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Told you so

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Fritz, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    28% proteine 21 % fat called 4300
    17 kilo bag ...52 euro
    with 45% discount ..because of byer history
    a dog cost between 25 euro a month
  2. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    lol poor pooki
  3. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    dollar a day
  4. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    That aint no shit.this is an age old way of life. Who do you think gets all the trimmings when something is butchered/harvested. This is how wolf became domesticated dog :)


    ..so basicly ...how many think it's better to cut/cull down the yard,,,rather than go to a lesser quality food and keep what ya have...????..just a ???..
  6. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Just look at some of the more known yards, like Boyles Yard or Matt Mc Gee, they always preferred to keep a smaller number of dogs, yet even more carefully selected.
    There´s nothing wrong with it as the amount of dogs you feed is nothing in comparison to why you are feeding a certain dog.
    In other words he must be of use to your program to stay on your yard.
    This is / was the reason why some dogs have been sold or culled.

    So keeping a kennel running and not running into a situation where you are find yourself trapped in a dead end or with too many dogs to manage properly you have to select and know why you keep a certain dog.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2015
  7. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    So to me it is like this.
    You should take pride in your kennel and breeding program and therefore you have to appreciate the dogs you keep.
    So the dogs deserve as much attention, proper housing, care and feeding as possible.
    Just look at many crappy yards with spots that are looking worse than any puppy mill of animal hoarder.
    That´s not the way something you want to be associated with.

    So these are the little things you invest as an extra that will give you an advantage / better result in the long run.
    It´s not only feeding but proper dog houses, chain spots, deworming schedule, workouts and so on.
    Poor housing will cause dogs to get sick, lack of a deworming schedule will also cause problems (just think about heart worms etc.), crappy chain setups will cause accidents that will eventually cost you a good dog or even more, lacking hygiene will also cause sickness and so on.
    And also low quality diet will take its toll on the long run. Feeding not only during a keep or a pregnant female or within raising puppies is a major point to get proper results from your dogs.
  8. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    And ask Keystone as far as cheap meat sources go..... he has been seen with a dead sheep in a wheelbarrow a couple of years ago! ;)


    ..the Q??? IS just if that was the situation,,ie:just the food...choice lessen the quality of your feed,,or cut a few off the yard....everything else we know is important ...but it just a hypoth;???..Qing....ps:dih...you going on the warpath...lol..
  10. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    not ment to insist something but you simply can´t trust greeks and turks around life stock!
    So don´t know what he did to it! ;)
  11. patjr

    patjr Top Dog

    According to clueless YODA, it am called "Pidgin English" IT IS....lol.
  12. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    try to sell pups to teeny's stil?
  13. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Better than doing strange shit to sheeps and stirring trough strangers underwear! ;)
  14. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    both are not kosjer lol
  15. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Haha ;) ;):p
  16. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    right :)..........................................
  17. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    bleu8 lets talk about the average dog owner ...
    if he have 2 dogs and giving shit to them ....0,15 cent a day lol
    he wil give the same as when he has 20
    and if he give 4300 for example ..he wil give that also when he have 20
    its about understanding
    meaby makin gyour own food is a bit cheaper ...
    but he i am lazy and i don't want to be bissy days with it ....
    so give 4300...
    only have a cople right now stil in the reach
  18. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    "That raw feeding is nothing new bluebull. In fact that way dogs have been fed for centuries.
    Nowadays they make it appear as the invention of the wheel while in fact it ain´t!"

    Of course raw feeding isn't new. Far newer to the dogs is the prepared cooked foods we humans have gifted them with. That was my argument way back then when I was virtually the only dogman feeding his dogs a raw food diet -- that a dog's natural diet contains no cooked food. But again, and back then, most dogmen considered a raw food diet unthinkable. Unthinkable for themselves as well as for their dogs, more than likely. Hence the title of this thread: "I told you so." It was a tongue-in-cheek little jab at such dogmen as disagreed with me back then.

    As for Keystone and whatever injustices he feels he's suffered at my hand, I'd call him an enigma, but I fear he'd take exception to that as well.
  19. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    As for Keystone and whatever injustices he feels he's suffered at my hand, I'd call him an enigma, but I fear he'd take exception to that as well.

    you gonne watch the new movie alan teuring ?
  20. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    As for the feeding, well I think modern day dry kibble can be a good way of feeding, especially if you can´t store big amounts of fresh meat.
    Also the quality is dependable on what you are willing to spend.
    Yet dogs can adapt to many diets, also some cooked stuff will also go well if you won´t cook all to death.

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