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Viper Kennels Inc.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Attila, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Hey Attila,

    As to the name. I have our ministry incorperated. In going through the naming of the incorperation, there was the option of incorperating it at a state level, fed level and an international level. We incorperated and filed at a state level, as the fed and int. were significantly more money, and through looking over the laws, we found that if we have significant proof(which you do) that we have been going by this name before someone else has, and a dispute arrises, we retain the name and the other person would have to change. I dont agree with the changing of your name, as you clearly have allot of time and money invested in just the name. Hopefully this person will be greatful that you are not filing to get paid from him using your kennel name, and will relinquish. If he has any financial means he may contact a lawyer and see what his rights are. In the end, if you have sold dogs under this name out of Arkansas, then he cannot win, and if he doesn't change, well, you will be getting paid. Kinda like a royalty check off a song that you wrote in 1976!! I know that doesnt help with folks getting your kennel name and his mixed, but that seems to be the theme in US, get money to cure your wounds!!
  2. Attila

    Attila Guest

    J, I know but I really don't want to sue the young fellow. I know I can and I did the federal level and should have done international as I do deal overseas too. He seems young and has a wife and it didn't appear that they where as financually set as me. I don't want to break him. He could contack a lawer and that lawer could talk to mine. I have one on perminant retentions. I don't want his money. Just what to make a distinction between my kennel and his. If he is reasonable I will not get a lawyer involved. But if forced to I will. I have sold dogs under this name out of five states and three European countries as well. Thanks for the advice
  3. TabDogs

    TabDogs CH Dog

  4. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Aww, isn't this a much more reasonible approach than poking his eyes out? I wouldn't change the name either. It is a family name and you've been in the dogs a long time. I don't foresee that you will have to do any changing. He would have to be an incredible moron not to respect your wishes... then, he might need an eye poking! I have seen his site before, I like his gallery.


    im in va. just let me know
  6. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    ask the other person to please change their kennel name. since you have had your kennel longer and is more established, they should be nice and change their kennel name.
  7. what i would do,is just ask him to change the name.it is common courtsiey and common sense that if you have the name of viper kennels than this boy does then he has to give it up,and yours is legit so he has to.if he doesnt you can sue him not for money but to change the name of the kennel,wich is exactly what i would do if i was in your shoes and he refused to change the name on his own.i know you have all the proper documents proving that this is yours and it is registered and incorparated and copyrighted,so you have the right to keep your kennel name,just as remington or smith and wesson has the right to keep their name.so try and see if he is an honest man and will do the right thing,but if he doesnt sue him to change the name,dont cut him any slack just because he is young,he has to learn the rules and abide by them.and if he isnt shown, this is the type boy who when he becomes older thinks nothing can happen to him and does what he wants and puts out poor quality dogs and does nothing as far as a health and temperment guarantee,and then folks will just hear the name viper kennel and say oh i bet thats owned by that guy that ol ted bought the dog off of that was sick and aggressive,lets not even bother looking there.so nip it in the bud attila dont give him a chance to ruin what you have spent almost his entire lifetime to create.
  8. CB

    CB CH Dog

    LoL did i talk to soon. Fill me in on this.
  9. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Thanks, Ya'll. I have sent him two messages and have not heard from him as of yet. I suppose he either has not read them or he is trying to figure out how to answer them. I sent him my information and what he needs to see. I will wait for a responce till tonight then in the morning I will proceed with action. One way or another. I have already discussed the matter with my lawyers. We shall see what sort of person he is.
  10. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Oh no. You see that is just what I didn't want to here. I guess I would like to here this also. As painful as it may be. Fill us in Tab use the big needle so I can have all the pain at one time.
  11. Attila I realy thougt to visit you one time......I have a capy with the word VIPER on it...lol...maybe I should better leave it at home or?.....shred in a trash compacter...poke the eyes out....o man have mercy....on this board you are allways my best laugh^^
  12. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Nah I wouldn't pokes your eyeses out. Your my friend. We go drink beer and party. Glad I make you laugh. some people actually think I am like a mass killer or something and don't know I am just toying with their minds. Although this is a serious matter. At first I was ready to do harm physically but I have calmed down now. Some what any way I still have my hatchet and shot gun in the trunk of my car from last night. I was about to leave when my concious started talking. Damn thing little do gooder. errr
  13. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Have you tried calling? If he doesn't read his e-mails often enough, the phone is a good option. Make sure you send him pics of yourself... like the one in your gallery... might also want to mention your history in the military... I don't think you'de have many problems!
  14. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Ok, The young fellow and I talked it out. He is with another kennel club and ADBA. I have one of my other Kennels under ADBA However we do have some dogs under the same first part. We negotiated or I let him keep it the way he has it registered in VA and with BFKC and ADBA as Viper Kennels of Virginia. He stated that he will remain a hobbiest and not try to register as a business and if he does he will change the name. I will Stay the same with the only difference is I am Incorporated and have a DBA and Federal tax code. Our only cross will be in ADBA. So he promised to stay as hobby breeder where he is at and not use the name further. We would both have to sue ADBA I feel that would be a waste of our money and time. I am not exactly sure what to do about that part. I suppose if he stays with his promise to me on our discussion I will leave him be. So long as he doesn't sell dogs as a business. or register in any but the two forstated. That is the basics. He was polite and respectful. I resipicated. and will leave it as is for now. What to do about ADBA now. I really hate court and suing folks. I reckon I will let it rest in the names as is. So the difference will be "of Virginia" and "Incorporated". For now anyway. There you are. Happy do dah rah. I hate being nice I was much better when I was mad. Oh well. He was real appoligetic about it all. I just can't stay mad about that and he promised and I accepted a negotiation. My first civilian negotioation that didn't end in court or with gun shots. How about that eh/
  15. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Yippee! Good job AM! and everyone still has both of their eyes! Even though you don't plan on suing the ADBA, you should mention this to them. They shouldn't have made this mistake and it shouldn't happen again! I'm glad all is well.
  16. Suki

