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Todays staffords it's a shame

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terriers' started by dogman2007, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    it is true. the kc will only recognise a breed with a certain amount of uniformity, hence joe mallen & co had to agree on some sort of standard to get kc recognition. know doubting they had there dogs preservation in mind at that time bc game dogs were becming less popular . but by creating a standard in the first place it went against the performance bred dogs. as has been said bafore pre 1935 they were all pit{bulldogs} where ability to do the job was paramount , so you could say that 1935 was the start of the end !:dogkiss:
  2. Thanks for that.
    but if someone owned a dog in pre 1935 was that dog known as a staffordshire b.t or were they, as you say "pit bulldogs" Did joe mallen and co also term the name "staffordshire bull terrier"
    were dogs just known as "type"? pre 1935
  3. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    the pit dogs were more poular in the black country at that time, hence fanciers from out side the area loosely called them staffordshires, many were just pit dogs or gambling dogs, joe mallen &co wanted the name staffordshire bull terrier so it didnt get confused with the english bull terrier or bull terrier which at that time were already show dogs !
  4. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    i have books from 1935 which show ebt"s in a fine form , but "the staffordshire bull terrier" a fighting dog from the black country as it is mentioned ,in name only as they were not yet a racognised breed .:dogkiss:
  5. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    Unpopular as its is, the same people that are more likely to work their dogs had these dogs! More so in the past......they werent common or pets........they were given rather than bought. Working class people with hard lives had harder dogs. They fed them, fought them and bred them. The so-called idiots of today were the same back then and kept these kind of dogs for battle. The middle-class had the bull terrier to show off their ego in the ring.......miners, navvies, iron workers done the same thing in the pit!
  6. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    Everything is sugar coated now days..........the pits in pubs are now car parks or backrooms on estates. All terriers are a shadow of what they were, which is directly due to the people who own them.

    Old rat terriers were put in a barrel full of rats nailed shut for a given time. Then opened to see how many had been dispatched. Most terriers now are toy dogs for lonely old women..........thats the future of the staff :rolleyes:
  7. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    i agree with some of what your saying hh , but i wouldnt call a dog man an "idiot" . some of them dogs were an important form of income to hard pressed man & his own .half of these idiots have never done a hard days work or have any intention of doin !!!!!:dogkiss:
  8. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog

    I was being sarcastic.......sorry J. But i have more respect for an idiot that works them than a breeder that has a yard full of pets. Farmers boys are the closest thing to joe mallen way of thinking JMO

  9. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    lets get real here "barrel" full of rats! rats would sariously harm said dog . a dog has to move rats are slippery in a barrel , it would be like putting your hand in a bucket of maggots ,& trying to catch that one there look !!but maggots which bite ..
  10. hammer head

    hammer head Top Dog


    Its a fact.
  11. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    ack on track pre 1935 staffords were "black country dog "or "staffordshire pit dog " they are all pit bulls . the way i see it is that as though my dog of choice is the stafford ,i see the yanks have looked after our gme dog blood .
  12. What im trying to understand is, as the OP has stated-todays staffords its a shame.
    So around 1935,a breed standard was put together and the title for this dog was STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER. because there was no benchmark to conformity prior to 1935,dogs of this type were known as black country dogs or stafford pit dogs. in theory you would of been able to breed a black country dog to a EBT and you would of still had a black country dog. (as long as you were in that area). so ed reid comes along and a standard is agreed. So what happened to those dogs that didnt fit the breed standard but were exc pit dogs? theoretically you now have 2 dogs,those that are for showing and those that are for pit. 1st is known as the SBT and the second is anything i.e B.C.Dog,or Staffordshire pit dog amongst others.Was it at this point that what we know as B.C.Dog went to usa and became APBT. so actualy the SBT IS STRICTLY THE NAME GIVEN TO A SHOW DOG (SOz cap l;oc)
  13. tamthebam

    tamthebam Big Dog

    SPARTACUS pre 1935 the standard was ''IS IT GAME OR A CUR!"
  14. Cheers mate! i dont know much about thge history of sbt,thats why im asking these ques.
    im on here out of interest in gameness. im hoping to put a bandog programme together (a long way off) and im researching gameness. its coming to sumet,when the country that invented the dogs,have none left. only joking.
    ill stick around here if thats ok with you guys
  15. wallyy

    wallyy Big Dog

    Thanks for all the input. I can see that not much has changed in the land of dogs. Closed minds that carry on stories from what they have read from books passed down from people that weren't there. All this 1935 stuff has always made me laugh. IN 1935 an alien space craft came down and took all the gamest dogs in England away and said to Joe, Billy, Ruben Amos. The pit dogs need a breed standard and only said dogs are to be called stafford bullterriers all ability and gamness is to be removed from this date. So there were the game pit dogs one day and the next day in 1935 they vanished from the face of the earth with their blood line. So they woke up the next day and all " The now Staffordshire bullterriers were short fat dogs that could't pull the top off a rice pudding. But the spacecraft only visited England and no other country so all the dogs that were bred down from these game pit dogs one day and staffordshire bullterriers the next were spared this embarrasment even though they possessed the same blood. That is the true story why ALL staffordshire bull terriers are useless fat dogs. I have never been bold enough to say all in any statement because I'm sure someone will come up to me one day and show me something that I did not know. But by the powers above I'm still not going to let that change my mind. I also believe the top terriers today are superior to the terriers of yesteryear. But then I guess it is only the fast lane boys that have the secret knowledge. I can say without any shadow of doubt in my mind that the I'm not sure what to call them in case somone changes their name which takes away their ability but for arguements sake today I shall call them Pitbull Terriers are the best and gamest dog pound for pound anywhere to be found in large numbers. But there might be one or two pit dogs back in 1935 that did not get on that craft that in reality if were bred game to game in small numbers give the others a run for their money sometimes. But for the life of me their name escapes me for the moment.
  16. 12 gauge

    12 gauge CH Dog

    say this on the bbo bullshit forum and they will hang you by the balls with their 50 cent words some buddy-buddy can say but others like myself are nothing but trouble makers and a stone cold culler. agree with you on several things you've said here. but again is only another opinion and nothing important
  17. wallyy

    wallyy Big Dog

    Agreed! Good dogs are where you find them and I 'm sure they don't care what you call them. Cheers.
  18. 12 gauge

    12 gauge CH Dog

    sorry Wallyy "but again is only another opinion and nothing important" this was directed to what i wrote and not to you. just wanted to make it clear
  19. bionic

    bionic Big Dog

    :lala: In all seriousness, this is an excellent post.
  20. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    did all the dog men of these isles register there dogs as staffords in 1935 ? unlikely,i"m sure someone will have the details , havin been there in person! lol..

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