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The REPEATED disrespect of non-game dogs and breeders

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Diesel, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. thislife

    thislife Banned

    Sorry if I offended anyone. I will not post on your board again. I am not a Troll. Good luck to all and Fight BSL.
  2. Marty

    Marty Guest

    I'm sorry you fell that way :( but stick around! you can never know it all. we learn from each other :)
  3. BB-Knls

    BB-Knls Pup

    That's exactly right !!! Every dog that isn't GAMEBRED is a mutt and a cur.......also the small ones !!!!!

    ALL bullbreeds ( AmStaff, Staffy Bull whatever !!) bred for ANYTHING other then GAMENESS are NO APBT's !!!!! Gameness is the very essence that makes the breed "The Breed" !!!!
    Breeding for ANYTHING else is fine and dandy but sure as f#ck they ain't True PitBulldogs but rather "pretty colored, fat weighing, shortwinded ,widestanding ,shortcoated" Spin Off's from the original product.

    No point of argue, just mere facts ....

    PitBulldogs = bred for GAMENESS first and foremost !!!
    ALL other breeds = bred for all kinda other reasons, thus CURS ( or mutts if you like that better).
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2005
  4. mike333

    mike333 Big Dog

    You say "you fell threatened by the popularity of the bully dog fad."Theres the first problem having a dog shouldnt be a 'fad' no matter what breed he/she is.A fad is nothing more than what people think is cool at the moment.What are you gonna do get rid of it when it's not 'cool' anymore.You also go on to say "I think you should look at your own envious selfs.ENVY IS A WEAK EMOTION"What do we envy?If anything we take pride in our dogs & love them greatly.So why would we envy what you have when we love what we got?
    rocksteady likes this.
  5. B

    B CH Dog

    You are right that odd colored huge dogs are a fad but gamebred pitbulls are a way of life.


    X likes this.
  6. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I'm glad you recognize your dog is an amstaff, thats all we ask. I have 100 percent no problems with amstaffs as long as they are being called that and not ''pits''! As a matter of fact, the old ladies got one for a house dog, and she's a perfect dog-but shes not an APBT and she doesnt have to tell people her dog is a ''pit'' for her own egos sake.....Amstaffs are great they have their place same way an APBT does, but their abilities and names arent interchangable(anymore)! Have a good day.
  7. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    i believe that if its your dog and you like it then you like
  8. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    The UKC is a friggin joke. Unless your dog is an Am Staff. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with an Am Staff, EXCEPT punks like you not being able to try & obtain some sort of rep by calling your dog a "pit". Do you know what a "pit" is? It is a hole, it is something inside of fruit, it is NOT a breed of dog.

    And my dogs are more stable over your dogs any day. I'm positive my O.E.B. would bite someone before any of my APBTs ever would.

    And God forbid a neighbor's poodle gets inside my other neighbor's yard where they have a Fox Terrier & a Jack Russell. They already maimed their Chihuahua sibling. But wait, you said only "pits" will fight?
  9. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    (sorry to doublepost)

    We are not trying to be rude. But if being rude is what it takes to keep people breeding "pits" like your "pits" who are more likely than not the reason why animal control is having a hard time containing itself because they want to come kill my dogs for the enjoyment it will bring to them, then be it.

    I like Am. Staffs. I'm 100% positive that in the future we will own an Am. Staff. And I will be PROUD to call it an American Staffordshire Terrier. But it seems some people would just prefer to breed 90lb mutts & call them "pits" because their own manhood doesn't suffice. Good day sir.

    (geez, & 22 yrs experience? at 8 yrs old I was playing with Carebears & My Little Pony's & still though boys had cooties, yet you were highly involved in the history & training of "pits".................)
  10. thislife

    thislife Banned

    Ha Ha Ha. You are a ASS HOLE. So now you know me? Once Again, if I wanted a rep I would get a game dog. I actually show my dog so he must be pretty stable, huh? I fell so sorry for you
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2005
  11. thislife

    thislife Banned

    Again, if being so rude is the only way for you to communicate. You need to spend more time in therpy and less times with your dogs.[​IMG] Again, you do not know me. And yes my dog is going to be breed because he is a good example of the breed according to UKC judges.

    And as far as 22 yrs experience you need to read the entire post (But I guess that is part of communication[​IMG]). My Grandfather raised and bred game catching dogs. So yes, my experience with the breed goes back 22 years. Since eight is the age my Grandfather would first take me hunting and teaching me about the dogs. LASTLY, with your rude remarks and attitude I can only assume Aunt FLOW must be visiting you..............)

