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The REPEATED disrespect of non-game dogs and breeders

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Diesel, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    How can a question about size turn into a diss session on the bigger APBTs?

    You guys are obsessed with putting peoples dogs down... without proof i might add. You assume that they are mixed and I will agree that I have seen some that DEFINATELY are... but to throw out this blanket that every dog that weights more then XYZ is a mutt... come on now.
    I personally dont think that is the case. Like I said blue dogs were around even in game dog days, its not like the color is a result of bringing in new blood... like the merle dogs. There are game blues... not many but they exist. There are big pure bred APBTs from game lines. So the possibility exists that there could be a big blue pit bull.

    I think I have such a dog. He IS big.. not quite 100 pounds,
    He IS blue... actually he just happened to be blue, his color had nothing to do with me getting him.
    He is old school greyline, not gottyline this new wave of midget fat ass dogs. Greyline is the baby or warren and tony and they were looking for a big atheltic dog. they blended various lines of APBT and bred it to consistancy. I think they made it happen.


    I cant stress that this is the type of activity we will do for over an hour... and when we do stop its usually because I am tired, not him.


    The drive on this boy is nuts... he will see something and lock on is and his muscles twich and he whines complete tunnel vision. In this case it was a stick... its really bad when its another dog.




    I would put my boy against any dog in any activity (matching not included) and I think he will hold his own very well, he has more drive then i would have imagined, along with superior size and power. He is not a big fat dog, he is not sloppy or disproportionate.

    And in regard to the breeders.. real breeders, not the BYB wannabe breeders.

    I dont understand whow you can so easily thumb your nose at the breeders of these dogs and the dogs themselves... lets be honest, when I see public displays and marches against BSL, and petitions and all of that what type of breeder is flooding the list, what type of breeders are going all out?

    Now that comment may piss you off, or make you jump to defend yourself, or to say that "its there fault the breed is where it is". But the past is the past and present is here, the breed is where it is for whatever reason. I personally dont blame them, I blame idiots that are trying to be like you guys... they dont know the breed well enough and are trying to make tough dogs. they dont know what game is and thing aggression is the trait... but thats another rant.
    The bottom line is, game dog owners do not make up the majority of active APBT owners. Most game dog owners stay out of the spotlight and think if you keep to yourself and keepyour head down things will blow over. Thats not going to work, we need to step up and say "no". AmStaffs, and non-game pitbull breeders are keeping this breed legal in this country. In other countries where there are less game dog breeders, the dogs are already outlawed, or heavily resstricted. As much as you seem to hate these dogs and disrespect the breeders you need to take a look at what they are doing that is ato your benefit as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  2. SouthernDixie

    SouthernDixie CH Dog

    When you talk of the non-game bred dogs that are keeping APBTs legal in this country, are you talking of dogs that are used in S&R and drug dogs, conformation shows, and other activities?
  3. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    Ok I am a bit confused,as it seems that you are as well, you start out saying that "You guys are obsessed with putting peoples dogs down" Then you go on to do this yourself by saying "He is old school greyline, not gottyline this new wave of midget fat ass dogs."
    What exactly is your point that you are trying to get across? I took it at first that you were upset that some of the people on here don't really like the large dogs then you sort of float off talking about AmStaff owners and non game pitbull breeders keeping the breed alive. I am glad that they are out there voicing there opinions and trying to save the breed but Im not sure what statistics you are going off of when you say breeders of game bred pitbulls are doing nothing. Yes we may try to stay out of the spot light on certin issues but I believe that every owner or breeder on this site probably signs petitions and does everything that they possibly can. Not everyone can drive across state and form a picket line somewhere but that doesn't mean that we aren't doing our part to. I think you should do some research and find out what your issues really are. Sounds sort of to me that you are defending your dog and then just threw that last part in to try and make us feel bad. Im not sure what your intentions were but in my opinion you are way off.
  4. NuTtDoGg

    NuTtDoGg Banned

    I agree to the fullest.
  5. B

    B CH Dog

    What part of "You don't breed APBTs for color or size" do you not understand? I think all of it...


