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Which fighters are more like the game dog, boxers or MMA fighters?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by aka, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    LOL. Clearly you have no boxing experience. Because if you did, you would realize it is so much harder than MMA.
  2. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    This is very true.I used to box and I knew how to recover in there and buy some time.When u clinch it burns up a lot of energy.In BJJ they clinch all the time and struggle to take a guy down or control him on the ground.This burns alot of energy.The first time I grappled in BJJ and the guy took me down and stayed on top of me I wore out trying to move around.Why because it was new to me and I didn't know how to relax.Both sports are hard boxing and MMA.MMA has more to deal with takedowns,blocking takedowns,submissions,leg kicks,elbows,punches.Now I never didMMA.
  3. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Somebody finally gets it. Also Jelet. you are a biginner in both sports. So your inexperience shows.
  4. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    everybody and their brother is an "mma fighter", its the latest trend-just look around at all the douchebags sporting tapout, affliction, etc gear. most wouldnt last, most are just posturing.
    boxing is a bit different. a little more ~underground~ if you will. coming up thru the ranks always has been, where mma has simply been exploited...pretty much since day 1.

    i have never done any mma, but i did box for a number of years. while there are obvious parallels, im gonna say the boxer is more like the bulldog.

    big whoop, wanna fight about it?
  5. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    in terms of the actual mechanics......mma is closer to a gamedog match....wrestling it out.....favourite holds..etc..at the end of the day....alot of mma is grappling,holding and trying to finish the other....by stoppage or tapout.......sounds similar dont it?the stoppage or tapout is the handshake or the quit of a dog....
  6. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I've never understood this way of thinking. If someone wears Tapout gear they are a wanna be fighter but if someone is decked out in Steeler gear that doesn't mean they are a wannabe football star. They are just a fan. Why can't someone wear the gear because they are a fan?
  7. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    MMA has been around longer then u think.Pankration ring a bell?
  8. New England

    New England Banned

    youve got to be way more game to box.Theirs no tappin out,in some of the old fights they would box 20-30 rounds.You watch some frasier fights,pure game.
  9. websterz28

    websterz28 Big Dog

    ehh if they wear it they usually THINK they are a figter... and yes rally is right alot of people like to act like theyre a fighter and wear affliction and tapout...if you look at the real jiujitsu players/fighters ect they will usualy be wearing regular clothes or gym shirts... I would never buy one of those fad poser shirts,, if im gonna wear a mma oriented shirt i will wear my kenflo shirt i got at a seminar or one of the shirts i bought while training in brazil... or one of the gyms t shirts ive trained with ect ect been training for four years and i own 0 affliction tapout or poser shirts. thats just how i do.
  10. websterz28

    websterz28 Big Dog

    what about when helio gracie and kimura fought they fought for like 3 hours until kimura fialy caught gracie in a keylock(now refered to as a kimura) and helio didnt tap he let him break his arm.... what about when renze got caught in a kimura and sakuraba snapped his arm in half and he still didnt tap if that aint gameness in mma and bjj i dont know what is..lol
  11. chessfighter

    chessfighter Big Dog

    I have to go with MMA. It's called Mixed Martial Arts for a reason.
    You can't be good at just one thing. You have to be a great all around fighter.
    Either on your feet, on your back in the guard, or on top in a dominant position.
    I know some kickboxers who would smash some boxers.
    We also have to take the rule into account.
    Boxing you have 10 to 12 3minute rounds.
    No kicking, punches only to the upper body, no hitting a grounded opponent.
    No punches to the back of the head, no holding, no elbows.
    Let's look at the MMA (U.S.) rules. 3 to 5 5minute rounds, no kicks or knees to the head of a grounded opponent,
    no punches to the back of the head.
    My point is comparing Boxing and MMA is like comparing Bananas to Avocados.
    Yes they're both fruit but very different in may ways.
    An MMA fighter fighting a boxer under boxing rules favor a boxer, and a Boxer fighting an MMA fighter under MMA rules favors the MMA fighter.
    Let me tell you this... Boxers do not do well under MMA rules besides KJ Noons. Mercer got a KO over a fat azz Silvia, but before that he was choked out by Kimbo Slice.....Kimbo Slice chocked his azz out. Kimbo..
    Ch James Tony has a fight coming up with Randy Couture at UFC 118. This will be a better indicator than the Mercer VS. Silva fight.

    And if you want to see a game fighter, check out a Scott Smith fight.


