lighter. The bloodline was there, the ability was there, the strength was there, the mouth was there, the gameness wasn't.
  9. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Exactly. It just seems that people are getting ability mixed up with gameness. Thanks for sharing hopefully they will understand this time.
  10. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Mr. Biggs, its obvious you have no experience with what your talking about. You'd be best suited to LISTEN to those who do, and learn a thing or two, or cease trying to make it seem like your opinion is relevant, when infact you have no knowledge of the things you argue.
  11. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    how is game broven? a hunt of a wild bore? i never hunted animals but does a wild boar almost kill a dog?

    how do dogs get game? could it be by how they are raised?
  12. NCPatchwork

    NCPatchwork CH Dog

    Yeah..I don't believe the dog aggression will ever leave...but I do believe that the AM.STAFF may be what people look for in the future. They are breeding more for companion, but I don't see any APBT owners who understand bloodlines and breeding ever letting go of the game dogs. People trying to breed APBT to be less DA will end up being pushed out of the gene pool and pushed to AM. Staffs
  13. MR BIGGS

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

    Well duh, I know aggression isn't gameness. Any dog can be aggressive but these dogs are naturally dog aggressive is what I was saying. Stop misreading and assuming
  14. MR BIGGS

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

    You're right I have no experience fighting dogs and I'm proud to say that I don't and wouldn't want to participate in such an event but I do love and respect these dogs because of their personality and other traits. No need for you to tell me what I know or don't know. I was just stating a situation that sounds like it can happen if it hasn't already to know how would the outcome be determined. I would like to tell you to stop being si one-sided and look at things in a real world aspect. You don't know if people are matching curs.
  15. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Poor Esse818! You keep asking questions to learn and keep getting mowed over in all the arguing- and this was even your thread!!! :p

    I am certainly not qualified to tell you about true gamedogs and I have not had the pleasure of owning such a great animal.
    The best I can do is at least acknowledge your desire to learn- and tell you gameness is not something which can be assessed simply through hunting or tossing a couple of dogs into a ring. It is the heart of the dog,his determination to never never never ever quit trying to achieve his goal, and sheer refusal to accept defeat, or even acknowledge defeat exists for him. This is where one could start to understand the meaning of true game. The APBTs focus, level head and heroism all play into it as well.
    Some like to feel their bulldogs have at least a shadow of this quality, simply because they are APBT on paper.
    While others -the true dogmen I dare say- reserve this high honor only for those APBTs who are born, live and die with this special heroic quality that never fades-- right up to the end.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2006
  16. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    That is a great way of putting it Luvinbullies. Couldn't have said it any better.:)

    Some like to feel their bulldogs have at least a shadow of this quality, simply because they are APBT on paper.
    While others -the true dogmen I dare say- reserve this high honor only for those APBTs who are born, live and die with this special heroic quality that never fades-- right up to the end.
    LuvinBullies likes this.
  17. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

  18. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I dont fight my dogs either, but that doesnt mean some plenty of members here werent arround pre-1976 with first-hand experience, like one fellow your arguing with. Obviously that is not myself, but I dare reckon I've petted more true gamedogs on the head then you've ever had the honor of seeing. I'm one sided because I believe in sticking to what works, there is no need to change something that aint broke. Take a look at my sig line for how I feel about that! My "real world aspect" is from educating myself from those who have been doggin since before I was conceived, with no problems,and seeing idiots try to change things, buy pups off the streetcorner, and within months causing problems for our breed. And its an endless cycle, there will be 50 of these "new and improved" APBT's in trouble round here, before so much as one real gamedog gets recognized by the general public. I'm fine with that, so long as these people stop coat-tailing the APBT name, and seperate themselves from us!

    And as for your last statement, I can GUARANTEE you people are matching curs. So long as dogs are put in the position to quit, most will, damn near all of them.
  19. pancho

    pancho Guest

    Hi Esse,
    The only way to prove a dog is game is in the []. Any other way will not work. I am not telling anyone to match their dog. That is just the only way they have ever been tested and the only reliable way to check.
    Every dog does not have to be game. Every dog does not need to be tested. Different people want different things from their dogs. They choose from dogs that are closer to the ideal dog they want.
    Dogs don't get game. They are either born that way or they are not ever. Not all are. Some mature later than others. A dog has to be mature before being tested.
    Not everyone wants a game dog and most sure do not need one. They are just the main reason the pit bull was bred. Today less are bred that way and few are checked. That doesn't make them a bad dog.
    It also takes a experienced person to test a dog. It is not something for everyone to do. You have to know when to pick your dog up. There isn't a reason to loose a dog trying to test it.
    Hope I have helped. I don't know a lot, I have a little experience but there is a lot to learn. Let us know anything else you want to know.
  20. 440rider

    440rider Guest

    ......here's one for ya'll to chew on.....what do you consider a game dog (one that's shown their gameness time after time) that curs out?.......14, I think you read my post that was deleted on the Ch and GRCH that both did what many consider to be curring out. Like to hear what ya'll say on the matter.

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