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What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by loudboyjr, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    breed for yourself if you dont think you can accomplish anything with the two dogs you wanna breed dont do it if you think something is there then dont your main focus should be to get good dogs for you not the guy on the phone up the street or on the internet dogman breed for your self stick to a good breeding program :)
  2. bullhead

    bullhead Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    yep i read all that old lierature too, and with much respect....

    to evolve one must take the knowledge of th past and make it better. taking old knowledge and combining it with the new.

    its like this , Mayfield was a great conditioner but he is not great by todays standards, its old news, but without it evolution of conditioning may not be what it is today. there had tobe a starting point but now we move forward. or some do...

    listen bud, if i'm into racing cars i aint gonna get one the forefathers made! a 1920 ford car aint gonna be anything like one in 2010.

    how does the quote go " i have seen far by standing on the shoulders of giants" somethin like that......

    in the end those that hold most dear to tradition seem to be the ones with egos, others adapt and move forward!?
  3. bullhead

    bullhead Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    "seen and have my own thought pattern when it comes to breeding and knew you guys would give me some insight as well and thats why i joined because i know its some knowledgeable ppl here and i love taking good info and adding it to my book "

    i most def. agree with that loudboy, thats why i joined... i like this board i've been lurkin long enough i guess, had to join. i like and respect what most of the folks here say even if i dont agree....
  4. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    and you just made that real understandable to me... if ur breeding certain strains of a line your actually just breeding that line
  5. csotelo9388

    csotelo9388 Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    u can line breed,inbreed,or cross it out how ever u want...but if your not breeding good to good dog ur chances of getting goods dogs r slim to none...it all depends on what u like n the dogs themselves
  6. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    go out to your yard, grab your best dog and best bitch and breed them,
  7. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    well a few here dont have to go no were to stick to the best dogs together fer a breeding
  8. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    yes bullhead thats great using the knowledge of old.its only the sci/tech! of today that gives modern dogs advanced recovery/stamina/endurance,.You can take these things away from a dog eg; nutrition,advanced conditioning, & what are you left with, after you breed a cur or undesirable into your program,nothing! The old time dogs were bred "Gamedog too gamedog" with linebreeding/inbreeding, & hardly ever outcrossing. So selection was important,to advoid breeding into another strain.if those old dogs had the nutrition & conditioning they have today,the world would be a different place.
  9. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    lol you really think all the old timers never bred curs or untested dogs well i know better and if you look most the greats were three way crosses
  10. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    They would of produced a cur or two,as every bloodline does! but it was a no-no in the sport to intentionally breed from! a cur..from what i read? things changed for the worst,when maurice carver,started obtaining all the old time blood, from those, who made a life time effort establishing a bloodline. i would be interested in which breeders before the 1950's were throwing curs into there cherished! strains. What im saying? is that the percentage of "game" stock was alot higher back then.what crosses are you talking about? & yes some were doing the 3way cross & with good results.eg.comeaux produced 4 way strain,in the 50's from colby/tudor/corvino/saddler cross.with unbeatable results.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2010
  11. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    well zebo was a three way and so was jeep ,mayday and there were many more also yea it was a rule just as it is today breed game dog to gamedogs but some didnt then or now but to say ol timers didnt well i guess u just arent seeing the big picture
  12. Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    Zebo also had some show dogs in him, didn't slow him down or the people that bred to him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2010
  13. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    yes zebo was a phenominal individual,i thought zebo was bred heavy on dibo,could be wrong!.he was proven relativley game, going way uphill & winning.but he still produced garbage! & the line still continues to do so!.does anyone know exactly how he was bred? some old time sources think he was an Eli dog.
  14. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    "things changed for the worst,when maurice carver,started obtaining all the old time blood" care to explain that statement?
  15. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    yeah sure! all the best dogs that were making good were done from the work of R. Jolly,carvers partner in the dogs.heres a mystery bred dog? jolly used a dog off the street to beat jimmy wimberly,earltudors apprentice?, & the famous schoolboy dog.carver then bred the ass off that mongrel,& is probably in most of our dogs blood today.just one example!
  16. 3596

    3596 Pup

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    what about when pete sparks rolled his famous dog "hunky",in 1955. guess what carver used? an 18mnth old tosa inu.ask some old schoolers who were around in the 1950's. if there are any.they will tell you.
  17. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    if you wasn't there how do you know what they bred? ask who you want, more then likely. they wasn't there.
  18. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    well zebo made bulldog hall of fame and was a 7 xw wasnt bred very much and still made rom as fer the line not working today well i can show you a few and zebo a tudor ofrn colby cross
  19. ManiacKennel

    ManiacKennel Big Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    the dogs zebo and ppl like carver will probly way more siggnfecant then any dog you will own or ppl u will meet
  20. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    Re: What do you think works better Inbreeding, Line Breeding or complete out crossing

    you can breed 2 ch's and get cold dogs and curs . but if you worked with the bloodline for years . you will repeat it to see what you get . sometime the first litter is awesome and the second is bad . so you never know . i've seen 4 litter in 33 years that was all game . but some had no ability . and the other you could'nt make them stand . ch to grch does'nt mean your getting good ones . game to game you have a good chances . sometimes times their the game loser who produced good or better than the dog that won . but if you have a small yard you better breed only game to game and never untested stock . truth is 80% probably want make it . and sometimes you have 2 well breed dogs that want produce . and the whole litters don't work out . good paper don't mean a damn thing good dogs do . people in the old days knew this . that' s why you saw good game hard ones . today you see mouth and never know how game they are .

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