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What happens to the old dogs?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by idgie, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. MinorThreat

    MinorThreat CH Dog

    theyre not PETS and I think everyone is wrong saying the breeder/owner has any responsiblity of making the dog a house pet or adopting it out. Owning Bulldogs are not for people with weak stomachs, period... and its the truth

    If it was possible I'd invite any doubter to our yard so you could take a look at a few particular dogs and then tell me the possibility of them being house pets or adoptable to anyone outside the bulldog fraternity, they are not.

    It would take a bulldog owner to care for them and they dont want an old dog sucking up space, just like nobody does

    some can make old house pets, some can't, those that can't have to go if the room is needed

    like it or not, this is usually how it goes, if you choose to spend your time on a GAMEDOG message board by choice, dont get all wound up about what goes on.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2007
  2. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Minor: We will have to agree to disagree:)
  3. Blaizen

    Blaizen Big Dog

    I agree that the possibility of transforming them into "pets" is not a good idea, nor is it logical. They are what they are, and they've proven themselves for you over the years. But to just say they have to go because you need a chain spot isn't right either. JMO - I say you should provide a place for them. What if our kids thought like that - lot of us "Older" folks would be in a hell of a mess! ;)
  4. Nevermind, I dont folks to think i am being a prude!! :o
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2007
  5. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    My old dogs will stay with us until they die. I've got a 14 year old dog (I got him from Floyd back in 1999) & I won't even consider the thought of putting him down. IMO they've earned their right to retirement.
  6. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    So long as they have earned their spot, they can keep it until they die. The way I look at it, they have earned that spot a thousand times more than even the most promising pups or prospects.

    However, many working kennels do not see it this way, unfortunately in my opinion.

    Many times, for some of these folks, it depends on what the dog has produced, or how it is bred, coupled with it's own working ability outside gameness. For example, a well-bred, good producing Ch. bitch may be kept until death, where a scatterbred, game, but untalented dog may not get the same. The way it seems to me, is alot of people make their decision based on how they feel when showing the yard to a visitor. If they have a well-known, well-respected dog that is going to be a bonus when you point to it and say "that there is Ch. xxxxxxxxxx POR", normally they will keep it around. Again however, they are feeding the dog, but are they really doing right by it, or simply changing the way they get their usefullness from a dried up dog? That's up to each individuals discretion.

    There will never be a surplus of truly game dogs. If you have found one, respect it. Keep it yourself, or place it with a non-working home. Either way, it's hard to justify culling a gamedog, to make room for "maybe" puppies.
  7. Michele

    Michele Guest

    [QUOTEThere will never be a surplus of truly game dogs. If you have found one, respect it. Keep it yourself, or place it with a non-working home. Either way, it's hard to justify culling a gamedog, to make room for "maybe" puppies.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->][/QUOTE]

    i agree with this
  8. Blaizen

    Blaizen Big Dog

    Well said - Thank You!
  9. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Once a dog has shown it is worth it's salt, it is never culled on my yard. I did not say I wouldn't put a dog down for health reasons, but I promise you it is so very much harder for me to put a good sick dog down than to cull a dog. Understand?
    As to when they get old, what I do, and am doing at the moment is I have a female that is a phenominal dog, very worthy of life, and has earned the right to have a good life, so I am looking for a good home, that has no other dogs, and she will be spade when she leaves here, always with the option to come back if things dont work out. The way I see it, is no matter how much I love this dog, I simply cant give it the same life that a home where she will be the only dog, kids, etc, can. I have to split my time between the yard, and she will live it up in a home like that.
    So, I try and find the dog a better place to live it's days out, and if I cant find one, she will have that spot she is in till I have to take the collar off her neck!
  10. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    And as to the hog dog not being a good family dog, it is not true at all. I have found that the true game dogs are the BEST family dogs. You have your exceptions. Like the dog I described above, she is the most gentle dog on my yard. My neughbor hates these bulldogs, and out of all of them he says he likes her the best.
    I dont have dogs on my yard that turn on people. When one of them happens upon my place, it is culled in a heartbeat!
    And to add to what I have said, when I do find her a home, I will hate to see her go! She is a wonderful dog, but she deserves to be in a one dog home.
    That nonsense the media puts out of "oh, the dog was used for fighting so it is not good for being placed" is a crock!
  11. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Perfect post.
  12. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Some can be socialized into a family environment, not all of them. I can usually tell just by being around a dog for a while if it would and could make it as a house dog. The stock we have right now, no way. They are bred entirely too tight and I would never take the chance on my kid getting caught. Now the foundation dog of our yard, Duke, is a house dog now at almost 11 years old but he's an exception. J said he's the smartest dog he's ever been around and thats saying alot. His son Duke Jr is a holy terror and would tear a house apart in a matter of minutes. My point is a child is small, like an animal and often makes noises like an animal. Just not a chance I would be willing to take with my kid but to each his own.
  13. Titch_Pitbull

    Titch_Pitbull Top Dog

    "So long as they have earned their spot, they can keep it until they die"

    Sums it up for me.

    But I liked purplepig's comment on trying to find a better home,always welcome back ect ect.
  14. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    well as long as they have proved there worth they can die of old age at my place
  15. goes to show your blockheadedness. if one ever want to hurt anyone in your family (strangers not included) it should be delt with. with the quickness. i guess people just dont think right about things...

    bulldogger89 At The Lakes Knls
  16. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    The greatest fighters in the world are not the craziest, but the ones who are in control. Very few fast lane dogs are as you described. I suggest you step up your game. Some of the greatest winners have been known to play with other animals who were submissive and nonchallenging. A bulldog with it's head screwed on straight can sense the difference.
    ABK likes this.
  17. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    You're damn right. I'd cull anything that showed aggression towards my family. Any dog that shows HA is a cull IMO. You guys are acting like I said its impossible to domesticate a game dog and thats not the case. Its not likely to happen too often but its possible. All Im saying is what I would and wouldnt do in my house. You can do what you want in your house. :)
  18. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Now we just disagree with this statement,
    "Its not likely to happen too often but its possible."
    As I have seen, and heard of more times than not it being possible. Maybe there's something in the water in Florida. LOL
    I have had crazy dogs also, I just dont like em and let the allegators get nourishment from them.
  19. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Jeez. Nevermind.
  20. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    So you feel like the media does? A bulldog can't tell the difference between a animal and a child?

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