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The REPEATED disrespect of non-game dogs and breeders

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Diesel, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. powder925

    powder925 Big Dog

    I really cannot understand why you are so surprised and upset about peoples opinons on your big blue dog when you are posting on a game dog site.Do you think if I posted a couple pics and ask opinons about my game bred dog on a big blue forum that I would not run into the same thing.....he's to small....his heads not big enough....my dog can out pull dog......my dogs bluer than yours...ect
    knowbody is knockin your dog,he is a nice looking dog.But if you are look for someone to cum in their pants when you post a pick of your dog than you my friend are in the wrong forum.


    Gamedogs paid in blood for You your showdogs and Petbulls! Respect'M. ​
    We do know what we are talking about when it comes to the American Pit Bull Terrier! We own them remember? Yes! we do know the truth about the breed. That's why Most of us here own the gameline's instead of the gameless show lines or petbull dogs. Even Show lines can be gamebred but need to be culled hard and some folk have some nice game showdogs here but they dont breed for just a Head size and color its deeper than that PAL!!! If your dog was what you say it is you would not have a worry! [​IMG] but it lacks something for you to play defence so hard for the mighty one. My yard is always open if you want to put your hands on a Carolina bred Gamedog. He might not be pretty or smell good but he knows his job! Point [​IMG]...Taken? ​
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  3. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    You kidding me right. If that was so they wouldnt turn greatness into pretty trash, sorry to be so harsh but I feel as though breeding dogs to look nice is one of many reasons why their are so many homeless animals. Not game, not a pitbull
  4. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    it is great to hear that you love the APBT but it is also aparent that you don't know to much about what a true APBT is you seem to like more what they have been made into. The pitbull is a small dog (sure there are flukes) and people have screwed the breeding patterns up so bad that there are now 100lb. pits out there that are unstable and giving bulldogs a bad name. It has been proven that a pitbull bred as close to the original bloodlines and bred for gameness are more sound than what these breeders are making them into. There is alot more than size and color that come into the picture when breeding and you are right I find it completely unacceptable that they are messing up a good thing. I think you are pointing your finger at the wrong people We are the ones trying to preserve the breed they are the ones changing it. If you love the pitbull so much why try to make it into something that it isn't?
  5. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    you entitled to feel how you feel, i cant knock you for expressing yourself. I am petty familiar with the breed standard... And if you want to be honest the standard doesnt specify a size, well the AKC one does, but who cares what they think.

    The standard emphasizes proportions. no matter what part of it you look at the proportions are most important. if you have a dog that weighs 50 pounds and it short and compact and wide, against a dog that is 50 pounds that is tall and long and rangy.. where is your money going? it has nothing to do with the weight.. its all about the proportions.

    I am aware that dogs have gotten bigger, when you dont selectively cull out every dog thats not game and you dont match your dogs you are going to get some bigger ones that reproduce.
    When every aspect of breeding isnt focused on ring preformance, you are going to see some change in the average specimen. just change, not improvement or deterrioration.

    From a dogfighters perspective I can understand the need to preserve the trait... but seriously in a given day how often would joe blow on the street need a game bred dog? does it make your dog a better pet? Dog fighting.. the only place a dog needs to be game.
  6. SouthernDixie

    SouthernDixie CH Dog


    So you are saying that search and rescue dogs shouldn't be game? You know, because we sure would want our S&R dogs to give up real easily. That way, when they give up, we can just say, "to hell with the missing person." Or what about the police K9 pit bulls that are being used as drug dogs. I sure wouldn't want a cur dog by my side if I were doing raids and what not.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but being game isn't just a skill for dogs used in fighting. Most of being game is the the will to never give up. And I would say that that can go for more things than just dogfighting.
  7. TabDogs

    TabDogs CH Dog

    I am well aware this is gamedog.com, I click on the link in my favorites everyday. But this isnt dissablue.com.

    THATS the whole point..this is a GAMEdog forum. Not a "theysameIamaPitbull.com" There is a great difference in what your dog is bred for and what the vast majority of OUR dogs are bred for.

    From a dogfighters perspective I can understand the need to preserve the trait... but seriously in a given day how often would joe blow on the street need a game bred dog? does it make your dog a better pet? Dog fighting.. the only place a dog needs to be game.

    That statement alone is pure ignorance. i mean really guy..lmao. Where did you draw this conclusion at..I cant say I am suprised that you would make that statement tho..A dog bred for color and size cannot nor will ever measure up to the quality of a good game bred dog. <!-- / message -->
  8. 440rider

    440rider Guest

    it's not the dogfighters perspective it's the perspective of someone who want's a dog with a solid tempermant, stability and structure to overcome any obstacle including the fury of a 5 yr old ...or anything else... you name it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  9. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    I am aware that dogs have gotten bigger, when you dont selectively cull out every dog thats not game and you dont match your dogs you are going to get some bigger ones that reproduce.

