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The REPEATED disrespect of non-game dogs and breeders

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Diesel, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    Like everyone has been saying, it depends HOW and WHY the dog was bred. If a male dog is game and a female dog is game and they are bred with gameness in mind, then the pups are GAME BRED. Will there be curs in the same litter as well as game dogs? Probably. Will those curs still be APBT? Yes. If you breed the curs to another cur with anything other than gameness (looks, size, color, etc.,) in mind, will the pups be APBT? No, because there is no such thing as an APBT that is "not game bred". The whole point in seperating the Am Staff from the APBT was the whole purpose the pet bull owners have them. To get away from the "stigma" and have a far less game dog. So WHY NOT CALL YOUR DOGS AM STAFFS (if they are bred accordingly not those mutts and nasty unproportionate dogs)?!? Does it hurt to call them what they are? Is it so hard to understand?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2005
  2. thislife

    thislife Banned

    So basically a APBT cannot be a APBT unless it is game?
  3. thislife

    thislife Banned

  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    No an apbt is an apbt based on what its bred for. If its bred for gameness it is still an apbt whether it is a cur or not. However if you breed two apbt's together for anything other than gameness, you've created an amstaff regardless of what the papers say. Listen up people : The Amstaff breed was created for people who wanted to get away from the gameness aspect of the APBT. They bred APBT's together simply for good looking show dogs, and good companions. The sole purpose of the Amstaff was to take APBT's and make them anything other than gamedogs.......if you are breeding APBT's together with anything other than gameness in mind, you are doing the exact same thing the first Amstaff breeders did....a hundred years too late. Listen people, the amstaff breed was bred exactly for people like you, just because saying ''amstaff'' doesnt get the same response or attention as ''pitbull'' doesnt mean you need to lie about what your dog is. These arent fashion accesories and these dogs shouldnt be here to boost anyones ego. As for the person who said gamedogs are the minority now-days, hey thats your personal opinion, I know of 10x's as many gamedogs in this area than big blue currs. Just because these people arent walking two of them down the street to look cool and scare people doesnt mean these dogs arent there.:D
  5. MIKA

    MIKA Big Dog

    Very good discussion. I am not a breeder just a lover of the APBT and what ever bloodline it is, i'm sure it is 100% devoted to it's master. I have learned so much on here and I really think this person should wake up to the breed.
  6. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Put it this way, game in the APBT is a highly prized breed characteristic along with the physical characteristics that make up the breed standard. Game in the APBT is a hard trait to get and to keep through breeding, thus the very strict line for breeding non game dogs and calling them APBTs. An APBT by DEFINITION is GAME......now can you say this of your dog? If your dog conforms physically and you can make the above comment....you have an APBT. If not perhaps the best thing you can say is you have a GAME BRED APBT, and if you cannot show your dogs parents were game or game bred themselves then you have an Am Staff.
  7. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    DID YOU NOT READ WHAT I TYPED? I said if it is a cur it is STILL APBT. If that CUR is bred without gameness in mind, then THOSE pups are no longer APBT. Taking gameness away leaves you with another breed. Common ancestry? Yes. Same breed? No. The argument that "they have the same ancestry" proves nothing. The Am Staff and the APBT have the same ancestry prior to 1900's does that make them the same breed? No. Do they have common ancestry with plenty of other dogs? Yes. BUT THE APBT IS BRED SOLELY ON GAMENESS. Remember, back in the old days dogs were bred for working purposes and best to best. All dogs are bred differently for a purpose and should be NAMED differently accordingly. So if me and you have some common ancestry back there in the tree, but I'm hispanic and let's say your black, does that make you hispanic and me black? NO. I'm still Hispanic and you're still Black. Sorry for the race comparison it has nothing to do with racism just an example. Your "type" of dogs are watered down versions of the APBT......hm...what is an Am Staff again...? A show (aka watered down) version of the APBT, no disrespect to them because they excell at what they do (show and looking good).
  8. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    any proof that C. Couturier mixed in other breeds to make his watchdog bloodline? or is it just opinion. because I have never herd this
  9. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    So then if UKC told u to jump off a bridge you would?? UKC was founded in part to register the APBT as the working dog it was back i nthe day because the AKC would not. Over the years to save their own face and to make $$$ they have turned away from the "game dog" image.. In the 30's when the Am staff was formed and AKC decided it was a breed, essesentialy the 2 dogs were the same..AT THAT MOMENT but bred away from each other over the years..

    So because UKC tells u, its so? Hmm. UKC is only in it to make $$$ like most registries..They lump both breeds together but that doesnt make it so or right..
  10. thislife

    thislife Banned

    Why the disrespect. I don't disrespect you. I don't care what you call the dog. So basically you are saying anyone who owns a non-game bull dog is doing so for show and because they have ego problems.

    And no they are not walking them down the street. They are getting arrested for dog fighting rings looking on TV like the trash they are. [​IMG]
  11. thislife

    thislife Banned

    YOU SIR, are a JERK. [​IMG]
  12. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    Lmao. The truth hurts.
  13. thislife

    thislife Banned

    Look people, I don't care if the dog is a Am Staff or a Pit Bull. If the consensus is a Pit Bull must be game then my dog is not Pit Bull. It is a Am Staff. Does that make everyone happy? Yall still have a problem with Am Staff's from the discussions I have heard up here. So like I prevously stated I think some of you feel threatned by the popularity of the bully dog fad. If that is the case, then instead of saying I have ego problems I think you should look at your own envious selfs. ENVY IS A WEAK EMOTION
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2005
  14. nappydawg

    nappydawg Top Dog

    lol you sir are a jerk lol truth does not sit well with some folks i see
  15. thislife

    thislife Banned

    What truth? That if UKC calls my dog a Pit Bull then that is what I call him. Ok it is the truth. AND????????????????????????????????????? Still does not change the fact you are JERK.[​IMG]
  16. thislife

    thislife Banned

    Last thing. I can understand wanting to keep the working purpose in the APBT (Hunting, protecting from wild animals etc........). But what type of person fights a dog? And is pridefull by there dog winning fights. What type of weak human trash does that?
  17. Marty

    Marty Guest

    You sound familiar with all your arguing there are people here with over 20/30 yrs experience, so you know more than us? how old are you anyway? :(
  18. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    LOL Why thank you.. Ive been called worse by better people :D

    SIR lol..
  19. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Yeah I caught that too lol ;)
  20. thislife

    thislife Banned

    I am 30 and have about 22 yrs experience. No arguing, I have finished my point. If a pitbull must be game then I have a Am Staff. I have no problem with that. Good luck to all.

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