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what kind of music do you all listen to?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by feastodg, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. thecableguy

    thecableguy Big Dog

  2. wicked13

    wicked13 CH Dog



    dont get all cajun on us,,, I like Jimmy Cliff aswell...
  4. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Jimmy Cliff I like as well, I have a rather eclectic taste.

    Sent from my 306SH using Tapatalk


    Me too,, we can hit a jazz club in the bahhammas with Trotline...
  6. zuidwest

    zuidwest Big Dog

  7. wicked13

    wicked13 CH Dog

    RobR73 likes this.
  8. zuidwest

    zuidwest Big Dog

  9. smalldog

    smalldog Big Dog

    Southern Rock..


    jj grey and mofro???
  11. Robertosilva

    Robertosilva CH Dog

  12. Robertosilva

    Robertosilva CH Dog

  13. Robertosilva

    Robertosilva CH Dog

  14. Robertosilva

    Robertosilva CH Dog

  15. RobR73

    RobR73 Big Dog

    [​IMG] One of my favorites circa 1988
  16. RobR73

    RobR73 Big Dog

    Can't figure how too embed a youtube link here, so here is the link....circa 1988

  17. RobR73

    RobR73 Big Dog

    Something everyone can enjoy and that's just what we need this Memorial Day weekend. From you Deep South Guys, Yankees in the NE, Caliboys, and our friends from across the ocean. This was filmed in the subway of NY and you should take it to the end. Sax player is fuckin unreal.

  18. JimAm*dam

    JimAm*dam Pup

    For all the young men who fights and sacrifice their lives.
  19. patjr

    patjr Top Dog

    smalldog likes this.
  20. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    For all those hoes out there coming together to cluck like some chicken heads.... lol


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