    WHAT THE FLYING F**K? That makes no sence. So your telling me, that out of the blue pitbulls can just hop from 40 to 100 pounds and still be a pure bred? Geez louis...Their are so called *huge* pitbull mutts are just crossed bred with other breeds like the american bulldog, presa, bullmastif, whatever!

    When every aspect of breeding isnt focused on ring preformance, you are going to see some change in the average specimen. just change, not improvement or deterrioration.

    Who says pitbulls gameness is needed for in the ring only. We do not condone in dogfighting here on game dogs. Get that taste right out your mouth

    But hey this is america in all. Why not let people ruin this great breed with crossing it with other breeds and calling it a pitbull. If thats the case my american bulldog benz is a pitbull in the publics eye, so there for he is a pitbull, his lines are CURson/tapout....

    Attached Files:

  10. B

    B CH Dog

    Thats just it though, I like game dogs... i cam here because I do. I love and respect the heritage of my dog... I wouldnt be here if i didnt. a fraction of the time i spend here is defending my boy, the rest running thorugh the archives and looking around at the various areas of this site. Its a great site and I enjoy it, but that still doesnt give you guys the right to rag on a dog because it isnt your style.

    Don't "brag" and we won't "rag". All the blue and massively large owners post their dogs asking about opinions and when they hear the truth they fight, bicker, argue, and scream about it. Your dogs are not gamedogs and they are not APBT in true form. If you asked how your "Staffy" looked you might get more honest opinions and less hassle although in my opinion these dogs aren't even comparable to a "Staffy". Do not confuse your dogs with an APBT. They are not the same and the branching of these dogs took place a long time ago with introductions of mixed and bandogs. Any fool could register a mutt with any legit litter so do not attempt to claim that because a paper says your dog is a pure APBT.

    Fine, you like the Original pit bull, fine oyu want to keep it the same. there are thousands of breeders that feel differently. You would be shocked at the number of breeder that started out with dogs just like yours, the smae blood, the same ideals. its personal preference, does that make it right or wrong? I dont think so.

    They started with gamedogs and ended up with crap. They obviously don't know how and shouldn't be breeding dogs. These dogs are all bandogs although I will grant many probably have enough APBT infused to give them some half decent traits. They breed dogs for color and size and they are rewarded with big money from fools that are disillusioned into thinking that APBT make the best pets around. These are working dogs and the majority of people owning them haven't a clue what that means. They are underexercised, overfed, and treated like children. This causes the majority of the problems with most dogs and generally results in an unhappy bulldog and eventually an owner that grows weary of keeping them. Add to it that most of these animals have other species with human aggression and guarding traits added to complete the size and color scheme and you can quickly see why we have the problem we do today.

    Here is an analogy, if i have a chevy silverado, I can take that car froom the lot and have it lowered, leave it factory, or have it lifted its still a checy silverado. Is it to the same specs as it was when it left the factory, no. does that make it any less a silverado?
    much like with the dogs the lowered one is purely for show, it has no real application its build and looks limit its function for anything more the cruising and looking pretty. The factory is ready to work, haul, tote, pull, you name it. The lifted is functional as well with less mobility, not as agile, cant corner as hard, but usually stronger.

    That is the exact problem. People try to "accessorize" dogs and "personalize" them. Blue dogs are a fad and the owners are many times ignorant and looking to "accessorize". Your own analogy shows how you truly feel about these dogs... These dogs are not "accessories". These are serious working animals that require a high degree of responsibility to care for and maintain. Your big blue mutts are much like other "toy" breeds. People buy them and grow bored and move on to the next fad. mia posted a great thread about a ton of multi thousand dollar large funny colored dogs that are shelter fodder waiting to be euthanized. They were given up by the same people that wanted to "accessorize" by buying them. These animals are part of the problem, not the solution. Any amount of rambling isn't going to change true breed fanciers views. Your dogs are "accessories" and their size and color is for no other reason than to "personalize" them. Human wants meet with mixed breedings to produce the desired "personalized" dog all the while giving the public the bad impression that pitbull are 55-150 lbs of odd colored menace. Half the time the public can't recognize my dogs because they aren't stereotypical behemoths. They don't even suspect my dogs are pitbulls because they range from 25-55 lbs and are available in a plethora of plain colors. At least you realized at the end that these "personalized" dogs don't have the function of the true form just like the truck in your analogy.

    Most wont knock a well bred game dog.. but no matter what the quality of a non-game dog the gamedog breed is going to dismiss it.
    I am beginning to understand, It doesnt really matter what is done outside of the dogs ad the lines you consider game, they will never be acceptable. because they dont fit your image of the APBT.

    You really don't understand that these animals are not APBT. Papers can be stuck on anything especially with the money hungry ADBA registering half breeds, mutts, and grossly deformed dogs to keep their pocketbooks full. I won't even mention the registeries that paper anything with a picture and some money in an envelope. Before you second guess me, I have experience with bandogs because I've rescued several. They were all in homes where people expected the ideal pet and didn't realize what they bought from the local paper and BYB mill. They are all commonly mistaken as APBT because of their large size and general bulldog confirmation. I have to explain to people that they are so big because of the crossed bloods.

