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We tryed :(

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Marty, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Thank you for joining :D

    If I had anything to hide, I would not post a video with me and my dogs :)
  2. simms

    simms CH Dog

    It's only wrong for you as an indavidual.......You havent the faintest Idea about breeding and whats responsible and whats not....Your oppinion is one based on emotions.
  3. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

  4. Actually, I do have a very good idea about breeding and I do know what is responsible and what is not. But that is a whole other topic. Yes I do base part of my opinion on emotions. I also am quite capable of having an opinion about it without throwing in emotions. With or without emotions involved, I simply do not agree with it. There is nothing wrong with basing certain opinions on emotions. Maybe if more people (punks) would base what they do on emotions, the APBT wouldn't be in the crisis they are in.

  5. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Where the F%ck did punk come from?

    Edit: Crisis.....the reason why this breed is in the state it's in is due to them being placed within the public!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2006
  6. Sorry, I guess I should have clarified more. I wasn't speaking about anyone here. I was meaning maybe if more people (the people that have pit bulls and neglect them, torture them, make them suffer, use them for fighting, use them for the wrong purposes) thought with their heart or emotions a little more, pit bulls would not be facing the problems they are facing. It wasn't directed at you at all.
  7. Public is such a generic term. I am "the public". Is it not ok for me to own one?
  8. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Nope and I sure dont want you to have one of mine.....Not the kind of animal for you. You lack the common sense to know better.
  9. simms

    simms CH Dog

    That is the smallest part of the problem.....and most of that is public perception.

    Edit: Im gonna take our convo to another thread with a different topic title.

    Edit2: No sweat, Type A personality coming out...LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2006
  10. X

    X Banned

    Placed, sold, given, farmed, or however you say it, the "public" (i.e. "pet owners") are the ones who are allowing the so-called "accidents" to happen, not the people containing them on "chains" but the ones who rule over their owner's house and gets away with anything and can get out whenever and however it wants to. It's the people who are "shocked" when their non-dog aggressive dog suddenly, "unexpectingly" attacks another dog or a person, who has caused the down fall of this breed (and of course the breeders who have placed pups with them, allowed them to wind up in shelters to be adopted by said people, or just by dropping them off somewhere other than their proximity). But that will never change any of the "facts."
  11. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Is this dirrected towards me?
  12. Im sorry but you don't know anything about me so why sit here and say I don't have the knowledge to "handle one of your dogs."

    It also makes me mad that some of you have the mindset that you and a little group of people are the only ones that should own this breed. Guess what you are wrong. There are many many many people out there that are well suited to own this breed. I am definately not saying that this breed is for everyone that is for sure, so don't get me wrong. But I am also saying that you are not the only ones that can handle having this breed.

    Again, not everyone is "out to get your breed". You make it seem like there are no suitable homes out there for dogs that are no good to you. Guess what, if you find a fault with them then they are pets. Pets that you made! And should be placed as such. Not everyone that gets their hands on this breed wants to breed it or dump it at a shelter or leave it on the side of the road.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2006
  13. X

    X Banned

    Lol, unless you're a "pet owner" that does those things, then I wouldn't think so.
  14. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Im gonna use you as my example....LOL. I could never place an animal of mine with you based on the photos that you have provided for our viewing pleasure...Nice BTW. Not that you cant handle an APBT....It's that you wont handle them accordingly.

    Your situation is an accident waiting to happen....your home is not Ideal for one of my dogs.....Sorry, I value the life and better wellbeing of your exsisting pets.

    I do not take this task lightly.
  15. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    simms you'd have a field day over at the other forum,,,,glad to see ya around,,,
  16. Magnus has been trained as a therapy dog and trained to be around other dogs. Notice we were there supervising there play. I am not ignorant when it comes to this breed or the Amstaff. Trust me. :D Oh, BTW, I do not own those other 3 dogs and they don't live with me.
  17. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Thanks Ghost, I went and read a lil over there.....that thread is out of hand. Ive been working to much to keep up with it.
  18. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Oh you say now....LOL
  19. Sorry, lol. But at least I knew why you thought you wouldn't trust me with a dog from you lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2006
  20. simms

    simms CH Dog

    just got a lil:confused: now I'm a lil :o....LOL
    LuvinBullies likes this.

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