    Now you have a good day!
  12. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Excuse you?! I was going to leave this alone because we all know Mia can more than aptly stand up for herself. And after this comment.....hopefully you wisen up and I can leave this thread until mia replies again. But statements like you made above I can not let go. If you actually payed attention to whats going on with this site you are a member of you would know Mia (as well as many others) were directly affected by hurricane Katrina. If my knowledge serves me correct from her post describing it.....she was only a couple miles from New Orleans and lost a couple dogs as well as a large portion of her house when a tree fell over onto it. She does not need to facilitate her replies to seem friendly to you. With that said, leave the wisecracking remarks to yourself and pull your head out of your a**.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2005
  13. Marty

    Marty Guest

    In other word's you F**ked up :(
    Mia's a big girl and I'm sure she can handle you ;)
  14. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    LMAO Typical man to pull that outta his butt... Guess what buddy... men go through something similiar..their hormones get all askewed lol so dont be gettin ur panties in a bunch

    LMAO so typical..when u think of something original and smart to say, then post..but I wont hold my breath lol
  15. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    I dont even want to say anything about blue/massive pits because I get too annoyed with people who wont realize the truth: theyre either mutts or curs, not APBTs.

    Anyway, all I wanted to add is, I dont think when you breed APBTs and breed away from gameness youre producing AmStaffs. I do agree youre not producing APBTs either though. The AmStaff is an established breed now so you cant just claim to own an AmStaff with no AmStaffs in its history. You can call them pit bulls but you cant call them Pit Bulls. Get what Im saying?
  16. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Yes and this is more or less how I believe most of us think. Technically they arent amstaffs and no one is going to register them as pure amstaffs...but for all sakes and purposes they are the exact same. Although I to understand many amstaff owners dont want their dogs being lumped into the same category as these mutts!
  17. thislife

    thislife Banned

    BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! "My dog is better than your dog" BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! You know you guys are funny.

    I am sorry for anyone who was affected my Hurricane Katrina. However, her comments were still uncalled for.

    You can call my dog a mutt all you want. However, he will soon be a Gr Championed MUTT and a top STUD. I wonder how many of you guys actually use your dogs for working? If you fight them you are worthless human trash. If they are yard dogs you are wannabees and worthless human trash. You guys have a good day[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  18. X

    X Banned

    Your "BLAH's" are both annoying and completely useless (not even to mention childish). By the way you typed "My dog is better than your dog" in quotations, I assume you are referring to what someone or maybe everybody is telling you. If that is the case, I believe that you need to go back to school to learn to comprehend to read what is in front of you. You have proven to be both ignorant and unwilling to learn, and those two things do not set well with the "type" (not breed) of dog you own. If her comments to you were uncalled for, she would not be in the position she is in, and I am actually proud of her for giving you so many chances to open your eyes to understand the bigger truth outside of the world you are immediately living in.

    I'm glad your dog will soon be a grand champion "mutt," good for you, but using the word "mutt" and words "top STUD" in the same sentence will bring you a LOT more comments that you outrageously claim to be "uncalled for."

    Also, there is no point in using multiple smilies consecutively, please refrain from doing so in the future.

    And you sir, have a good day! ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2005
  19. thislife

    thislife Banned

    And this is the boards admin????????? You and your board members are the ones who called my dog a mutt he will actually be a Top Stud, UKC Registered, APBT. And it just makes you guys cringe[​IMG]. Nevertheless, the sheer rudeness and arrogance on this board is sad. I have knew some REAL Old Time DOGMEN and you guys are a disgrace.

    I would say FIGHT BSL but you guys are to caught up in your ego's to even realize what is going on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2005
  20. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Not to be disrespectful to you in any way, you should feel honored Mia has taken the time out of her life right now to try and share with you her considerable knowledge about the dogs you are so eager to call your own. Believe me when I tell you she considers these dogs a way of life as do many in this forum. With all the priority issues she must be dealing with right now, aren't you a lucky individual that she has tried to shared her presious expertise with you. Be forwarned that this community will be very protective of her as we all appreciate and respect what she brings to this table, so take your own advice and give her the respect she deserves and you will find it will be recipracated by all, treat her with the disrespect you have shown and you will continue to be "scooled" until you learn or give up.

    Knowledge is a powerful thing; read, listen and learn before you cast any judgement on the people responsible for preserving the wonderful sted fast temperments of the APBT and its cousins (to a lesser degree) have today.

    Before you stud your dog read this and think about what it says, the good dog men and women of yesterday and today keep it close to their hearts and minds......and look what we have to thank them for!!!!!!

    If you breed APBTs
    without regard for their degree of gameness, their gameness will
    gradually be lost with each succeeding generation. This is essentially
    what has occurred with Am Staffs and Staffy Bulls, which for many
    generations have been selectively bred for appearance rather than for
    the invisible inner quality of gameness. (Furthermore, I should add,
    less than scrupulous selection of all these breeds also risks the loss
    of the breed's excellent dispostion toward people.)

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