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What's your opinion?

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by MR BIGGS, Oct 12, 2006.

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    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006
  2. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I use Shar-pei. They do well when I have small children here to visit. And any stranger is not going to be messing around. My pit bulls get to barking and carrying on when stragers are here too. But it is the Shar-Pei that run them off. Or my shot gun. The best guard dog I ever had was a mutt. 1/2 mastiff 1/4 German Shepherd 1/4 wolf. However he didn't like any one but me period. Anything or person else was dead meat. He never once growed or harmed a kid. But if you raised your voice to a child you were in deap shit. He would not tollerate that. He wouldn't even let my dogs near the farm animals. My Pit Bulls wouldn't even dare mess with him. I had Rocky 16 years just 3 months shy of 17. He passed last year September 3rd. Broke my heart. Loved that old dog. One thing was for sure no one came into the yard and if a child was here no one raised a hand to that child more than the first time. He tore my brother up once for that crap. Litterally tore him up. I warned him not to hit his kids around me or the dog. But he is an asshole and did it any way. He has not been here again. His wife brings the boys over to visit but the brother isn't allowed here. Nor our mother. Not only the dog didn't go for that shit but I do not either. Spanking is one thing but hitting out of anger or up side the head pisses me off to no end. I don't have any kids. I would like some but I was never blessed with any. I suppose they mean more to me because of that. I would never abuse a kid. I am off topic now. Back on track. I loved him as a guard dog but my Shar-pei do well. Shot gun does best. And my friend you have to get over that fear of dogs. They are very attuned to that. They will not hurt you. If your the owner they will love you. Love your family too. It's other peoples dogs that you need to keep a watchful yet not fearful eye on. They will prey on your fear. It is only natural.
    Hope that helps. Dogs that don't mind being pulled on by kids are few but the Shar-pei don't seem to mind, Pit Bulls sure don't mind and My cousin has a Neopolitan Mastiff that guards over his kids like they were her own pups. lol. She is very intimidating to strangers. And would probably tear a stranger up for messing around. Sure would over the kids. A pit bull will watch over children. They are smart enough to know friend from foe. However friendly enough to be stolen. I don't like herd dogs as guard dogs. Mastiffs are great for it though. Every dog must be socialized with the family. Just keep it unassociated with outsiders.

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006
  4. jdbpitbull

    jdbpitbull Big Dog

    I say socialize the dog with others for the dogs sake because just with the dog being an apbt people will be leary just to enter because of the bad rap that is already on them so dont do make another pit be another reason for others to believe that they are such mean and horrible dogs
  5. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    You MAY be able to trust the animal around your family, to an extent, but let me explain this a bit better. You can't trust it will be worth a shit as a guard dog, most fearful dogs are more content tucking tail and growling, staying out of distance...barking to alert its pack leader to come save its ass. Your going to have a dog that is not only a stressed out, fearful dog, with an unhappy life, but your going to have to worry about jimmy down the road when "Max" hops that fence. Or worry about your neighbors complaining, because the mailman, or metermen wont come to your house, or around it, because of the monster in the backyard. How are you going to take this unstable, unsocialized dog to the vet for up-keep? Rabies, puppy shots when young, then stick in the backyard until it gets old and ill, then shoot it because you cant risk taking it to the vet for a diagnosis or preventative maintenance? Listen, you are taking the lazy mans way out, and seem oblivious to the consequences that are highly probable. The RIGHT way to get a gaurd dog for your yard, that is stable with your family, and will still do its job is....get an animal who has been bred to gaurd the yard, be stable with the family,and do its job!

    I cant stress enough this is a terrible idea.

    Danger to everyone but your family, which is what, 5 people?

    Unhappy, unstable dog.

    Probably wont be worth a shit as a gaurd dog anyways!

    Theres too many risks, and negatives. You can have BETTER dog, get rid of most of those negatives all together, and actually have a good family dog, not just a mutt you seclude in the backyard to look tough and bark.


    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006
  8. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Having read everything and considered it carefully I'd have to say, NO ONE is mis-reading your post. You want to do something that is wrong, both morally and practicaly.

    What you SHOULD do is get in contact with a good PP trainer and work with them and then, based on what you learn choose a dog from there.

    What you've said you want to do is to willfully misraise a dog by isolating it in the hope it will turn "mean".

    This is a lot like the stories the HSUS puts out about "training" dogs to fight. REAL DEAL protection dogs should be, accepting and trusting as pups and as they get older, EVEN IF PROPERLY SOCIALIZED will become more suspicous and aloof with strangers. And that attitude is bred into the dogs, training is a way of honing their instincts and giving YOU more control.

