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The greatest pit dog ever?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by caponedog, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Lol, stupid jobs been keeping me too busy lately.. I need to find me a suga momma.... :lol:

    Anywho, to try and keep on topic, I choose lassie, that damn dog did everything timmy ever asked and more! :lol:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2014
  2. Louis Cypher

    Louis Cypher Big Dog

    The answer has always been 3 LOL!!!!!!!!!
  3. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Lol, chomping down on it dont count! :lol:
  4. Louis Cypher

    Louis Cypher Big Dog

    Yeah, you just can't trust those owls:)
  5. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Owl oh owl.
  6. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    Anywho, to try and keep on topic, I choose lassie, that damn dog did everything timmy ever asked and more! :lol:
    timmy had more then one lassie ..don't forget that
  7. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    in other words timmi faked
  8. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    and the whole world was watching and did not say anything.
  9. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Lassie was also a he while portrayed as a bitch. lol He still found timmy in the well and brought help, that's a keeper to me lmfao
  10. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    lol He still found timmy in the well and brought help, that's a keeper to me lmfao
  11. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    timmy had a yard ful of lassy's
    no many people knew that
    each of them knew one truc
    timmy let the public know ...that it was one lassy who could do al those trucs .
    the public believed it .
    from there timmy sold 40 lassy's ..........
  12. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    the rest is historia .....................
  13. paco2013

    paco2013 Pup

    pat patricks indian bolio


    I agree Bolio was up there as best of the best...Came from greats and produced the same...Bolios sister medencino was also top notch also...
    Bolio seemed to be the one of the best producing Black Widow dogs, if not the best...
    Mr.Boudreaux matched Bolio but didnt breed to him, I would love to ask him why??Later he aquired some thru the Ramseys 2x Arty bred to his half sister Cherry out of Medencino...Ofcoarse Carver had something to do with Bolio making it west to Indian Sonny and Patrick ended up breeding the skip out of him...
    Bolio was awarded best in show over some well known bulldogs... Too bad he wasnt matched by Carver,Sonny or Patrick to add to his ACE status...
    Perhaps the forsight to be a producer out wieghed the chance of losing the ACE Bolio...
  15. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Melonhead was up there.
  16. boilermaker123

    boilermaker123 Big Dog

    for males I like to suggest rebels gr.ch.sampson. ...on the merits of he won his 1st match at 10 months old and was a gr.ch. when he was 22 months old. . 5 times out and 5 times best in show...beat Ken Allens gr.ch Zincer a 7x winner who had previously killed several dogs they picked up Zincer in 55 minutes and Zincer died a few days later..I don't know of any male who won 1st match at 10 months old and 5 by 22 months old. .all top competition of the day.. and for females my favorite rebels gr.ch shady lady. ..on the merits of no gr.ch. in history has had 5 fights with less than 40 minutes total ...and no dog ever has won two contracted matches in same night!! Yes ricky matched her Twice in same night when another match didn't go down because someones dog came up lame and they paid forfeit....shady lady had just won one without a scratch on her so ricky made bet and pulled shady lady out of the flight kennel for her second match in one night....name ANY dog in history who has done that? Did tornado kill a dog in 11 minutes? No,we all know how hard it is to kill a bulldog even one with no ability almost impossible to kill one that quickly. ..shady lady was on a down dog in 6 minutes and pried off a dead dog in 11 minutes. ..you all would not believe it unless you saw it...ungodly ability and mouth she had..I would put her up against any female ever. And she tried to kill every male we tried to breed her with she was a killing machine in heat or not
  17. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    What I wouldn't give for one like that.... You guys, or anybody, ever find out how game she was? I'm guessing no...
  18. boilermaker123

    boilermaker123 Big Dog

    Yes she was game as hell..anyone who knew ricky knows he was brutally hard on his dogs he culled hard...he duct taped shady lady's mouth shut and three dogged her she took a beating and kept coming...so yes she was game as well
  19. bounty

    bounty Big Dog

    F.B told me that Boze would of whipped Bolio in 5 mins. That's why he didn't beed to him.
  20. Dam1985

    Dam1985 Banned

    I've seen a dog be put to sleep in around 3 mins on tape, makes 11 mins look an eternity.

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