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We tryed :(

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    those little dogs will kill my poor pitbull,,,,,,he'd choke to death on a hairball,,,,

    but i,m seriously pulling ur leg,,,,lol,,,
  2. Marty

    Marty Guest

    No I hope not anyway ;)
    Is this not what the site is all about, educating the general public?
    Thank you all for keeping a level head, that says a lot about us, we need to reach the masses head on. ;)
    Thanks for being a part of the site then ;)
    Thank you!
    Oh, I'm not mad at all, I'm glad to be able to educate about the breed I choose to own.
  3. Marty

    Marty Guest

    LOL, does anyone care to comment on that here? I see no reason to comment to it there because of this thread, there is no reason to feed them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2006
  4. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    here you go marty,,, i picked you up something [​IMG]
  5. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Amstaffer-I'm sorry you've never met a good APBT then. If you had, you would know dog-aggression is a trait of this breed, and should not be shunned. It does not in any way equate to human aggression, and the distinction between them is faulty, in our breed anyway. By this logic, Labrador Retreivers are headlines waiting to happen, because they have been bred to catch birds. Greyhounds are headlines waiting to happen because they will chase any small prey if given the chance. Terriers, Poodles, almost all breeds of dog today are descendants of working animals. Be it going to ground on varmints, chasing bunnies, or catching wild prey. If you infact cared to research what you spout off about, you would come to realize, that these are the most stable dogs alive, imo. When a dog is bred to work in close proximity with humans, you cannot risk coming out of the woods, without a hand, because your dog decided to tear into you. Dogs bred for a purpose, are stable, strong-minded, decisive animals. They are not bloodthirsty monsters. I can't tell you how many 1x, 2x, ch. dogs I've patted on the head, with no fear. Why do most gamedog men have other breeds of dogs? To protect their APBT's! The most lethal animals in the pit, are generally the most loving, affectionate animals outside of it, around human companions. These dogs are stolen so often, because people know,and exploit this in the dogs. You can literally walk into a yard, as a complete stranger, grab most any dog off the chain, and it will follow you into the truck, licking your face as its being taken away from its home. Human-aggression, although not non-existent, is RARE. Breeding for a specific purpose (gamedogs) is the reason for the most extreme percentages of stable, animals. When people breed for looks, color, structure, pedigrees, whatever without testing said animal, not only does it go away from breed standard, it also doesnt give the animal the chance to show problems in the gametest (biting its handler, out of pain, when a handle is made). This is not only true with our breed, its true for any breed which is bred for a specific, non-fad, purpose.

    I see your breed of choice is Amstaff, which is wonderful, and I'm glad you refer to it as an Amstaff, and not a APBT. Nothing wrong with a well-bred Amstaff, from a meaningful, thoughtful breeder with the highest regards to the breed standard. However, I'm sure we've both seen problem dogs, and I ask, what made them that way? Of course, most are created, through neglect, or bad training practices. However, a very small percentage (smaller than is present in other breeds!) is this way because of bad breeding practices. I've seen two APBT's that were truely human-aggressive in all my time. I've seen countless "designer" dogs, or dogs bred just to make couch potatoes, that would fall under the human-aggressive category. Why the difference in overall tempermant? Breeding away from strict standards, leaves room for error. The two APBT's I've seen that were "problem dogs", were the direct result, of owners who thought they were doing the "right" thing, and produced problems. Both were pampered, house dogs, bred off pampered housedogs, with no job other than eating and shitting. These breeding specimins were never tested, and showed problematic signs, to the person who knows what to look for. Pups grew up, were given to anyone with 100 bucks as "wonderful pets, parents are big babies!" and caused problems down the road. Breeding for pet-quality animals, is insufficient, and is the basis of nearly all the problems the modern American canine is experiencing. Whether it is in poodles, chihuahaus, or bulldogs.