    Oh and so you know I post on about 30 boards, both game and non-game... I love the APBT in all forms.

    Congratulations. If you are on a few game boards then you might have some love for the real APBT. Your arguements about huge colored dogs might show otherwise though.

    Now I ask you how these large colored dogs aren't hurting the breed when the majority of the public believes that a pitbull has to have a massive noodle and weigh over 100 lbs. You speak about BSL and saving the breed but it seems you are really interested in saving the wrong breed. The funny thing is that the oversized odd colored dogs are what sticks in the publics eyes and they don't seem to be doing a very good job if you listen to the news. The only good thing in these "accessory" dogs is the small genetic contribution the likes of my dogs have helped infuse into the bandog blood. These large dogs are helping to destroy what has taken so many dog people and so much time to build and maintain. In general as a whole community we are failing the APBT and the current situations in many towns and cities regarding BSL more than justifies this comment.

    Best Regards,

    MPD likes this.
  11. Got Game?

    Got Game? Banned

    makes sense. im new at this and thats the reason i registered, but i understand gameness is the will to never quit. originally gameness was "let see if you'll fight to death in the pit".

    "gameness has one place.. the pit."

    historically yes. but people have their dogs huntin and doing other sports and to never quit at that to them is gameness. i think its true the only way to game test in the past is in the pit.

    like i said i'm new at this and i cant bet my blood on it that what i'm saying are facts. so if you want to tell me the truth tell me. dont start making rude remarks..
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  12. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    Is ignorance really this bliss?
  13. Brothermarree

    Brothermarree Top Dog

    Diesel your male actually meets the ADBA stadrd he's quite porportinate
  14. 440rider

    440rider Guest

    how about this analogy...you take that silverado.. strip it down..but when you rebuilt the already great running stock silverado...you add an engine and half the other parts from another vehicle.... What do you call the silverado now?
  15. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    I dont understand how you can say that every dog you are seeing is instantly a mix though.

    thats just it, when i see a mix there is no complications, or qualms about saying it, I call a spade a spade. I know there are several big pit lines that trace back to mixing with mastiffs: Bull mastiffs, Neos, Douges, and what have you.
    But to say that any dog that weights more then XYZ is a mutt.. thats is just completely closed minded to me.

    Mayday 70-75 pounds he was a freak, not the average size pup..but, you know if you stop breeding for gameness and bred largest off spring to largest off spring you could make 70-75 the average and the freaks would be bigger.
    its not some impossible feat. when you look at the average pit being 35-40 pounds and then you have freaks like mayday who are 30 pounds heavier.
    Now dogs like mayday are the average and we have freaks that are 30 pounds heavier. its not that hard to follow. just like consitant breding kept the dogs game, consistant breedings made the dogs big.
    Like it or love it.. thats just the way it is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  16. B

    B CH Dog

    An APBT? :D

  17. Got Game?

    Got Game? Banned

    what is the difference between a staffy and apbt?
    i mean all the differences. body/gameness.. go into history if you want.

    can anybody please politely answer without crying about this not being a staffy site. Good and Real anwers please. please dont answer with "apbt is a game dog and a staffy is a wannabe"
  18. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    bare bones answer. any dog bred for anything other then gameness is a staff.
    basically going by the UKC/ AKC split that was the difference. AKC said not APBT, only the name staffordshire terrier (changed to American Staffordshire Terrier) dogs are not bred for the fighting past but for conformation under the rouse that function follows form i.e. if it looks like a pit bull, then it can work like a pit bull. so any dog that is not bred with function in mind is called a staff.. no matter what the paperwork says.

    Well, on game dog boards anyway.
  19. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    This is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier commonly called a Staffy or Staffy Bull:

    They are on the small side are used as chase dogs in certain countries.

    This is an American Staffordshire (AmStaff):

    I have an Am Staff, but she is small even for the female breed standard.

    And all you have to do is go to anyones gallery and see quite a few APBT right here, but here is some more info:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2005
  20. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    Mayday came out that way because he was meant to be that way. You dog was bred to be blue and big. And not all dogs bred down from mayday end up as big at him so wrong again there. people who think like you think pitbulls around your dogs size is the everyday pitbull but we know better. And by now you should as well.

    If I can have dogs bred down from the lines of pistol and jeep, (with a little snooty);) and if their parents were around the same weight for generations. Then how come put of no where there huge dogs from unknown lines are out all of a sudden. "Thats just the way it is." Well fine, sorry if you thinking like a child.

    Because if you even think for a minute you have a pitbull runnin round in your yard, THATS THE JOKE. We have no use for people who would like to remain ignorant and plant their feet down like jackass.

    And hey, thats JUST THE WAY IT IS.

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