    Suki Guest

    ...couldn't agree more!:)

    very glad everything worked out, Attila...[​IMG]
  17. Stop......not so fast!You have to choose a male and a female from his next litter....or a litter of your choose....this guy dont breed blue hipos he has some good dogs....or im wrong?
    Riptora likes this.
  18. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    I agree. I would call ADBA and get them to fix this problem. They may cannot do anything about already registered dogs, but could change the name for him in further breedings. When he applied for a kennel name through them, a red flag should have gone up saying the the name was already taken. The "of VA", and "INC" is not enough of a difference, for all concerned!! It would be too easy to get, on paper, yours and his mixed up, just like that person asking you about a dog you knew nothing about! I'd at least call them.
  19. Attila

    Attila Guest

    His dogs are ok. I don't want any of them though. No he doesn't have any hippo dogs. They actually look ok. He was polite and I will let it be as we agreed he can use the ADBA one he has. I don't care to take it from him. We both know that if I pushed the Corporat and incorporated and etc that it would not be to his benifit. And frankly I don't feel like wasting my time in some stuffy court. I have the dogs I want right here. I love my line. And they love me. lol Anyway as far as ADBA goes I will call them and let them know whats up and have them alter mine for their club As I have every other corner covered. As a company I can sue till the cows come home but you cant milk a turnup. This isn't the first time that I know of that ADBA messed up on a older Kennel. They can do things faster with these computers but some things just get messed up or missed in the transfer from paper to what ever the hell it is on in a computer. I am still upset but I am not going to blame the kid. He seemed genuine and I will take his word for it unless something proves otherwise. Hell as a corporat level Viper Security as least asked me in a letter if they could use it. I was like hell ya. I don't even know if they are still around but it was cool the researced it out and felt the courticy to ask because they thought it was close enough to cause issue. I am not a complete dick. Just mostly one. lol

    I am not sure what I will do about the adba thing. I like them and all with the shows and stuff but I do feel a bit miffed. He started using it 3 years ago Mine for 30 I took over the kennel from my grandfather when he became ill but was with him from day one and before. Ya my Grand parents were the most stable thing in my life as a kid. We transfered all names. Any way I will use my name for every thing but the ADBA I may keep my dogs with them and I may not. As of right now I am leaning at not. As for the dogs I have registered with them from before. They have mostly passed on. My new litter may stay with where it is now for all I care I have them all registered through DPBBA I know the owner and president first hand and he has never screwed any thing up on me. I am registered with CKC but don't deal with them. It was when they were new and it cost me about $20 so I figured what the heck. AKC is on my Hound dogs. Etc. out of my Michigan kennels. So I suppose I have to either dig through my countless boxes of stuff from over the past 30 years plus the 34 years my grandpa had his kennel running before me joining him. It just seems pathetic. I don't even know if it is worth my time with them. I suppose I will have to do another name for that damn club if I want to show with them. Or not even bother. ah I am just fustrated is all I will think on it till I am clear. Like the call to VA to day I didn't call till we were done piss matching in emails. Then we were both calm. And he was tremendiously polite and curtious. And was willing to work with me and I he. I looked at his registry it does say of Virginia on it and his name. Not incorporated or nation wide. I pray there will not be any issues of it. I went three years of not knowing he exsisted. If I redo my crap with ADBA I have no clue what to call it. It will be a pain with the double registared dogs. How about Phukheu Kennels? Ha let them pronounce that in a show.
  20. Attila

    Attila Guest

    You are both right of VA and Inc. isn't enough to make much ado I will call but I don't expect much at this point.

    Well I told him he can keep it with ADBA as it was not his error. I don't renig on my word. Never. It was the same as a handshake for all purpose to me and he. I will deal with adba and let them know my oppinion about that happening but I will obtain another name for them and deal with it. I may use my last name or make ups some sort of goofy thing just so I can hear them say it over and over each time I compete and show my dogs. So every one give me some really messed up names I will make sure this doesn't happen again. As for AKC, DPBBA, UKC, the hunt clubs I belong to and that pathetic CKC I will have those he is a member of BFKC? I don't intend on using them so he can stay with that one too. He has to remain as hobby status though. That is the deal we made. Mine is a business not a hobby at least as far as taxes go. And any one that owns larger companies, and earn too much will know why I do that. Cost me more to file but it is way worth it. Oh ya and I am still up in europe. We both laughed about the one in Australia and the herding dogs and the weiner dog one. I am not concerned with those every one knows I don't mess with any of that out side of training them. I will train any dog to what ever it is an owner wants providing it is physically and mentally capable of doing what ever the demand is. I have gotten some really weird request. Profoundly weird. Call the freak hotline type weird.

    He never heard of DPBBA and I don't know anything about BFKC so that is interesting. I still don't know what BFKC is but he now knows what DPBBA is. I bet there are hundreds out here that are just small enough to be regional and not heard of out side of certain areas.

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