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To be so worried

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by briarpatch, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    About posting kennel website links...and yet I see peds posted over and over on dogs with 4XW, 5 XW etc etc..WOULDN'T THAT be much more of a red flag to those looking for dog fighters than a website with pictures and puppies for sale? Yet there seems to be no worry at all of some unscrupulous person viewing those, instead you all attack someone coming in here to learn. This site has lots of good information for people to read but most probaby get steered away by this piss poor haughty attitudes. Instead of welcoming someone..you are mean, rude and probably steer them right in the hands of a BYB. When you could guide them to learning how to buy a GOOD dog!

    This is prob going to get deleted before any has the chance to reply.
  2. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    or even better still. I just saw a pic with 2 dogs facing off..how irresponsible. As a dog person I realize it is just to show off, but the people after our dogs wont think so.
  3. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    lol, if this was directed at the picture I posted of two of my dogs faced off You can pretty much F*Ck off lady, some of us still believe in the true working dog (the title of the thread with the picure I believe you are refering to was SHOW ME YOUR DOGS WORKING CONTEST) it's all hunky dorry to everyone to show pictures of their dogs being used for jobs they wen't bred to do like attacking people or agility (don't take offence to the people that do these sports with your dogs, I'm just keeping it real) or any of the various other sports they wern't designed for yet if you post a picture of two (ok we'll say 1 since the other was a rank cur) real working dogs then someone gets their thong all bunched up in knots....lmao I don't have Staffs, I don't have Petbulls I don't have scatterbred udunnowutthefuktheyare type dogs I have bulldogs! Now, If this wasn't thread wasn't directed at the picture I posted then I am man enough to apoligize to you but I don't see any other pictures on here except mine that would fall into what you ware posting here about. :rolleyes:
  4. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    And we can talk about irrisponsibility all day long, I have break sticks to break of an accident DO YOU?:rolleyes:
  5. Mike C.

    Mike C. Big Dog

    :D Get em' AGK.
  6. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    Actually I wasnt talking about you. I think it was someone by the name a franzi, but this isnt a personal attack on her either.that is why I didnt mention names. Like I said I personally dont have a problem with it....but for members to get so up in knots about someone asking for kennel links and then post shots like that, it kind of defeats "your" purpose. Besides that, having 2 dogs face off for a pic isn't a vaild or the only way of showing they are TRUE working dogs You must know it portrays a bad image or your feathers wouldnt be ruffled. Oh, and of course I own breaksticks, what responsible pit bull person doesnt?
  7. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    I don't have much use for BYBs but I'd rather steer a newbie into their hands anyday than steer someone into the hands of HSUS or the SPCA.To many people getting busted right now as it is.
  8. BustaH

    BustaH Top Dog

    thanks button for AGK. Lady no one attacked the guy in the kennel thread but you were very judgemental and self important when people explained the facts, but of course not all of us buy into the whole political correctness BS. No place for it here imo with whats going on with these dogs. maybe you need to view things 'through' the window instead of wrongly thinking you know everything.
    every single person on this site has their own life and personality, get over yourself.:)
  9. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    The bad image of the APBT is only well know because of people that don't use these dogs for there original purpose and now everybody and their mothers have these dogs which is why you hear so much about them anymore. 20 - 30 years ago you never herad of bad press on the APBT? Would you like to take a guess as to why that was????? I'll tell you, because only the people who really WORKED (and I aint talking anything other than there true purpose when I use the term WORK) owned these dogs. It wasn't untill the general public which includes, but is not limited to, criminals, drug dealers, tree hugging librals that feel they can change what the dog truly is or people that just think they know it all so they refuse to take responsible steps in containing and the possible seperating of these dogs. (such as yourself and many others on here that refuse to believe they got a breed of dog that once it gets ahold of something is no longer going to listen to there owners no matter how well trained you think your dog is, hense why break sticks are so important!) got their hands on thse dogs did they become americas most hated!! that there is a well know fact mam......Showing 2 dogs faced of isn't showing a working dog first of all , it shows a potental worker and #2 Since when is showing two dog doing what they were bred to do for many many years irrisponsible? I am very responsible I HAVE BREAK STICKS SO WHEN MY DOGS BY SOME UNSEEN CIRCUMSTANCE GET A HOLD OF EACH OTHER, I DON"T SIT THERE AND JUST KEEP REPEATING FIDO LET GO In HOPES THAT ALL THAT OB TRAINING ACTUALLY PAYS OFF......lol I'll tell you right now you will not call a true ABPT of anything Hence the name of a BREAK STICK.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2009
  10. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    my perspective on it is this. If you keep your yard clean, with each dog having the necessities (food bowl, water, shelter) and they are healthy and obviously not scarred up. What would they stand to persecute you on? I have had AC out here before, when some nosey asshole drove by and saw my dog on the spring pole. They inspected my yard and told me that if more people kept their dogs like I do, they'd have less to worry about. IF "you" choose to keep numerous dogs, you should be able to keep them all equally, each on having proper everything OR you need to downsize. IF "you" arent breeding for money, whats the need to have sooo many dogs? "You" can't possibly have time to work and enjoy every sinlge one.

    Also I personaly have recieved comments that some how I am only in it for the money but I see gamedoggers in the gazette advertising 8,9,10 litters in a year. And I am the one in it for the $$....I havent even done a breeding in 2.5 years.
  11. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    So Franzi has a pic of dogs facing off? I didn't even know the dogs she posts pics of were even bulldogs.
  12. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    noway, Im sorry I dont see where I need to get over myself. and yes he did get attacked, he was called lazy by people who dont know him and talked to like he was insignificant. Its not about political correctness..I believe in sayin what ya mean and meanin what ya say but there is a thing called TACT and courtesy for your "brethren" someone could have just said "most wont be comfortable answering because of all the busts going on"..instead of what was said.
  13. briarpatch

    briarpatch Banned

    i think thats who it was..like i said, this wasnt personal so I really didnt take time to note the poster, just noticed the pic and wanted to know what the difference is....
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