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What i Feed my APBT puppy

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Tank and Gizmo, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feeding RAW and feeding kibble has turned into damn near the Hatfields and McCoys. I have fed both separately, I have mixed them together and I have fed the really nice dog foods in the bags as well as the cheaper ones. I can't say one is hands down better than the other. I had dogs die unexpectedly at a young age, had dogs live to be very old and still throw and raise pups, and had dogs that both performed and under performed....The one thing I can say is that I found the RAW to be less expensive per pound than quality dry food. It can't compete with the cheaper 'hunting' dog brands that go for like $23 or so per 50# bag.
    A economical raw plan can be bought at Walmart for around 60 cents or so a pound. The premium dog food in bags, as well as the natural bag food is in excess of a dollar a pound or more. The kicker, as it has been said, is the time. When I factor in the time it takes to by, prepare and feed raw it makes it hard. Multiplied by the number of dogs one owns and RAW gets tougher exponentially. I am now in the middle. I feed RAW as much as I can but I also use kibble. It works best for me and the number of dogs I choose to keep.
    As far as the calcium/phosphate ratio very few dogs experience a deficiency in this area. This should be only supplemented for if it is based actual lab work. This calcium to phosphate ratio is vital to bone development and adding to this and off setting the ratio is extremely detrimental to the young dog, especially a growing puppy. The ratio is really accurate in the vast majority of bag foods. Feeding raw works as well when the bones are there, such a chicken quarters and chicken backs and beef bones.
  2. Limey kennels

    Limey kennels CH Dog

    some iditional info consirning dicalsium Fosfate suplemends .. When you feed raw meat iven include grind douwn bone fragmends to you pups. it wil stil be imbalansed. to build up a strong bone scelet ading bones isend enoughf . the body needs so many other minerals and vitamins in order to PROSES the added bone and to be able to use it in order to BUILD a perfect sceleton..
    many greyhound owners breeders and racers and plenty of other breeders of other working breeds who AD meat as there own protien sours to there high quality LOW% of protien kibble need to ad significend amounds of the correct balansed minerals en vitamins.. let alone people who feed RAW only..
  3. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    RAW feeding that includes bones will provide a balanced diet which in turn leads to a balances ratio of calc. and phos. Most every dry bag of food addresses this as well. I would never adjust for this or supplement for this unless bloodwork or laboratory work dictated it. Most over supplementation is pissed away anyway but over calcification or over supplemented phosp. will lead to serious health issues. If a dog is diagnosed with a deficiency in this area then the supplementation is great but just to do it to be doing it is walking on a slippery slope.
  4. Limey kennels

    Limey kennels CH Dog

    Wel lets agree to disagree then!!.. But befor we do . why would my generation and the generation befor me who where born during WWII get ore got cod liver oil in the winter!!. and jodium prossest in the sault !!. it was because our diets(altho our meat was free ranged) had sevear lack of balansed minerals and vitamins. in sutch a way that MANNY nutrieins in the likes of mineral;s could NOT be prossest due to the lack of others.. Hensh lots of people where shorter smaller in them days ,and lots more people where born with open pallets and lips!!..(today we bearly see them but in the far eastern world) during these winters the people sufferd from vitamin A,D and E umongst others. Today WE see lots of minerals and vitamins added to our diets . Same we see in our dog food. NOT so in raw meat diets .
    you defenatly need to A,D E and others and ad those... il let you have ore anybody els have the last say ...
  5. ABD456

    ABD456 Big Dog

    For me puppy feeding is very important. I would rather spend more on a puppy for than adult dogs food. But definately be careful with vitamins too much can cause a reaction also he wrong ratios can cause problems also.
  6. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    I do agree the advancements in food from the WWII era have been significant both in people food as well as dog food, but especially in dog food, which is the topic. Dog foods have advanced tremendously in the last twenty years, even the last ten. I am not anti-kibble no more than I am pro-RAW. I have done both separately as well as combined the two. Both have their benefits and both have their drawbacks. Based on the ingredients in the vast majority of kibble their is no need to supplement for calcium or phosphorous unless it is a diagnosed deficiency. Most bag foods cover the needed daily needs so supplementation is not needed. Unlike the other supplements the excess of calcium or the lack of phosphorous will/can lead to bone issues. If one were to over supplement with other minerals and vitamins they are easily passed as excess. Balanced RAW feed diets serve the same purpose. Understand I said balanced. Balanced RAW feeding does not mean a leg quarter a day. It takes a balanced diet regardless of source. balanced is balanced.
  7. busa2000

    busa2000 Pup

    Has anyone here use bully max dog suppliments?
    And if so what age would you consider using it?
  8. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    Waste of money, spend it on good good nutrition



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