    Tieing an animal up, is not only not harmful to the animal, if done correctly, its beneficial-in more way than one! Its the only way I've found to contain a bulldog up to my safety standards. Some kenneling is sufficient, but expensive, and its my experience dogs are mentally much happier on a chain, than locked in a kennel. I'm sure I dont have to explain to you that even an 8' chain, provides more room than a 16' x 16' kennel, is much more suited to properly contain an animal, and it provides better mental health stimulation. The very basis of kennels is to keep an animal locked up, out of mind for the time being. Peering through the bars of a cramped kennel, is extremelly disappointing to an animal from my observations. I've had one animal do well in a kennel, the rest get depressed, yet thrive on a chain. With kennels, most people simply feed/water the dog, hose it down, and their done. With chains, this isnt possible. You must get in the chain space to feed/water, as well as look over the general well-being of said animal. This includes checking the chain setup of defects, and possible future problems (broken hardware is the main thing I'm talking about). With the animal on a chain, your in with them, bonding with them when you take care of them, as oppossed to throw some food, and give them a quick spray with the hose. Obviously, there is a correct way to do either, and the method of containment is not the big issue, but rather owner involvment. Its just been my experience, a chain is the safest method, most affording method (in regards to physical space, as well as mental happiness), and its easier to interact on a daily basis (its required for the animal to survive). Your anti-chaining logic falls on deaf ears, as it is based on speculation, rather then fact. I presume you will say "well I only keep what I can keep in the house, I dont use either" as many would do. Ok, maybe I should argue against keeping an animal locked in the house during the day? Lack of natural environment interaction at that time, less room, and expodentially more dangerous. How many objects can you count which could harm/kill your dog where you contain it now? Electrical cords, anything small enough for the animal to chew on (toilet paper, socks, clothes, chair leg), household toxic chemicals, etc etc.

    I fail to see the logic in your ways of thinking, but rather believe its formed on previous misconceptions, which you are hanging onto for personal reasons, so you may feel "well, I'm better then them gosh darn, gametestin', chain-keeping, dog owners!". Its logic such as this which will be the demise of our breed, and further fuels BSL, by people thinking they are superior to another group of people, and they wont be affected. Everyones time will come if things dont change. Its no secret PETA, and many other influential AR groups wish to rid the entire population of pets. If we dont fight for eachother, we will ALL, lose.
  6. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    that thread u have shown is wierd,,is that the right thread? I am confused over those people on there,,or is that the point?
  7. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    6 pages on a troll thread,,,,huummmm talking bout nothing to do
  8. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to 14rock again.
  9. jeeperino

    jeeperino CH Dog

    I read SOME of the posts. I have to give credit to all who try to educate people about apbts. No matter what you say or do, some people just have closed minds and dont get it.

    Thanks to television, movies and books (media in general) people(in general) have forgotten that dogs have working purposes. They would much rather see a shaggy sheep dog driving a car than protecting a flock and risking its life to serve the purpose it was created for. Same goes with bulldogs, people would rather see them do nothing than do what they were/are created for. Sometimes I wish I was born in the early 1900's when cry baby tree huggers were the MAJOR minority,were ignored or used to feed a good bulldog;). It was/is just as simple as minding your own business. You do you, I'll do me.
  10. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    what gets me is the one talking so negatively about apbt don't have one nor never has had one
  11. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Hey Marty. I've been away for a while, but I think you have done some good trying to enlighten ppl about the breed. Not everyone can be changed, but a few is better than none. High praise for you and your dogs. I think LilBit is a great example of the breed. I wish my dogs could look that good!!!
  12. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    This CHAZ thread just gets more and more ridiculous.
    Verderben likes this.
  13. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I'm still on like page 38. and trying to read the end where I posted as well. I cannot BELIEVE that one lady tried to say it can be trained out. and the other person asking how do they get DA bred in. BTW Nice post explaining that Tommy. (I'm HVK obviously on there)
  14. I am that lady that said that DA can be trained out and I already explained to you that I re-worded it further in!
  15. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I'm still to where people are argueing it can and cant be trained out. I'm reading as fast as i can but I am doing other things I need to get done as well.
  16. Hahaha, I understand. But you better start reading a hell of a lot faster. They are at PG 83 already lol. :D
  17. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Looks like thing are going a little smoother.
    1 person likes this.
  18. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I know I dont think I will EVER catch up lol
  19. Suki

    Suki Guest

    damn, ... tommy3 !!! a BIG [​IMG] for your patience! :)
  20. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Thanks to me MUAHAHAHA (on the last few pages)

    Blame it on the beer.

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