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We tryed :(

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. I know Marty from another forum. He had a lot of great pics and movies of his dogs and seemed very passionate about his dogs, so he definitely gained my respect. And now the people who went to educate on that thread have also gained my respect. I'm glad you came on to help keep the peace STB! You are a very brave soul...;) lol!
  2. Hahaha, yeah. Sometime my "brave soul" gets me in trouble lol. I am glad that has not been the case here.

    I really like this forum, and I really like what the people here stand for that is for sure.

    I think some of the things they have said on the other forum have maybe been taken out of context or misunderstood and that is part of what is causing all the problems there.

    Oh well, I hope things cool down over there. I hate all the fighting and bickering.
  3. I definitely agree with you. Some people didn't seem to come into the thread very open minded and there were also so stinging comments thrown around. It was a rocky beginning, but I think the thread has been really beneficial to everyone. I definitey glad that the accusations and suspicions about lilbit were cleared up. I couldn't believe what some people said in that first thread without knowing anything about the dog in the picture. After seeing Marty's posts about lilbit on another forum, it really broke my heart to see what some people on chaz had said about her.
    1 person likes this.
  4. I didn't understand what exactly started that thread until last night. To be quite honest I was a little disgusted at the fact that someone would take a picture of someone elses and post it on another forum and get people to run it down. Especially when the people that were saying that the dog was skinny really don't know much about APBT's. It was nice to see that those of them that do know about APBTs, posted and told everyone that what they were saying was not the case.

    Honestly, if that would have been a picture of my dog that someone did that to, I would have lost it on everybody.

    I really hope nobody else posts pictures for other people to run down unless there is good cause. Ex, an actual starved dog or an abused one.
  5. I hope she was reprimanded for that.
  6. Red_Chrome

    Red_Chrome Big Dog

    OH MY! You guys from here that went there have exrteme patience and tolerance. I think I will stay here. I would NOT do as well being nice especially to thej witch with the GSD and Labs.

    KUDOS to everyone!
  7. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    Hey- pull up a chair, friend. I like your style :D.
  8. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    The person that starte the whole thing was/is a member of this site. She claims to be a rescue person but it was pointed out by someone who obviously knew her, that the dog she had in her sig was a dog indeed adopted but then euthanized b/c it didn't act like she wanted it to. It seems that person has done that a lot: adopting a dog, then euthanizing it b/c it wasn't what she wanted (but of course there was always a different reason). So I think she more or less had a vendetta.

    And I'm through over there. I realize know what the real issue is: "pit bulls". It's not about how they are kept, but why they are kept at all. Those people want regulations on who should be able to own them how many can be owned, how they can be contained, how they much be treated, & so on. That's called Breed Specific Legislation. And I don't associate with people that are for it. In my opinion, it's becoming a PETAfest.
  9. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    You gotta be shitting me!!!

    I couldn't find the original post with Lil Bit's picture, anyone have a link?
  10. Suki

    Suki Guest

  11. OH , thanks....ok you dont laugh....hmmm then try this, I have the feeling that some members of ,,your,, board dont know that dogs have(in most cases) teeth. Chains are the safest thing for dogs and even more for strong dogs because a rope, nylon ,leather or what ever will get destroyed in short order if the dog really want to.......ok to big chains are dumb but for example the chain from lil bit is absolute OK. Important is the collar...of course that shouldnt be a chain.Nylon or leather is fine.
  12. Yup, I completely agree. I already tried explaining it to them.

    Miakoda. I sincerely understand your frusteration. That thread is going around in cirlces.

    I still cannot believe that someone would take someone elses picture and post it for others to bash. And now she sure isnt replying to anything over there.

    So to the girl that did that if you read this. Shame on you! that was a seriously ignorant thing to do!
  13. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

  14. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    Yep, a perfectly weazily thing to do IMO. So, this Krystal chick is a member here?
  15. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    LOL, STB. I feel like I'm on one of those spinning teacups at Disney World.:D
  16. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    i know but i like messin with those folks,,, seeing as some of theem act as they don't have a clue,,,and keep the circle walking,,,:D :rolleyes: ther poor chiwawa's and shitzue's don't have a chance:o
  17. Suki

    Suki Guest

    tx for steering the thread back on course. nice posting, imo!:D

    and to all the great Game-Dog members, again, thank you ALL, for continuing to be SO :cool: and level-headed. This thread says alot about us and our love for this breed.
    ya'll make me very proud to be a memeber of this forum!:D
  18. Hey now, I own pomeranians & chihuhahuas too!! :D
  19. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    I's sorry;) :eek: :D ,,

    i promise:rolleyes:
  20. Haha, its ok.

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