    Old time boxing, unlimited number of rounds.
  13. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Old time MMA was called NHB, No Holds Barred. They had no time limit, no weight class, and no rules!
  14. Tigerlines

    Tigerlines Banned

    i have to agree with rallyracer, everyone thinks they are a bjj black belt or mma street fighter , very funny:D..and i will be ordering some affliction hoodies , as i like the quality of the stitching,and it makes me look HARD down the gym (joking)..:D
    mma is far more draining than boxing in my opinion, ..i have trained in both and also muay thai, boxing is the easiest, then muay thai, then mma ....when you get winded, then taken down, then grapple on the ground, with another 200lb body on top of you..everything from your grip to your arms to your abs scream out from lactic acid and fatigue............i believe the anaerobic demands mma places on your body is known as anaerobic lactic , boxing although it taps this energy source also, it relies much more on the anearobic alactic , and aerobic system for short fast bursts of energy and recovery....but i love all three....strictly as a spectator.:D
  15. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    the conditioning for a 5 round championship mma match is for sure more intense for a body than in training for boxing....you have to condition the body for all types of work in mma.....sparring in boxing is about timing,ring rust...etc....in mma you have to work the body ready for ground and stand up......boxing is only stand up....a good pal of mine...no...not me.....does both.....he is real fighting championships champion..and a boxer...the amount of work that he has to put in for his mma is more intense than his boxing.....because he knows he has no way of actually knowing how he is going to be made to fight on the night....stand up or grapple.....so he has to condition his body for both.....
  16. chessfighter

    chessfighter Big Dog

    Ol school MMA, no rounds, no time limit, no weight limit, everything goes (except biting).
  17. hardmouth87

    hardmouth87 Big Dog

    are you fucking serious? Nick Diaz will get knocked the fuck out if he faught a elite boxer his hands are shit compared to a pure boxer, and as far as the comparison between both sports is this. They are two completey diff shapes you have to get in to compete. Like war dog said if you are a boxer and try to graple you will gas and if you are a grappler and try to box 12 rounds you will gas. Boxers and mma fighters train completey diff and I know cuz I am a boxer and I have competed in golden gloves,national tournaments, and alot of local shows. My friend is a serious mma fighter and I've trained with him on the floor and it is exaushting if you are not trained for it vice versa
  18. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    Yeah, in terms of mechanics.

    Imo, boxing is more like the box (I know you said game dog but it applies), though. You can get lit up, hit the canvas, get back up before the count and YOU have to decide if you wanna go back in there. In boxing it's easier to show gameness, while most mma fights are like hard ass rolls. Both disciplines makes for some great fighters in their own respects. I hate when people start comparing the two, but imo, you usually can't make someone tap out if you can't get to them or have some kind of control over them. Most mma fights I've watched prove that outside strikes are always going to be superior to ground skills. I'm not saying strikes > groundgame or that any good striker will beat any good grappler (far from it), but you can't go into an mma fight with no striking skills unless you going into the same type of fighter. You can however have some bad ass hands and win on the strength of that with little experience in grappling/ground.

    People that haven't boxed (or usually the ones that haven't fought much at all) are usually the ones saying boxing is "only stand up". Some of ya'll I doubt have ever been in a school fight. lol

    Resting while on the ground...?

    Resting while grappling or in clinches???

    Long arms??? LMAO

    Like pep said, mma fighters fight more like them, but the boxing sport is more like the test. Broken bones and lacerations just make the showing more flashy, but the scratch is what proves gameness. This is all my opinion so take it or leave it.

    Jelet, you must be constipated.
  19. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    LOL. Clearly you have little to no experience in boxing. Go back to watching tv and drinking beer you fat outofshape redneck. And are you implying that I said "its only stand up" Because I never did. But I did say and still say, FOR MOST OF THE TIME in 99% of boxing fights it is STAND UP.

    For MOST OF THE TIME IN MMA, it is NOT "stand up"

    This fatty has got to be midly retarded/a little slow... Just look at the boxing video I posted above, HOW MANY TIMES DID THEY GRAPPLE?? WHAT PERCENT OF TIME??

    For the MMA fight I posted, how many times did they grapple on the ground???

    Who said this?? I said it doesnt waste your breath as much as standing up on the feeting boxing .

    Who said this?? Its like jogging instead of sprinting for me. LESS WORK/not as tiring. I guess I just am way to strong for my weight class and only need to use 50% of my strength to control my opponent. but from my experience this is the case. its like jogging compared to running. or running at a slower pace when you grapple.. not that tiring. Its more of strength being used then your stamina.

    Whats so funny? Clearly you don't have long arms, thus you dont know the benefits or fighting style with long arms. And clearly you are not fast or strong.

    As I cant picture ANYONE unless some elite professional boxer (my weight class)trying to successfully grapple with me in boxing as I am to quick and keep my distance and use my long arms. They would get fking dropped.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2010
  20. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Funny I thought the towel could be thrown in, and I have seen boxers quit in their corner a.k.a. standing the line.

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