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What would you have done?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by ryan, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. bukskin.banks

    bukskin.banks Big Dog

    Id have to agree with the way you handled it, while i personally would have minded my own business and not said anything, i think you said the right thing. maybe he needed that comment even if he was a dick back to you to put that idea in his head, you were just trying to help him with some advice they can keep it or not.
  2. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    My advice to you then, is mind your own fucking business, and handle your dog the way you see fit.
  3. sciri21

    sciri21 Pup

    You didn't do anything that was unreasonable or inherently wrong. You were right to be unhappy, especially if he admitted that he did it out of madness. Sometimes, a friendly correction can be helpful to the recipient. But even if you didn't change anything, your courage in speaking out is laudable.

    Another thing to consider is your own well-being. Trying to change other people's minds and actions can be frustrating and distracting. If that's the case for you, it might be better for you to not say anything.

    Kindest Regards
  4. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    This is a perfect example of what's wrong with people now a days more than ever.....mind your fukn business. Nobody tells you how to treat your property, quit trying to save the world by yourself. If he's beating the dog in public, you'll have plenty of others to jump and try to "save the day." In this case, the less the merrier. You might get your ass beat after the dog does if you tell the wrong person.

    *****Me personally, I don't agree with hitting dogs and I NEVER would myself. But I also wouldn't say nothing to nobody who was, it's their property.
  5. sciri21

    sciri21 Pup


    i would also advise you to disregard those comments that try to make up for their poor argumentation by using the f word
  6. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    No arguments involved people should mind their own fuckin business. That shit can be hazardous to your health. That's the problem with society today, too many people with their nose in other people's business that doesn't concern them. Earlier comment was made about you sweep your side of the street and I sweep mine and that seems like a winner to me.

    If people were dogs, would you be a cur?
  7. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    Yes you should have minded your own business.
  8. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    Yes CajunBoulette205 that is the problem too damn many people being nosey. I'm glad you answered him back.
  9. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Its people like Sciri21 for the reason why this world is fucked up LMAO.
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    hey, my dogs get a good swat in the ass when they need it. i dont play that time out shit......
  11. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I'll say one more time.............we suffer from nosy hypocrites who attempt to judge us, judge how we care for our dogs, and judge us or what we believe in. All the while we are kinder and take better care of our dogs as a whole than most any others. The more professional do, as I exclude the scum who shouldn't have any kind of dog. That being said, I can't believe we would play holier than thou, especially with a bulldog on the end of a lead, and aggressively chastise another. That seems to me, to be about as hypocritical as those we hate to have shit stir at us. You can't show disdain for something by being that way yourself. That does nothing better than prove you can stoop to their low level of mentality.
  12. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    They way I see it that dog is lucky to be out and about walking with his handler. He is walking the dog on his terms and when it does something he doesn't want it gets handled one way or another. Majority of the population don't even take the time to play with their animals let alone getting it exercised so I will give him props for that. I wouldn't walk up to you telling you not to let your kid stuff candy in his mouth because it's bad for his teeth, it's your fuckin kid.
  13. bukskin.banks

    bukskin.banks Big Dog

    Like i said i would have minded my own business, but regarding your comment do you assume that anyone that tries to help someone being fucking nosey? If that person is hitting their dog with their leash, then i'd say they could have used some words of wisdom cause he seems to be struggling. So if your doing something wrong for a long time and no one says anything, when you finally find out if ever, somehow, now do you flip it and go why the fuck didn't anyone say anything to me? I think theres a diff in being fucking nosey and just trying to be nice .... i'm sure the op was just trying to be nice cause his comment could have been worse, and he left it at that. And theres a lot more thatn sweep my side you sweep yours. This may sound stupid but if it took me 10 min to sweep my side and him 5. Then id be more than happy if he was being fucking nosey and told me how to do it, because if i then can sweep mine in 4, i'm going to return the favor and tell him how he can do it in 4. I dnt know if that makes sense, but ya haha .... just the way i see it
  14. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    What courage? "From across the street"..........doesn't seem so courageous to me.
  15. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Then you ask for advice from the guy on other side of street, that's plain and simple. If I don't know you, I dont give a dam how long it takes you to sweep your side and you shouldn't give a shit how long it takes me. And for the record anytime your interject on something thats not your personal business or you weren't asked for your opinion, then that's sticking you nose in the wrong dam place

    If people were dogs, would you be a cur?
  16. bukskin.banks

    bukskin.banks Big Dog

  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I probably would have just minded my own business. People are going to do what they do whether you show/tell them differently or not and you might even run into the person who will let you know what they really think of your opinion, it tends to escalate. It seems like you had good intentions but it's like telling someone how to raise their kids, most get defensive over it, plus you just can't fix stupid.
  18. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Good post, AGK
  19. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    CAN'T FIX STUPID! That's the truth. Another one I like to use is......I CAN SHOW YA BETTER THEN I CAN TEL YA!
  20. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I've often told people that "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."

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