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What's Cookin?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by YellowJohnJocko, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Breakfast for dinner tonight.
    Italian bread French toast, bacon, sausage, Scrambled eggs and Hash browns.

  2. Revelator

    Revelator Big Dog

    That bacon is picture perfect! When I think of bacon, THAT is what I see in my head.
  3. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    In New Mexico try native American food for the first time. Some red chili stew and fry bread taco. Bland as fuck but I'm all about trying new shit.
    Screenshot_20230924_194452_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20230924_194452_Gallery.jpg
    AGK, Revelator and Michele like this.
  4. Revelator

    Revelator Big Dog

    The fry bread is fantastic!
  5. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Italian restaurant where I live:





    AGK, ben brockton and Revelator like this.
  6. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    One of my bosses owns a restaurant in Greenwich Village.


    AGK, ben brockton and Revelator like this.
  7. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Some of my creations:



    AGK and ben brockton like this.
  8. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    @Vicki these are for you... I sell these at a local bakery

    ben brockton likes this.
  9. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Damn Michelle is boujee as fuck lol
    Michele and Revelator like this.
  10. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    @ben brockton next time I make the cookies I'll send you some......
  11. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Last 3 Sundays for this deliciousness. They shut down for the fall/winter.

    Then it's back to Taco bell barf until spring. Lol.

    Couple Steak Tacos and a few pork Tomales for lunch today.



    Grabbed a few carts for the week.


    And a oz. of this really gassy weed. Strain is called Gumbo. I like it better than the last several batches I've gotten.

    Michele and ben brockton like this.
  12. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

  13. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Sober up bamaman lol
    AGK likes this.
  14. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    Hell idk what got cooked there.... but there a "club" right up the road we can watch 1/2 retards ride shit ass bulls in the club.... special brand of white trash round hurr
    Revelator likes this.
  15. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    Michele likes this.
  16. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    Chicken Parmigiana
    Ssdd likes this.
  17. Revelator

    Revelator Big Dog

    Bro, I need this sort of entertainment in my life!
  18. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Bad ass Donkey lol idk how it wound up in the food thread lol. I've saw some bad ass donkeys around here. They will kill the shit out of a coyote
  19. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    I love a good rodeo but not mechanical bull shit. Best thing about a good rodeo is the ladies! Ladies love a dam rodeo. Some of the most beautiful ladies I ever saw was at the dam rodeo. I saw some Mexican ladies and they came from money , tight jeans, long black hair, cowboy hats. They got good stock to and I was glad to meet them .
  20. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

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