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Viper Kennels Inc.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Attila, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. diva

    diva CH Dog

    Interesting thread. So how would one know if someone else was using their kennel name? Or if they had picked out a name that was already in use? And how do you register a kennel name? Does one do that through ADBA or at some place local?
  2. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    A while back, the wife and I came up with a list of kennel names we'd like to one day use. I googled every one of them, and to my surprise, alot of them had multiple hits. Completely different kennels, in different states, sometimes with different breeds of dog, with the same names! Just in my area alone, there are 3 unrelated kennels within a 75 mile radius operating under the same name! I've already talked to my accountant and will have a DBA for mine before someone else comes along and tries to operate under that name. It's a bit premature, but I feel it's a good way to secure the name and be able to have a claim to it if someone else tries to use it......
  3. Attila

    Attila Guest

    When you get your DBA and tax ID you have the option of state, national and international. I am International and National in four of my five Kennels. They are registred with ADBA, DPBBA, AKC (I have dogs other than APBT) and European Federation in Hungary, Hungarian dog club and so on. What ADBA did is lost my records from before their computor time and the new owners of the club. I have very little use for them any more. I still have my international Kennel with them or to say registered with them as they have not lost it yet. Count will likely be the last dog I ever have registered to them or allowed to be registered to them. I have gotten their magazine and it is full of shit breeds and garbage and so are the shows mainly the pulls. It seems the list of people dissaticefied with ADBA is ever growing. And soon they may just be a bully registration if they don't get their shit together. And as far as I care that is what they should be for selling out and going along with it for money's sake. Any way it cost now$200 used to be far less. You don't get any thing better or more than before. AKC, UKC, PKC and the many KC and KA's have similar fee's. The Association I am going to put my time into is only $15 and has been for years. I don't expect it to change as long as I have influence in the organization. It isn't about money. But paper and supplies of the sort do need to be covered. We have about 4,000 members reportably. Mostly older folks and hunters. You registar with the state also. Some states have rules and actually check your kennel to see of you go by the health and welfare codes of the state. and so on. It is a process. But every thing is a tax write off. And legally I can sue any one that uses any signature part of my name. Even Viper Security systems wrote me a fine letter for permission to use it and also offered some sort of fee that I declined. I let them use the name obviously. And they have really grown. Doesn't bother me as it isn't any thing to do with any breed of dog I mess with. However the other is. He isn't to sell any dog or use that name for anything other than hobby. He made that promise and I stated I would not take any legal actions if that was followed. After all it was the fault of ADBA and they are the sole resposible party and they are to blame.
  4. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I suggest going the extra step and going international or national at least. My Viper Kennels is incorporated so that brings a new level to the table also. Viperaseru is International and the rest are either state level or national depending on the time I started them or who started them. I inherited both Grandpa's Kennels and they are state level Kennels in Michigan and one in Hungary. It can be a mess that is why I incorporated to make it easier on me and the tax lady.


    Attila this might be one the all time great post. You are a mad mofo if you are madder than a bucket of not just some wasp but red wasps.lol.. I KNOW IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE FUNNY. But that was some funny shit. Bro I got your back I'll go up there with you....
  6. Mystic

    Mystic Pup

    Greetings, arn't the first time that this happens, for years you can read in the old magazines that similar problem, may be some of that kennels don't have knowlege about the existence of the other, and i am sure any had the bad or criminal intention, both had such thoughts at the time of choosing the name, some time ago I do business with the kennel of Virginia, and he had very good communication and i have another friend of NJ who do business too, and all was fine.
  7. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Thanks. lol We can do that some time. Nothing like a good roll.


    Está siendo usted a partir del uno de mis lugares preferidos de la piel de la isla lejos[​IMG]. Déjeme decir en las palabras que serán provechosas entender porqué ésta me incomoda y porqué alguna quién prometió nunca funcionar su perrera con excepción como de manía. Si usted está haciendo negocio con él y usted tiene un amigo el hacer de negocio con él que no sea una manía. Mi perrera es un negocio y se incorpora y por lo tanto cae bajo reglas de los leyes corporativos y las regulaciones y también ahora tengo una identificación y un DBA del impuesto federal
    Digámosle para vender los sombreros con un sash rojo que tienen rayas verdes en él y usted es el mejor fabricante del sombrero y el sash con las rayas verdes es su marca comercial. Ahora algún otro hombre que hace los sombreros justos tan buenos como el tuyo utiliza su sash para vender sus sombreros usando su fama. Usted sería feliz para él porque él caminó en su cola de la capa y utilizó su nombre para promover sus sombreros que tomaban negocio de usted? Ahora sus cabritos no consiguen a zapatos nuevos esta estación. Está eso apenas y justos? Eso le hace feliz? Eso hace ese otro fabricante del sombrero a buen hombre justo porque algún era feliz con su sombrero justo compaired a su sombrero superior? Usted me dice cómo usted tendría emoción en aquélla. Bueno o malo? Ahora estamos hablando mis perros una línea que he funcionado para 35years los versos excesivos uno que él tiene funcionó por 3-4 años. Sobre todos he tenido el campeón 97 y perros magníficos del campeón. Y él ha tenido lo que?. Ahora usted entiende?
    Magyar De Viperaszeru Attila
  8. Attila

    Attila Guest

    That is a good looking dog. Who is that scary looking bald fellow next to that great looking dog?. Is that you? Your daughters boyfriends wont have trouble getting them home on time. lol I need to adopt some daughters. so I can scare the shit out of some rotten boys too. lol[​IMG]
  9. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    I dealt with this same issue a few years ago; people calling me up looking to buy Dachshunds, lol. Turns out that some dachshund breeder in Florida was using the name Rockstar Kennels. After a lengthy ordeal, I found myself with two choices: either change my kennel name or battle it out in court, because these people weren't budging. So...I changed the last s to a z and became Rockstar Kennelz;). Simple as that.
  10. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    lol, yup, that's me, and my girl Lexi. Believe me when I say, I am ready for the little punks that want to date my daughter.....I will put the fear of God in them! ;)
  11. squirt07

    squirt07 Big Dog

    wow thats horrible i dont know what to say...id say go down there and confront him about it. thats just wrong. after everything u have done for me and my mom (and squirt) if theres something we can do let us know. like a petition...idk how that would even work...

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