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what happeneds to a man biter?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by gatorfangs, Jan 14, 2005.



    Man Biters Should Be Culled Off Imho
  2. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    could not agree more.no need for them in this breed.

    DEACON ROM Top Dog

    it probly is fake, he probly put it up so he could get more hits on his site. it being fake makes more sense to me than anything else.
  4. dora

    dora Big Dog

    i showed my mom this mornin..she thinks it is fake to...look at the dates of the pics one is the 19 and the other is the 30....if the man took pics right after he was bit of the dog...why wait 11 days later to take a pic of his arm or what ever it is...top it off the wound was showing bone..no way the idiot would go 11 days without treatment...people are so stupid:mad: ....it is sad the dog is deceased though:(
  5. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    yeah, something is not adding up but who knows what those sick #@%&'s do for thrills.

    DEACON ROM Top Dog

    he probly taught the dog to play dead lol the dogs probly goin through the idiots trash, and drinkin outta the toilet bowl as we speak.
  7. JCleve86

    JCleve86 Big Dog

    I don't know...dog looks pretty stiff in a couple of those pics. And yes, while being attacked I would probably do just about ANYTHING to get the damn thing off me, but to drown him afterwards? You just put yourself at risk for being bitten AGAIN. Seriously, it's ridiculous and cruel. I'd get him off and get a control stick, take him to the pound and stick him. If that wasn't possible, like I said, you could shoot him. Drowning is just way over the top...as is bragging about it...good job you macho macho man, you killed a 50 pound dog.
  8. GrChPitBitch

    GrChPitBitch Big Dog

    I had seen that before... ugh... kinda gives me the willys... yet, I can see myself drowning a dog that is trying to rip me a new one... I have never let a man biter live, pit or not..... but I must say I can think of more humane ways of going about its demise....

  9. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    OK YALL Can't you tell that picture was fake. If you think about it. Look at the size of the dog, the size of the arm, the size of the wound, and the story. If you put it all together it sounds like BS to me!! Its a fake picture to me. Its meant to get you bent out of shape.


    I Was Wondering If The Dog Only Had 1 Tooth Theres Only 1 Hole Hahahahaha
  11. Madusa

    Madusa CH Dog

    it's got to be a fake, it doesn't add up. but what is sicker the fact that some one would do that for real or the that they would fake it. either way it just another bad press story.
  12. XxKonnectionsxX

    XxKonnectionsxX Top Dog

    yep. it sure is.

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