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The REPEATED disrespect of non-game dogs and breeders

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Diesel, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    okay let me try again... S-L-O-W-L-Y.
    Breeding CONSISTANTLY for GENERATIONS would make the dogs increase in size...
    that means largest offsring to largest offspring... you dont need to add in other blood to accomplish this.
    Not all dogs out of mayday were his size!!!? you dont say.. (heavy sarcasm) I know that, that is what makes him a freak.. like I said out of the norm. If you breed freaks to freaks you get freaks. and soon that becomes the norm and the freaks from those breedings are going to be bigger. So you see ( I hope) its not completely crazy to think these dogs are still pure.
  2. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    Mayday wasnt bred from huge dogs! Some how he came out big, Gr Ch LuKane was bred from mayday. and wow look at him

    yeah some huge freak all right;)

    The point your missing here is that if you get freaks fine. But just because a pitbull comes out big like mayday doesn't mean you breed him to a BIG female just to make sure you get freaks again. THATS NOT BREEDING FOR WHAT MAKES THIS BREED GAMENESS. TO YOU THE NORM FOR PITBULLS ARE LIKE YOUR GAINT "SCRATCH TO THE BOWL" DOG. BUT TO PEOPLE WHO LOVE THE BREED FOR WHAT IT TRULY IS A DIFFERENT STORY.

    I can not bite my tounge when a guy is sitting here telling us about pitbulls and breeding history when you THINK that "Oh, over the years the dogs just get bigger on their own". Dogs dont just breed them self, you know WE took part in that. AND PEOPLE bred DOGS LIKE YOURS to be be that way, they didn't get there on their own.

    Hopefully your narrow mindedness can open up a few doors, and may you stick around here and learn something from bulldog owners
  3. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    Would it make you feel better if someone just told you your dog was a full blood pitbull? I mean really what did you come here to get out of this thread. You are in a game dog chat you made a coment but you refuse to hear what anyone else says. Are you trying to convince yourself that your dog is not a mixamut or what? I think the biggest issue is not weather they are mixed but why in the hell would these people want to breed these dogs just for the size and color? To make a quick buck, To over run the pitbull population? My biggest deal is you want to point your finger at the real dogmen out there who usually don't even sell pups and say " what are you doing for this breed," and actually believe that these big blue breeders are trying to do something. Your right they are, they are back yard breeders and puppy peddlers and I would personally like to thank them for all they have done to screw the breed up and to put all these unstable giants on the streets. Can you since my sarcasm?
  4. B

    B CH Dog

    Eventually... maybe........ IF you are breeding on size which is WRONG WRONG WRONG. You are foolish if you truly believe any pedigree on a huge mutt like the poor blues. Many line originators admitted that they started crossing in bandogs and other various bulldogs to get their desired "product".

  5. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    LOL, what are you talking about!!!
    I openly said that the dogs were bred for size... and not gameness. At what point of what post on what thread have i said anything else?
    narrowminded... I am one of the mst openminded people you will ever meet. I have a talent for empathizing with people, even if i dont agree I can always see your side.

    I think thats why i like to argue so much... i can see both sides and make my own points that much stronger, lol.

    but serisously, I know these dogs werent bred for gamenes.. remember Im the guy who said the trait doest have a place in todays society. I am the one that said it took generations of breeding for size to make the average size increase. you basically repeated my post and threw some insults in it.
    I can gave you reasons why the dogs are pure, can you give me one.. just one as to why ever dog that weights over 70 pounds is instantly a mutt?
    and lets be clear i do realize there are lines that are mutts, in fact some (eddington) even openely admitted to mixing in other breeds. what I am talking about is something to backup your thoughts about every dog of size.
  6. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Watchdog for one...........
  7. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    You said it when you said you liked to argue. That aparently is what you are here to do because you aren't listening or reasoning with anyone..
  8. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    headhunter- i told you i dont care what ANYONE thinks of my dog. People in the blue dog world think he is too skinny, people in the game dog world think he is too big. I think he is perfect, so you can think what you will about him.
    I love the way you pigeon-hole every breeder out there, without knowing anything about them.. its funny i have heard many comments and remarks about gamedog breeders too. I dont give anythought to it, because for every stereotype there are exceptions. its stupid.. i treat people like individuals. call me crazy.

