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The greatest pit dog ever?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by caponedog, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. stinson glovers gr ck tuffy NR=1
  2. kdog123

    kdog123 Pup

    If they weren't in da pit they aint pit dogs
  3. Kimo615

    Kimo615 Banned

    That's hard to say based on statistics alone. You had to have see it yourself I think
  4. Kimo615

    Kimo615 Banned

    Or based upon stories or old wise tales lol. Theres been so many good ones its a real stumper of a question. I mean we talking victories or complete bulldawg that wrecked everything matched up against?
  5. StarLion

    StarLion Pup

    Can any consideration be given to Strickland's Billy or Nailer. Nailer for one started at 4 and was 4x by age 5 when claimed by babesia. And most usually sight the common most googled names. Where in the list would Red B's Ch Charlie lie?
  6. art & tufy are complete professional dogs,People frofesional are clearly expressed(exclude dogs tudor b jack&jr etc)
  7. Dusty Road

    Dusty Road CH Dog

    Tuffy stopped in a match,,,,
  8. NGK

    NGK Top Dog

    Tuffy "was stopped" in a match

    Dolemite was no slouch either (Tuffy's Bellybrother)

  9. some people have fun to talk ;),and some people listen with pleasure,,but shut your ears to the people of proven,as Don to EARL ;)
  10. some people have fun to talk ,and some people listen with pleasure,,but shut your ears to the people of proven,as Don to EARL
  11. Whole world hears from Bob, but only behave as if they do not take him in conditioning and story ;)
  12. it is the eye that we all see what we have inherited from the old
  13. :cool:old people who have gone illuminate more than those who live after them ;)
  14. Foundation

    Foundation Big Dog

    Thats pretty much how I see it as well.. When talking the best ever.. .. 24 is alot of stops.. so is 21 .. .. thats way more chances to get their oil checked than many modern dogs especially becuase pincher was a roll dog too. ..

    in modern times and NOW in post modern times.. "modern times" stared in the 50s with all the cool gadets and appliances.. we are in an age now our technology surpases us weekly if not daily.. "Post Modern" ...

    General obviously won over the well known men from the modern era .. .. that alone is probably is enough to put him in that list, he just didn't as many chances to prove it.. I love the dog and how he was bred.

    Tornado and Queen of Hearts; obviosly some favorites.. theres a few more db gr ch females out there I know I've seen ya'll throw em up .. ..

    I like Hammonds stuff so Melonhead always comes to mind to me as well. What about Fresh ?? He looks like he's all bulldog. MCavelli for instance another dog that blows everything else out of the water.. like them dogs like Cottons Bullet and Braddock and Redman .. all those dog won up into the teens .. I think of Croata as being one of the best post modern along with barracuda and all time good ones but when compared to dogs like that .. .. well like was said earlier those are alot of stops.. .. Those dogs colby had and or bred bob, bullet, pincher will always be in mind as some of the best ever.

    the best modern dog OF COURSE it the big blue muttly dog.. dbl gr ch big blue mutt :) hahaha..
  15. I will tell you why Tuffy, Art, Dolomite, and all the rest of Stinson/Glover dogs were above average.
  16. :dogkiss:
    What can I say about the greatest combat dog there ever was! Everybody I asked, "What do you think about the Tuffy dog?" answered "He's dangerous from the start."
  17. TUFFY and DOLEMITE.each dog proved to be one of the best at their weight. TUFFY was a stifle wrecking machine and in addition to his win over BUCK, he won over Corn?s TORO in 8 minutes, with one stifle hold.
  18. Dusty Road

    Dusty Road CH Dog

    He still stopped in a match...
  19. :dogkiss:
    Barney Fife is an old liar concerned only lest any man becomes his rival in training and breeding dogs the best that he,saying some true he in fact will mean more lies for young boys and its history,and many others injured by LEMM speaks around Tufyy At a time when there is none LIVING Real TO TALK TO.now there are only a few old people scared that young people understand the truth about really conditioning and pitbull&breedins.....shame on them people and R.I.P. MR LEMM.
  20. You know grch toro???or not?

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