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WatchDog Magazine

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by justa304, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. JBlazeRx7

    JBlazeRx7 Top Dog

    Brat NICE here about this "The True American Hero"! ;)
  2. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    blaze and brat pack ya'll speak what i think. excellent points. i hope they are followed by the op.
    my vote goes for true american hero as the title also.
  3. GBandy

    GBandy Big Dog

    IMO the idea is great...We live in a country that gives you the opportunity to do what you like and voice your opinions. Constructive criticism is invaluable to getting something done the right way the first time... But, I'd have to agree with PrP and Blaze about focusing on whats really going on with our breed. There's already to much heat that comes with not only owning true APBT's, but with even talking about the breed.

    The average dog lover or canine ethusiast could care less about the specific how to's and know how's about our breed. Any person that is truly loyal to this breed, can only do so much about what other people are doing with their own dogs. Taking responsible for your own actions and doing what you can personally, I feel does more good for our breed then anything else. If people were to focus more on themselves, and not on spending priceless time and energy focusing on changing others, then the whole world would be a better place right? But, unfortunately thats not the reality...

    Educating and creating awareness is key, to ultimately preserving the true APBT. Faithful and loyal dogmen and women, that have been in the breed for 20-30+ years will find a way to keep the true bloodlines around for years to come. Responsible dog ownership and the regulation of major animal activist groups, will solidify the rights that we will have in the future. But, for now keep in your mind that as long as you choose to own this particular breed, there is and will be a an uphill struggle. Its a privilege to own an APBT, and if you want to be able to continue to do so, do you first.

    If you're going to put a magazine together, it should paint a realistic picture about whats going on with BSL and how its affecting all dog owners. As for keeping owners informed about shows, pulls, events and stats. There are plenty of website and registries to go to. You don't need to put it in a magazine, because most, if not all BYB could care less.

    It's all about the $$$ and doesn't have anything to do about the dogs. People that take the time to participate in dog events or training, usually have a good idea about how to responsibly care for their animals. When it comes to game dogs and preservation of the true APBT, 99% of people don't have the slightest idea about how much time and dedication it takes to maintain a good yard. Keep it simple and talk about the truth bihind the myth. I like Blaze idea about changing the title from watchdogs to something that has to do about the Truth...Good luck with everything and keep us updated with how everything goes.
  4. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    thats where you and i differ...people read all the time BUT THEY STILL DONT EDUCATE THEMSELVES! im sorry HB, but 1st issue including an article on whelping is an "education" that not many owners truly need

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