  6. TabDogs

    TabDogs CH Dog

    personally im tired of hearing about this same topic..why are you crying about someone not liking your dog? why do you care? So basically you are more worried about everyone elses opinion on your dog than your own? LOL IF people dont like your "type" of dog ..OH WELL..Just be happy with what you have if thats what you want..nothing u post nor say is going to change the minds of people whom dont care for an APBT bred for size and color...I know you arent going to change mine..LOL
  7. thablacksheep

    thablacksheep Big Dog

    Stop defending your dog because that's all your doing. Why dont you do yourself a favor and read the title of your post. Now, do me a favor and read your your comment above. Enough said....
  8. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    With bitches like midnite and cashmire why would you?;)

    But people who are into those type of dogs fail to notcie that this forum is for game bred apbts. There many sites for blue pitbulls all over the net if you wanna breed them, talk about them compare head sized etc etc. Why bring it here? And then have a nerve to get short with us?

    Gee willy...
  9. jawbones

    jawbones Top Dog

    Well said. It seems the trouble is always coming from those who have "non game bred" dogs and just can't seem to comprehend it. We also have Bullies on our place (my wifes project...lol) and it doesn't offend me one bit for someone to call them "mutts" they are mutts. Guess some just can't handle the truth. I wish the trouble makers would just go talk on some bully forum where they can all pat each other on the back and erase this one from their favorites list! Why is it so difficult to just admit the truth? There are WAY TOO MANY differences in our bullies and our game dogs for them to have come from the same ancestors, there had to be some outcrossing somewhere. My gamedogs look just like they did 25 years ago, still the same ole Pit Bull. These Blue dogs we have are huge. Their coats are even different, skin looser, etc. My 9 month old dog Boomer who is out of the Benedict bloodline weighs 74 pounds and just keeps getting bigger. I don't have a problem seeing the huge difference. My Bullwinkle dog who is Jeep/ Hammonds weighs 49 pounds on the chain and there is nothing similar to these dogs except they are both called APBT's on their ADBA papers. Wake up and just admit it, it'll make you feel better. :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  10. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    1. Mayday was a HUGE APBT at 70lbs..............

    2. Greyline dogs are only bred for 2 things: size & color. see a problem?
  11. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    CLEARLY. Even though mayday dogs are somewhat to big for my taste, there is a big difference between "coming out big" and "being bred big"


    Bravo! I see it the same way Tab. People should be content with what they have. I walk outside and look at my dogs and feel real good. I have people that like what I have and some that don't. No skin off my back cause I know they will do their job. Took me a while to get here but it gets better every day and every breeding! You can smell it in the air! Win some loose some but take it like with a humble heart and it will come back to you. Oh yea! I also checked out your dogs Tab! Very Nice yard! I was thinking about showing one of my old ugly gamedogs in Hickory this fall when the ADBA has its show up there. I'm game for new things and it can't hurt. Well! Maybe a little.
  13. jawbones

    jawbones Top Dog

    Good point as usual Mia.

    I have a Mayday dog. His Sire is 65 pounds of raw gamedog right off of Gr Ch Lukane and he looks nothing like these bullies I've been feeding since February. My problem isn't with the dogs as much as the people who continually try to portray them as something that they are not.
  14. jawbones

    jawbones Top Dog

    These first two dogs are brother and Sister and are 7-8 months old in these pics and they are weighing around 65-70 pounds when these were taken. The little guy on the bottom is also 7 months old and weighs 30 pounds. Sounds like there were alot of strangers in the wood pile to me for both to be considered 100% pit bull. You can follow the little guys ped back to all the famous dog men and see he comes from a long line of APBT's. You can follow our big blue mutts ped back on the bottom and find the same thing, but on the top it goes back to a bunch of unfamiliar names and then sometimes vanishes or traces back to the UKC and then the AKC. I'm gonna leave it alone for the sake of getting my blood pressure up. But I own em both and have no problem calling them what they are. Good day. :)
    Time for lunch.:cool:

    Attached Files:

