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Which one would you get?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by CB, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    If you were spending a pretty penny on a prospect, then why not just buy a pup and take a gamble on it? If you look at what (from the limited ads I've seen for them) "prospects" seem to cost a grand or more.....why not get a pup, take the time to watch it grow, and if it don't work out, put it down/fix it and place it, and get another pup.

    Me personally, I feel too much bonding would be missed out on if you bought a more mature dog. A dog, like any true friend, would die for you if needed, but I don't think the "food & water bringer" warrants as much of a commitment from the animal.

    Me, I'd get a pup, and you'd be just as well flipping a quarter to decide between to two, imo, unless one really caught your eye and reacts well with you.
  2. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    That may be ture about other breeds, the unable to bond as well with an older dog, but it isnt with a bulldog. It is amazing how quickly they will bond with a new owner, even if the dog is 4 or 5 years of age. That is the downside, because someone can steal your well socialized dog, and in short order, have the dog willing to lay its life down for THEM!

    The camble is that you could go through 15 pups before you got a good one, or you could let someone else go through that process for you(hence the higher price) and be heads and tails ahead. Of course, you should only get one from a reputable breeder that you trust, and of course you should take a look at the dog with your eyes. In times past, the majority of dogmen's word was good. Nowadays we have people claiming all kinds of stuff. So definately would have to look. Like I said, the $300 price tag would steer me clear, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!\

    I have to admit, I would have been reeled in by the "prospect", but unless my eyes showed me different, I would have broke line!
  3. 1Pit_ManyLuvs

    1Pit_ManyLuvs Big Dog

    I think you should go with the prospect....:D
    You know how she is bred and what her littermates are like....Sophie is her sister. lol
    Also, I just prefer older dogs to getting a puppy and having to go through the whole training thing, of course there is a chance you may have to "train out" a bad habit with older dogs.
    Not taking anything away from the puppies (they are nicely bred also), but Eedi is a good looking and acting dog....


  4. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    There is not a whole lot of staff in this dog.

    The staff comes in in the 5th generation in the form of a dog called Blue Rondo, but it is Patton blood, which has been known to be behind a few winners.

    There is also some Watchdog blood in the 7th from a dog called CoJim, but again I wouldn't worry over it as it's too far back to worry about & even if it were closer, the old WD blood was behind a few winners as well.

    But Sweetie is a linebred Superman II dog & Aphrodite is a mix of Medlin's Outlaw, Jeep, Rascal, Otis & Obnoxious Ox.

    So IMO, I would not say the dog is go on the top & show on the bottom as that certainly does not seem to be the case. The dog is has maybe about 4% staff, if that.

    As for which dog to choose, the prospect seems to be the most obvious choice. However ... I too am leery of the price they have on this dog as good prospects are often quite a bit more than $300.

    Further, what w/ the prospect appearing to be rather scatterbred, I would wonder about her ability to reliably produce as well.

    That being said, I would consider either one of the pups before the prospect.

    Or buy one of the pups as well as the prospect. At $300 it's not like purchasing her is going to break the bank. She might end up being a worthy investment after all & of she isn't, you've still got the pup.

    JMHO ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2007
  5. Excelsior-Mom

    Excelsior-Mom Big Dog

    Ok here is how I broke this one down-
    All three have GrCh Mills & Garner Izod. The two pups have him as sire and the prospect has him as grand sire. The difference is going to be on the bottem. For what your looking for I would list them:
    1st place-3rd pup [although not a big fan of jeep (jmho)]
    2nd place-1st pup
    3rd place-Prospect (I personally,me myself and I, would think about getting her because of her adba show potential and I have a soft spot for her color, YES I said COLOR)

    These are just my thoughts.
    Please let us know what you decided to do.
  6. CB

    CB CH Dog

    The reason there selling her cheap is they run a whole new differernt blood now and there about to have a litter drop and need room. The prospect is the littermate to my bitch sophi which has everything you would want in a dog. And the prospect is suppose to be just like sophi if not better. So i dont know i might just wait until i have my mind set on a dog i really want in the future and just use the money on my current dogs.
  7. Excelsior-Mom

    Excelsior-Mom Big Dog

    If your that fond of your dog, sophi, and she's a littermate than go for it.
  8. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    yeah, Sophi is an amazing bitch...Going on that, I'd say go with the prospect.
  9. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    yea... especially because somebody (aah-hem) mentioned farming you a dog bred a little nicer then that...
  10. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Well, if you have the littermate to the prospect, there is really no need to get her. You already have THAT blood on your yard. Basically, you'll be spending $300 to see which littermate is better, not which blood is clicking the best. And this isn't gonna improve your yard. Go with one of the pups. The 1st one has a mighty pretty ped, but I'd take the 3rd choice over it. Simply b/c to me, it looks like the first one was bred on paper. The 3rd one is bred off of BULLDOGS.
  11. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    I would pick the 3rd one if it was me
  12. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    Ditto. :D But just go with your gut. If you're not sure, pass em up and wait, like you said.
  13. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    I would pass on all of them. I really don't see what you'd get out of them except for maybe a good performance dog, but nothing I'd want to use for breeding.
    There is better Spikey blood out there is that is what you want.
  14. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    I agree. pass on those.
  15. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    Another thing is, I think it is strange when a kennel switches lines and get rid of the other stuff. Usually if a line you are running is lacking something or starts getting to tight you add to it, not get rid of it.
    The Watcher likes this.
  16. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Thank you. I've been holding my breath on this entire thread telling myself, "if you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." :D
  17. YoungLion

    YoungLion Big Dog

    I dont think i would get any either but to each his own. hope you find what ya need.
  18. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    myself i wouldn't take any.if you have one good dog from from the kennel just hang on to it,save your money and get a diffrent pup.a good prospect will cost you a lot more than 300 bucks so something is up with her that they ain't letting on about to you.a prospect if your lucky enough to get your hands on one will set you back at least 3 times as much and they don't go often.so if it was me i would look for some blood to make what you already have and are happy with that much better.

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