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Yard dogs in summer + Tips

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by dog-man, May 14, 2007.

  1. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    I would like to know from all you that have yard dogs in the summer , what do you do to keep them cool and other tips in general, ill start, I live in Phoenix,AZ and it can get up to 112f in summer here, i use mini coolers as water bowls , dig a deep hole in the ground and drop them there, every morning throw in a block of ice in there keeps the water cool all day even in extreme temperatures I also have shades that are moveable as you never know where the sun is going to come from.
  2. mansch

    mansch Big Dog

    you can try a misting system.
  3. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    im not sure if giving dogs cold water in extreme temps is a good idea. there is nothing wrong with warm water. the point is to stay hydrated, not necesarily cool. being very hot and taking in too much cold water can be a problem. you dogs will be just fine as long as they have shade and water.
  4. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    the canine body, like humans, breaks down water and uses it better when it's at body temperature or warmer, believe it or not. it's absorbed faster and more efficiently

    from what i've seen a hot dog will drink the amount of warm water it needs to cool it's body off, versus some dogs who'll lap a whole bowl of ice cold water down, then they vomit it all back up :)
  5. dam that is the reason for that thanks Now I know.

    Sometimes I take the whole glass of water after my dogs are worked and pore it on the dogs head just to help cool him off is this a good ideal.
  6. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Im not talking about giving my dogs ice cold water at freezing temps in hot weather lol, the coolers keep the water cool not freezing, I dont know bout you, but when i come from jogging a 5 miler i prefer my gatorade or water ice cold man...........................

    Ps, my dogs never over do it in drinking their water as its always there for them to drink freely.
  7. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    worst thing you can do in my opinion is give them cold water in the heat.just frsh clean water is all thats needed and they should have lots of it in the heat.the cooler bit is ok but i wouldn't do it myself.only thing i can tell you to do is what works for me here in Texas and in the summer it gets to be around 110.first thing is dog house your dog should have a nice dog house to go into thats up off the ground to keep it cooler also try and put it under a shade tree if you can or put some form of shade over it like a tarp or something,second give them some sort of shade structure to go lay under wich consists of a roof sides and back but it is big and tall for the dog to lay under and escape the heat,also i make my dogs a little leaner so they can regulate the heat better.thats what works for me but you have to try it out yourself and see how it works for you.
  8. dunlap

    dunlap Big Dog

    That's a bad idea. If you wanna use water to cool of your dogs, be sure to rub it on their chest, not the head.

    I live out in the middle of a hay field with no shade trees at all. I build my dog houses extra nice and leave a big over hang on each side for shad. I've got to 10'x20' pins that are for my pups and I've got a tarp over the middle of each of them. Just keep em' watered daily, sometimes twice daily if their water gets hot mid day...

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