  15. fyremyst

    fyremyst Big Dog

    You know we see the same discussion day in day out ... why dont people like my dog? It boils down to this... did you get the dog to make people like you... no then why give a rip about what anybody but you thinks about your dog after all it is your dog not theirs or ours or anybody else's. I have three pits two are from an accidental breeding ( The male nappy had was determined to make puppies) one has papers. but I dont love the two without papers any less than I love the one with papers. When people ask me what kind of dogs they are I prouldy tell them they are pitbulls. Im not ashamed of them , And I dont care what people think about my dogs cus you know what? I love them and they make me happy and thats what matters.
  16. NORTH

    NORTH Top Dog

    Lol when will this topic end ?
  17. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    ***edited.. i dont feel like explaining myself***

    I am defending my dog.. your damn right I am. Your dissing an entire line of dogs and my dog is a part of it, so there fore you are dissing my dog. He would do the same for me.

    If you guys are so sick of the topic why does evey damn post turn into the same thing? the last past was about size, had nothing to do with blue dogs and you brought it up, how fat and lazy and this and that... why?
    stay on topic and you wont have to hear it. I am going to defend my dog every time I feel he is being downgraded, because like it or not, non-game dogs are here to stay. You can bitch about them until your tounge bleeds and they will still be right here.
    So L.I.G. it... LET IT GO... move on and stop complaining about something that you wont even tiake the time to understand.

    I tell people all the time that they need to take the time to know the game dogs in order to understand the APBT, to understand the dog that they are breeding they need to know its histpry and roots, but you sit here and thumb your nose based on speculation. Its damn near laughable at times seriously.
    I am well aware this is gamedog.com, I click on the link in my favorites everyday. But this isnt dissablue.com.
    I have no problem following along and reading quietly the posts on the game dogs, but when you start in on me and mine... I am going to speak up.
    You dont want post like this, dont make posts like that.

    side note: I know what i have... i really dont care if it impresses you or not, he is flawless in my eyes. I think I have one of the best blue dogs on the planet... so dont think I am posting for your approval. because I really dont need it.
  18. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    Then if your so aware that this is GAME-DOG.COM then why must you defend a dog thats not even close to breed standard?! And have the nerve to still call it a "apbt"? Which in these days are highly over rated!!! Why must you be in a place where their are VERY few people that like the same type of dogs as yourself?!

    With all due respect bud we aim to maintain the ORIGINAL FORM OF AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIERS!! Not some hot new fad all because you like the way they look. Fine you like your blue dogs, hell not all of those greyline or whatever they call them are blue but its the same thing. You have a right to like and breed what you LOVE but do not, DO NOT point the bad finger at us because we aim to breed the true form of bulldog!

    For those who breed the great game dog, "we're living in our last days...."
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  19. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    BOO HOO man get over yourself you should really be posting on a different board ya know, and Im real sure if someone was making fun of you your doggie would jump right up to defend you.. LMAO
  20. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    Thats just it though, I like game dogs... i cam here because I do. I love and respect the heritage of my dog... I wouldnt be here if i didnt. a fraction of the time i spend here is defending my boy, the rest running thorugh the archives and looking around at the various areas of this site. Its a great site and I enjoy it, but that still doesnt give you guys the right to rag on a dog because it isnt your style.

    Fine, you like the Original pit bull, fine oyu want to keep it the same. there are thousands of breeders that feel differently. You would be shocked at the number of breeder that started out with dogs just like yours, the smae blood, the same ideals. its personal preference, does that make it right or wrong? I dont think so.

    Here is an analogy, if i have a chevy silverado, I can take that car froom the lot and have it lowered, leave it factory, or have it lifted its still a checy silverado. Is it to the same specs as it was when it left the factory, no. does that make it any less a silverado?
    much like with the dogs the lowered one is purely for show, it has no real application its build and looks limit its function for anything more the cruising and looking pretty. The factory is ready to work, haul, tote, pull, you name it. The lifted is functional as well with less mobility, not as agile, cant corner as hard, but usually stronger.

    Most wont knock a well bred game dog.. but no matter what the quality of a non-game dog the gamedog breed is going to dismiss it.
    I am beginning to understand, It doesnt really matter what is done outside of the dogs ad the lines you consider game, they will never be acceptable. because they dont fit your image of the APBT.

    Oh and so you know I post on about 30 boards, both game and non-game... I love the APBT in all forms.

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