    The BSL thing was said out of anger, but serisously... its true. The people on the front lines of anti-BSL are "pet-bull" owners, show breeders, and the like. They are the ones that take the time to go through the rigt channels to make real changes. filling out an online petition is not going to do anything. marching, talking to governing officials, sending letters, and making your voice heard will.
  9. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    I am listening but if your sole supporting evidence it that the origanl pit bull wasnt that big.. your argument is weak. its based on personal preference and not fact. you like game dogs, you like small dogs, in what way does that make big dogs mutts?

    because I wont cur out.. in not listening or being reasonable.
    I am reasonable.. but you have to give me something to reason with. so far i got nothing but opinions. If it makes you feel any better I understand your argument, when i was woring with game lines i used to make it to people all the time. But i have expanded my world and got to know the many incarnations of the APBT... and I disagree with it.
  10. MPD

    MPD Big Dog

    This is the last post i'm going to make in this thread. Pitbulls were not meant for everyone! So where you say gameness shouldnt matter to the everyday person, sadly, many people need not to have a pitbull.

    We pigon hole most of those blue pitbull breeders, or any other breeder who breeds for looks because their killing the breed. Their labeling their 100 pounders are pitbulls, and guess what people like you believe them!

    But I'm gonna leave it like that. In time you will learn (I hope) what your dog really is and what a american pitbull terrier really is.
  11. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    I don't think I "pigeon-hole" breeders I don't mention any names and never will. I just don't agree with just breeding a dog for looks to make a quick buck and you know as well as I do that is what they are doing. What other reason for the dogs is there but to sell them and make money off of them? I don't see anything wrong with your dog and I am not even talking about your dog I am talking about the breeders of these dogs. If your dog is doing for you what you want him to then that is great he looks good and seems to be a good pet, but I think you are missing my point. I just think before you try to get us to praise them for so called helping the breed you really should reaserch more. They are the one's over populating the "pitbull" selling them to anyone who wants one. One of them ends up on the streets because it can't be taken care of something happens to a kid or whatever and all of a sudden we catch the shit on it. They are all of a sudden "fight" dogs or have something to do with drugs. Come on now. I personally have written to my congressman and other officials about the breed and im sure others on here have to. Maybe I should write next time and apoligize for all of the people out there that are breeding these dogs unresponsibly the people that we are catching the shit for.
  12. WWII

    WWII Banned

    I know this is off topic, but since we're talking about breeders and breeding, let me ask this question...I see that a lot of people look down on breeding, but, what if say, Bob has a blue dog (razors edge, gotti, etc.) and a dog down from, oh let's say, jeep. He gets this great idea to breed them, but keeps the entire litter to himself. Is this still looked down upon the same way?

    I honestly wouldn't see anything wrong with this, as long as...
    A) he kept the litter
    B) spayed/neutered the pups and gave to family, or close friends.
  13. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    This is always the same comeback used by owners that cant accept there dogs are mutts. Listen up......These dogs were selectively bred for hundreds of years to be small. You are NOT going to overturn such selective breeding in 20-30, even 40 years as you people seem to think happened. In your logic we are taking dogs that weigh 35 lbs. and somehow making dogs that are up in the 120 range now (This is an approximate 340 percent increase). So in your thinking we could take 200 lb. humans and in just a few generations have consistent mutant 680 lb. people? I dont think so. And if you still dont believe that o'k whatever. Think about this. How healthy are these dogs going to be? Is it really worth sacraficing your dogs health for the sake of looking cool with the biggest ''pit"? If you or anyone else thinks so, get out of the breed IMMEDIATELY!
  14. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    read through ALL of it. that's our answer.
  15. TxDogger

    TxDogger Big Dog

    I really just don't know how to make anyone understand and im not sure why i keep checking this thread maybe I should check my temp. instead cause you guys are really making me sick LMAO.
  16. WWII

    WWII Banned

    I am in no way going to do this. I was just wondering what ya'll thought about it.
  17. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    DIESEL, No one said that every dog over 70 is a mutt. The difference is that a pure bred 70 lb APBT is rare. So rare that there may only be one that size out of a few generations. But these lines that you like and defend are shooting out litters that are all over 70 lbs. That is the difference. That is what proves that they are bred for size or crossed with something else. Therefore no longer being a true APBT.
  18. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    Hey guys I've got an idea. Now stick with me on this one & it might just work. OK? Boycott any of these dicussions. As ambassadors for the gamedogs lets take the initiative to cull the nonsense from the board. If someone posts a topic concerning this arena members can politely PM links to appropriate sites with useful information concerning the topic. That way we won't get into these bottomless tiraids & we're still able to assist members without bashing them into a different way of thinking. We will never change some peoples opinions, & sometimes our own can seem a bit narrow-minded. (ME INCLUDED!) What ya'll think?
  19. BlackSeal

    BlackSeal Pup

    THANK YOU!!!, for not making me have to type all that.
  20. Whiskey Bay

    Whiskey Bay Top Dog

    Sorry Mia.I really have to correct you(sorta).Most of those dogs are bred for 3 things:Size,color,and Money.OR you could think of it with this twist off your's.Size&color.The SIZE of the dog,size of the wallet.The color of the dog,color of the money.

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