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We tryed :(

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Im pretty comfortable with my program and my choices.... I breed a working standard they are not pets.Your oppinion is just that an oppinion My question wasnt if you knew that a animal was HA should it or shouldnt it be placed....I know exactly where you are comin from in your post.
    EDIT: Let me clear this up a lil.....when the animal leaves the breeder or shelter, .....Does not apply if they take ownership of a stray on the streets.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2006
  2. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Savethebullied- HA is a trait found in some dogs. The decision to cull HA dogs is simply a choice, made by the owner. The dog doesnt fit THEIR standards of tempermant. So you are the one who has the power to judge "Its ok to cull an animal for this trait that doesnt fit your standards, but not that trait". What makes you come to the conclusion that you have a right to judge others breeding programs, and their culls? All or nothing. If your going to say people can't cull for their personal reasons, then HA should be allowed, after all, its just a personal choice not to own that animal.

    Before the band gets all riled up, I believe in culling, and culling hard. Sub-standard dogs deserve better then to live in a 4x4 kennel all day, being taken out for 15 minutes to go to the bathroom, and spray the kennel down. When there is a responsible home for every dog in America, I'll rethink the need to put sub-standard dogs down. And yes, Human-aggressive dogs get a bullet in the head around here, they do not deserve anything more then a quick demise.
  3. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    I''m sorry that you didn't like the fact that i said,,,,just everyone shouldn't own these dogs,,,i do think that,,, to many irresponsible owner and of coarse the HSUS always having their nose where it doen't need to be,,,

    this breed is not for everyone,,,,,,right simms,,,,lmao
  4. Traits? I thought everyone here agreed that human aggression wasn't a trait APBTs possessed? So if you get a HA APBT, you have done something wrong! And, yes. If a dog is absolutely possitively HA it should be PTS. If a dog cannot perform the way you want it to then you have done something wrong. You bred the dogs, you produced "sub-standard" puppies. That dog did not ask to come into this world to be evaluated by you and for you to decide that it is not "good enough" at its job! No one is saying that those dogs should have to live in 4 X 4 cells. And like I stated before RESPONSIBLE BREEDERS take the time to find APPROPRIATE homes for their "unworthy" dogs. They don't think "oh well, this little guy isn't good enough at his job so lets shoot him in the head." Anyone who thinks like that is NOT A RESPONSIBLE BREEDER and should not be breeding!!
  5. I would just like to add that I am done with this topic. It is discusting and wrong. I have said all there is to say about.
  6. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Culling is a moral issue. Therefore, it would be very difficult to change one's mind. I guess it is something that we have to agree to disagree on.
  7. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    but do stick around STB there are alot of ppl in this forum that feel the way you do,,, some that does some that don't ,,, basically we are here to educate each other good or bad,,,help with each others problems,,,i know we won't always get along but that's what makes a good forum
  8. Thanks, GHOST, I will be sticking around, I know that not everyone can get along all the time. But I just would not like to discuss that issue anymore. It is actually quite upsetting to me.....as you probably already noticed.
  9. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Renee, Thank you for being open minded and leaving the thread open, were not on there to fight with anyone nor will we, savethebullied please stay around we are a good group of people I promise,we just have our own way of doing things.
  10. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    There are so many dogs that get euthed everyday for lack of homes WHY would any responsible breeder NOT cull? These people here are talking about WORKING bred dogs. These are not dogs that would be suitable in just any old pet home. It is far kinder to cull the dog rather than send it out as a pet for it to be abused and dumped because the average owner cannot handle a working bred dog.
  11. X

    X Banned

    They said they were done talking about it... which means nothing you say to them will justify it or change their mind based on anything you give them, based upon fact, opinion, or anything else. No need to keep trying to convince somebody about something they have no interest in hearing. Some times the truth hurts, but no need for it to continue.
  12. Bluedawg

    Bluedawg Pup

    Renee is great and can and does speak for Chaz himself.
    Im glad yall have been playing nice, in many ways nicer some of the Chaz members myself included, with others over there.
  13. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Thanks Blue, and great to see you on here posting!
  14. Bluedawg

    Bluedawg Pup

    Thanks for the welcome. Ill have to get better pics of Verde, my female pit mix.
  15. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Bluedawg, thanks for joining, we were not looking for members but we do enjoy educating the public about our breed of choice :D
  16. I would just like to thank everyone for welcoming me here, even though some of our opinions are much different. I know I have not been the nicest to some members about a certain, *ahem*, topic, but I am still being welcomed here. That shows what an upstanding group of people you are. So I am sorry for going off about certain things and I do understand (sort of) where you are coming from. Anyways, I am off to post some pictures of Magnus for you all. I hope you enjoy them.
  17. Marty

    Marty Guest

  18. Bluedawg

    Bluedawg Pup

    Thanks again for the welcome. We did make an invite with that thread. With my girl being a mix I need to learn about the breed.
  19. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Make yourself at home then :D
  20. jesika27

    jesika27 Pup

    I'm from Chaz too :eek: just thought I would personally come and to say on the behalf of myself thank you for taking the time to tell about your yourselves and your dogs :) Thanks

    I especially liked hearing about the hog hunting even though that topic didnt last very long :( ;) it was interesting..

    I'm Jess2416 over there...

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