    Having read what you've said it sounds like you want to as someone else said "create a junk yard dog". Creating a "junk yard dog" is the wrong way to go about getting a real protection dog. The dog you end up with if you do it YOUR way will be highly unstable and a danger to you, and your family.
  9. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    I'm sorry, but I think you may be the one mis-reading what has been said here. You want a guard/protection breed. Fair enough. You want to isolate this animal from all human contact except for your immediate family. What we're trying to tell you is that is not the way to go about it. It will lead to an unhappy, unsound dog that won't know the difference between friend and foe. All other people can be percieved as a threat to a dog like that. Protection training isn't isolation. You have been given some really good advice in this thread. Just swallow your pride and take what has been said into consideration. There's nothing wrong with saying, "hey, I see where you guys are coming from, maybe what I'm thinking isn't the best way to go about it". That's all man. No hard feelings, no reason to be so defensive. Nobody wants to see any dog unhappy, and we surely don't want to see anyone get hurt by a dog, or anyone land themselves in a nasty law suit because of what their dog did.
  10. MR BIGGS

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

    I think Attila is the only one who made a response that is reality based. A dog with love and constant attention from it's owner will less likely attack its' owner even if it's anti-social to outsiders. It doesn't take a book or research to know that.
  11. bigs now i am gonna tell you honest,for your needs you dont need any special breed a good mongrel of the proper size will do as good as any.go scan your local paper and get ya a nice pup thats healthy looking,that will do as good of a job as any.now i understand what your trying to do and i understand it will only be used to your family,but trust me this isnt the way you want to go about it all you will end up doing is ruining a good dog.i have 2 dobermans that i use as guard dogs they are excellent,but they are also socialiazed.i wouldnt own a dog that aint used to people,see ya dont want a dog that will just attack anybody,you want a dog that will alert you that someone is there and if that person keeps pressing the luck before you get out there bite him and hold him at bay till you do.you want a dog that when you say thats fine he will let that person come through and walk around.my dogs are very friendly when i am around,but if i am not there or dont tell them it's ok they will keep that person at bay.and thats what you want my friend not a dog that will attack anything that moves,trust me them dogs are no fun to own,i had one when i had my construction buisness and i did the same thing you did only got it used to me at my house and buisness.then at closing time i would leave him outback with my equipment to watch it,i had to end up getting rid of the dog it got uncontrolable even for me.so what i would recomend is getting a nice mongrel with guard breeds in it that will be about 50 or 60 pounds with short hair or medium lenth hair,get it used to your family and all kinds of friendly people and trust me he will do his job at night when your asleep and when your away.but you honestly dont want a dog that doesnt know people or know how to act around them been there done that and they are no fun to have trust me on this.
  12. MR BIGGS

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

  13. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    yo why in the hell did u ask us for our opinions on the matter if u already made up ur mind. The hell with it just do what ur gonna do and hope for the best, hopefully u won't end up on the front page of some paper. I don't get u man u asked for opinions and u got them from people that have experience with guard dogs, but u said nah fu*k it im gonna do what i want anyway, unbelievable.
    Pitbull219 likes this.
  14. but it also says this as well.

    Always be aware that a Rottie, if uncontrolled and not carefully trained, can be a danger.

    Obedience training along with socialization, therefore, is a must from puppyhood. The dog's protective instincts must be properly channeled to make him steady and reliable and completely, instantly controlled by your voice. From the age of just a few months, get him to know the commands "come", "down", "stay", "heel", and "sit". Make a game of doing so, with lots of petting and praise when the order is correctly followed and you will be surprised how quickly your extremely intelligent baby Rottie will get the idea. Rottweilers are smart and they love to please - therefore they are generally quite easily trained.
    Our modern Rottweilers take their own and their master's possessions with deep seriousness. Careful handling of this instinct is essential if problems are to be avoided. This is where socialization takes on special importance. For while you may want your Rottweiler to protect you, your home and your property, at the same time you want him to realize that certain people (friends, family members, letter carriers, etc.) also have legitimate business there and should be able to come and go unmolested. So take the trouble to "introduce" your Rottie to these people. Let your Rottie see that you consider them friends and approve of their presence and he will react accordingly, being at least more tolerant of their presence.
  15. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    this is from that link you posted: Our modern Rottweilers take their own and their master's possessions with deep seriousness. Careful handling of this instinct is essential if problems are to be avoided. This is where socialization takes on special importance. For while you may want your Rottweiler to protect you, your home and your property, at the same time you want him to realize that certain people (friends, family members, letter carriers, etc.) also have legitimate business there and should be able to come and go unmolested. So take the trouble to "introduce" your Rottie to these people. Let your Rottie see that you consider them friends and approve of their presence and he will react accordingly, being at least more tolerant of their presence.

    Hello, McFly....anyone there???
  16. Pitbull219

    Pitbull219 CH Dog

    lmao!! Tex, were we just on the same wavelength there or what???
  17. just take my word on it biggs,you want a stable dog,and that requires getting them used to people.isolating your dog is right up there with beating a dog to make it mean in my opinion.i have been there and done that with the isolation thing it dont work right.i had to end up getting rid of my guard dog,if your gonna do something son do it right you will be happier in the long run.but what it all boils down to is what you decide some folks dont take advice to well and have to learn by mistakes and there aint no harm in that,i just hope you listen tothe advice given to you.there are some things a man has to learn on his own,a man cant be pushed and checked through out his life and be expected to learn a whole lot sure he can learn some but not everything.sometimes you have to find it out on your own.so either way Biggs i wish ya the best of luck with your new watch dog.

    P.S-havent found anything yet about what your looking for,but i aint went through all my lists yet.
  18. B

    B CH Dog

    Obviously you had your mind set before you started this thread because you're discarding lots of proper advice and information that people are sharing for you. With that being said, this thread is closed. Obviously you hear what you want to hear and are going to do what you want to do.

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